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What to Expect in the Master Plan

REDWatch has prepared the following summary of what to expect in the Master Plan from the HNSW Planning Pyramid, the What goes into a Preliminary master Plan, the Community Engagement Schedule, references in the BEP2 to the Master Plan and relevant sections in the SMDA precinct brief for Redfern and Waterloo. The document aims to show what is expected to be in the Planning Controls, the Preliminary master Plan and the Final Master Plan. It also seeks to show the SMDA's ongoing interest through the precinct brief. We will update this list as more information becomes available.

Coverage of the RWA / SMDA BEP2 & Housing NSW Master Plan?

The draft BEP2 proposed the high level planning controls including:

  • Height (HNSW Planning Pyramid) Building height controls (Draft BEP2 P72)
  • Density (Floor Space) (HNSW Planning Pyramid) Floor space ratio controls (Draft BEP2 P70)
  • Permissible Land Use (HNSW Planning Pyramid) Land use zones (Draft BEP2 P68)
  • Urban design guiding principles (Draft BEP2 P66)
  • Design excellence provisions (Draft BEP2 P76)

BEP2 Studies

  • Preliminary public domain strategy (Draft BEP2 P74)
  • Preliminary transport and movement strategy (Draft BEP2 P86)
  • Community Facilities review (Draft BEP2 P87)

Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA absorbed the RWA)

The SMDA is to prepare a in accordance with the requirements of the Urban Renewal SEPP (the Urban Renewal Study) (Draft BEP2 P3) covering an area wider than that under BEP2:

The SMDA advised the RWA BEMAC on 9 November that they would undertake five studies as part of their precinct study relvenenbt to the BEP2 area. The study areas are:

  • Urban Design Public Domain
  • Transport and Traffic
  • Social Assessment & Scoping
  • Economic Analysis
  • Utilities and Infrastructure


Other references to what will be included in the studies are


  • The study will include various specialist reports and analyses in areas such as:  infrastructure capacity, opportunities for increasing housing and employment, traffic and flood modelling, existing neighbourhood characteristics, urban design modelling, social and economic factors, environmental issues, sustainability, landscaping and the public domain.  These will support the final study of the area and will enable the preparation of the proposed statutory planning controls and framework (GUIDELINE SEPP (URBAN RENEWAL) 2010 p 8)
  • The details of the specific areas to be covered in the study have been set in the Redfern-Waterloo Precinct Outcomes Brief. A number of the precinct outcomes specifically refer to the redevelopment of public housing and other areas while not specific are also relevant. Key areas include:

o   State Policy Directions: Greater community and dwelling diversity is provided (MP)

Precinct Outcomes: The mix of dwellings in Redfern and Waterloo social housing areas is more balanced and a wide range of dwelling types is provided across the precinct.

Suggested Local Renewal Actions:

  • Achieve a 40:60 split of public: private housing on Redfern and Waterloo social housing sites and incorporate 10% affordable housing in the private housing component.
  • Investigate opportunities for greater provision of affordable housing for key workers within the precinct.
  • Identify ways to integrate social, affordable and private housing to encourage social inclusion.
  • Renew existing social housing stock and encourage social sustainability within the precinct.

o   State Policy Directions: State dwelling and employment targets are met (MP)

Precinct Outcomes: Metropolitan Plan dwelling and employment targets for the Sydney City Subregion have been met.

Suggested Local Renewal Actions:

  • Make an appropriate contribution to the Metropolitan Plan City of Sydney Local Government Area targets of 61,000 new dwellings and 114,000 new jobs.

o   State Policy Directions: Opportunities for redevelopment of key Government and privately owned sites have been explored (SEPP)

Precinct Outcomes: Renewal opportunities for key sites have been explored.

Suggested Local Renewal Actions:

  • Promote the efficient renewal of social housing stock within the precinct.

o   State Policy Directions: Social infrastructure is appropriate, adequate and accessible (SP, MP)

Precinct Outcomes: A significant portion of Redfern and Waterloo social housing has been retained and renewed and community facilities / services are provided to support the expanding population.

Suggested Local Renewal Actions:

  • Ensure renewal does not contribute to a reduction in social housing across the City of Sydney Local Government Area.
  • Explore innovative and high quality designs for new social housing that provides high amenity and meets changing needs.
  • Establish local activity hubs which provide services and facilities to meet the needs of the existing and new population.
  • Make an appropriate contribution to the affordable housing targets set out by the City of Sydney.

o   State Policy Directions: Sustainability has been improved through the incorporation of design measures for climate change adaptation (SP, MP)

Precinct Outcomes: Water, energy and waste minimisation systems are incorporated in all new developments.

