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REDWatch Statements on Redevelopment

REDWatch issued a discussion paper in August 2010 about some of the issues that need to be considered in the redevelopment of Redfern and Waterloo public housing. Here you will find that paper, responses to it and other statements made by REDWatch about BEP2 & HNSW's Preliminary Masterplan.
RWA Response to REDWatch Discussion Paper on Planning for the Redevelopment of Redfern & Waterloo Public Housing
The following response to the REDWatch Discussion paper was received from RWA CEO Roy Wakelin-King on 26 August 2010. It has been added to the REDWatch site to ensure the RWA's comments about the paper are also available to those reading the REDWatch paper.
HNSW Response to REDWatch Discussion Paper
Below is a response from Housing NSW to the REDWatch Discussion Paper "Planning for the Redevelopment of Redfern & Waterloo Public Housing - Some of the questions for discussion" in September 2010.
CoS Response to REDWatch Discussion Paper
Following is the text of a letter received from City of Sydney Lord mayor Clover Moore on 20 October 2010 in response to the REDWatch Discussion Paper on the Redevelopment of the Redfern Waterloo public housing estates.
REDWatch Information Required and Received for Consultation on Public Housing
Following is a list of reports, information and activity that is been sort by REDWatch. This is information and reference material relevant to community discussion about BEP2 & the Housing NSW Affordability Fund Preliminary Master Plan. As documents are supplied we will indicate this on the list with a link to the information. As the need for new information or action is required it too will be added to the list. Over time it is hoped that this document will move from being a list of what is predominantly required to a list of where the information can be found. In cases where research is ongoing, such as baseline studies, the information should be released as it becomes available so the community can make use of the information in the consultations rather than the information being kept from the community until a final report is available.
Redfern & Waterloo public housing – many plans & questions
In August 2010, REDWatch produced the discussion paper, Planning for the Redevelopment of Redfern & Waterloo Public Housing. REDWatch has also been adding background material about relevant issues to its website under the Public Housing tab. All this is in preparation for the expected consultations about the future shape of the Redfern & Waterloo public housing estates. REDWatch’s spokesperson, Geoff Turnbull, explores some of the issues for the South Sydney Herald in their December 2010 issue.
REDWatch Discussion Paper on Public Housing Redevelopment
REDWatch's Discussion Paper of 23 August 2010 discusses a recent HNSW meeting “Hava Cuppa with a Designa” and raises some key questions about the future of Redfern & Waterloo public housing and ask: is “Social Mix” a mantra or a resourced solution? The paper aims to encourage discussion about the planning for the coming redevelopment of Redfern & Waterloo public housing.
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