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This Media Release was issued by the Minister for Planning and Redfern Waterloo rubbishing the Opposition Leaders claims about Redfern Waterloo.

Minister for Redfern Waterloo Frank Sartor today rubbished claims from Opposition leader Peter Debnam about progress in the inner-Sydney suburbs of Redfern and Waterloo.

“I know the Member for Vaucluse doesn’t spend much time in Redfern and Waterloo, so he might be shocked to realise it is bigger than the Block,” Mr Sartor said.

“In its first year of operation the Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) has laid the building blocks for long term change and revitalisation of the area.

“Mr Debnam’s call for the Government to reveal its plans for Redfern-Waterloo reveals the extent of his ignorance.

“In recent months the RWA has released the first two planks of its Redfern-Waterloo plan for public debate – a debate in which Mr Debnam has until now been silent.

“I am pleased to inform him that:

  • The Human Services Plan was approved in December and is currently being implemented to provide more efficient and effective services for local residents.
  • The Employment and Enterprise Plan is on exhibition for public comment and proposes a range of innovative strategies to help create up to 18,000 new jobs in Redfern and Waterloo over the next 10 years.
  • The final section of the Redfern-Waterloo Plan, the Built Environment Plan has been drafted and will soon be available for public comment.
  • The RWA has brokered a deal for the establishment of a national centre of indigenous sporting, social and cultural excellence at the old Redfern public school.
  • A new Indigenous Enterprise Hub, a Jobs Compact with the construction union and a vocational training centre at North Eveleigh are all working to provide more job and business opportunities.

“Today’s visit is nothing more than a cheap political stunt with no evidence from the Opposition of an alternative vision for improving the lives of local residents.

“Is the Opposition Leader suggesting that concentrating 62 dwellings on the Block would somehow solve the problems of Redfern and Waterloo in one fell swoop?

“Or does he just intend to throw $27 million in taxpayer dollars at a flawed solution which has failed in the past?”

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