Suggested Local Renewal Actions:

  • SMDA to develop partnerships with the City of Sydney to promote sustainability and deliver green outcomes.
  • In redeveloping key larger sites consider a whole of block approach for ESD initiatives to improve environmental outcomes, efficiency and cost.
  • Investigate with City of Sydney the provision of a network of ‘green energy’ in the public domain.
  • Community feedback on the proposed planning controls, design excellence strategy, preliminary public domain and transport strategy will provide an important basis for the development of the study In accordance with the Urban Renewal SEPP  (Draft BEP2 P66) This study will take into consideration feedback received regarding draft BEP 2. (Draft BEP2 P8)
  • Further analysis of social, economic and environmental issues (Draft BEP2 P8)
  • This Community Facilities Review will be used to understand the requirements for any additional community facilities and will be used to inform the Urban Renewal Study to be prepared by SMDA (Draft BEP2 P87).

The Preliminary Master Plan

It “sets out the vision, key directions and guiding framework for redevelopment under the BEP2 controls”

Note some quotes in BEP2 refer to Master Plan without distinguishing if they are to be part of yjr Preliminary or Final Master Plan. Where it is not clear we have included below.

The Housing Affordability Fund agreement with Housing NSW for the Preliminary Master Plan funding states under what HNSW must do as follows:

Develop a preliminary master plan and complete the desktop survey for the Redfern and Waterloo precincts in inner Sydney.

You must complete the following work as part of the preliminary master planning process:

  • - Desktop survey database (HAF Agreement)
  • - Community building and engagement framework - Preliminary community consultation (HAF Agreement)
  • - Physical and social infrastructure scoping - Concept plan vision (HAF Agreement)
  • - Concept plan staging options (HAF Agreement)
  • - Preliminary background studies (HAF Agreement)
  • - Concept plan (HAF Agreement)
  • - Preliminary master plan community consultation - Preliminary master plan in-principle approval (HAF Agreement)
  • - Infrastructure strategy initial stage (HAF Agreement)

Other BEP2 and Housing NSW references are as follows:

  • A Comprehensive master Planning Process will be undertaken (BEP2 P3)
  • Baseline Study (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • BEP2 Feedback (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • Community Consultation Workshops (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • It (MP) will employ good practice community engagement and consultation approaches and ensure all stakeholders have input (BEP2 P9).
  • Connections, Shops & Community Services – Sept (Workshop)
  • Initial Infrastructure Strategy (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • Linkages & Connections Studies (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • The final location, function and location of new links will be the subject of extensive consultation in the development of a detailed public domain strategy for the Master Plan (BEP2 P75).
  • Pedestrian & Cycling Studies (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • Community Needs & Facilities Analysis (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • This Community Facilities Review (Cred Community Planning) will be used to understand the requirements for any additional community facilities and will be used to inform the … Master Plan (BEP2 P87).
  • Community hubs (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Preliminary Master Plan will provide more detailed framework to incorporation of community (p9) facilities (BEP2 P3)
  • Waterloo (Block 13a) Existing neighbourhood shops/centre is poorly sited … Development of a new centre, either at this location, or alternative location determined as part of a future master plan  (BEP2 P34).
  • opportunities for local retail, community oriented commercial activities and social infrastructure/services, setting a GFA allowance for such uses across the Precincts in the future Master Plan (BEP2 P66).
  • Streets – October (Workshop)
  • A detailed review of the existing streets, laneways and through site links will be undertaken in the development of the public domain strategy for the Master Plan to identify where upgrades are required (BEP2 P75).
  • Linkages & Transport (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Transport Studies (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • Preliminary transport and movement strategy further developed for the Master Plan (BEP2 P3).
  • Preliminary Transport and Movement Strategy - The key initiatives identified (by PB) to improve transport and movement … will be considered in the development of the Preliminary Master Plan to be prepared by HNSW (BEP2 P86).
  • The proposed reopening of these roads will be considered in the development of a detailed Public Domain Strategy as part of the Master Planning Process (BEP2 P74).
  • Parks – November (Workshops)
  • The development of the detailed public domain strategy for the Master Plan will need to be supported by a comprehensive landscape plan and tree assessment (BEP2 P75).
  • The location of future parks and open space is to be identified within the future Master Plan, (BEP2 P75).
  • a detailed public domain strategy to be prepared with the Master Plan (BEP2 P74).
  • a detailed public domain and open space strategy, which will form part of the Master Plan (BEP2 P74).
  • Public Domain Strategy (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • The preliminary public domain strategy further developed for the Master Plan (BEP2 P3).
  • Parks & Public Domain Strategies (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • Preliminary Master Plan will provide more detailed framework for improvement of open areas and public space (BEP2 P3,9)
  • The exact location of parks (BEP2 Q&A2 Q1)
  • The location of future parks and open spaces is to be identified within the future Master Plan (BEP2 P74).
  • Building Design – January (Workshop)
  • Preliminary Master Plan will provide more detailed framework to guide building form (BEP2 P3,9)
  • Built Form Ideas (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • Amount of buildings to be universal housing (BEP2 Q&A2 Q14)
  • The process for the assessment of design excellence shall be identified in the future Master Plan. (BEP2 P76).
  • Environmental Management Analysis (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • Environmental systems (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Preliminary Master Plan will provide more detailed framework to environmental initiatives (BEP2 P3) important to creating sustainable & liveable community (p9)
  • Site Analysis (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • Site Analysis (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Urban Design (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • The future development (for particular blocks) will be determined in the formulation of the Master Plan and in subsequent individual development and project applications (BEP2 P76)
  • Preliminary staging options (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Off-site acquisition options (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • A detailed staging Plan including for 700 replacement units in LGA (BEP2 Q&A2 Q17)
  • Preliminary Master Plan will provide more detailed framework to guide land use (BEP2 P3,9)
  • Land use mix (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Social housing will be provided in a mix of retained and new buildings and some high-rise will be utilised for private and affordable housing (BEP2 Q&A2 Q11)
  • Detailed dwelling mix (BEP2 Q&A2 Q9)
  • Integration of refurbishment & new (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Staging of refurbishment of retained buildings (BEP2 Q&A2 Q12)
  • Public Private mix at Eveleigh (BEP2 Q&A2 Q13)
  • Land parcelling (HNSW Draft Planning Pyramid)
  • Housing needs (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Housing Needs and Opportunities (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • Housing Management (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Economic Analysis (HNSW What goes into MP)
  • Background Studies by HNSW (BEP2 Q&A2 Q18)
  • Detailed background Studies will inform URS & Preliminary Master Plan (BEP2 P3)
  • Enquiry by Design (Workshop)

A Detailed Master Plan

It “further develops the components of the Preliminary Master Plan and refines the Guiding framework".

  • Preliminary Master Plan will be followed by further detailed design work (BEP2 P9).
  • Preliminary Master Plan will be followed by expert studies (BEP2 P9).
  • Final Master Plan will include measures to promote environmental sustainability(BEP2 P9).
  • Infrastructure plan (HNSW Planning Pyramid) Final Master Plan will include a detailed strategy for the provision of physical and social infrastructure (BEP2 P9).
  • Community facilities plan (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Detailed urban design (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Preliminary Master Plan will be followed by land survey (BEP2 P9).
  • Subdivision Plans (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Industry participation strategy (HNSW Planning Pyramid) It (MP) will be accompanied by an Industry Participation Framework to guide the involvement of the private sector and not-for-profit organisations (BEP2 P9).
  • Affordable Housing Strategy (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Streets (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Open spaces (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Shops (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Landscapes (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Housing mix (HNSW Planning Pyramid)
  • Preliminary Master Plan will be followed by financial modelling (BEP2 P9).
  • The renewal of the social housing sites and realisation of BEP 2 objectives will require funding from both the private and government sector and is subject to government decisions about funding for renewal (BEP2 P9).
  • The Master Plan will be the subject of a lengthy consultation process with HNSW residents and the wider community to ensure the Master Plan best meets the needs and expectations of all residents (social, affordable and private housing) and the wider community (BEP2 P9).
  • The Master Plan will be followed by the preparation of individual building or precinct based development applications, concept plans or project applications (BEP2 P9).
Compiled by Geoff Turnbull - REDWatch Spokesperson 6 September 2011 & Updated 9 November 2011