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Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE February 2006 (Text Version)

This is a text version of the RWA's February 2006 Update which contains - Strategy for Revitalising Redfern-Waterloo / Built Environment Plan Released for Community Consultation / Encouraging Jobs and Enterprise through Development of Strategic Sites / Proposed Land Use for RWA Strategic Sites / North Eveleigh / Australian Technology Park /South Eveleigh / Eveleigh Street Precinct, including the Block /Redfern Station, Gibbons Street and Regent Street Precinct / Redfern Public School / Redfern Police Station and Court House / Rachel Forster Hospital / Planning Instruments for Strategic Sites / How to Have Your Say on the Draft Plan

Strategy for Revitalising Redfern-Waterloo

Built Environment Plan Released for Community Consultation

The Redfern-Waterloo Authority has released the third and final component of the Redfern-Waterloo Plan, which is designed to provide a major stimulus to the area's social and economic revitalisation.

The draft Built Environment Plan (Stage One) proposes a strategic planning framework to facilitate the area’s economic growth by setting the parameters for future development on Redfern-Waterloo strategic sites.

Its fundamental objective is based around the development of a new Redfern town centre, to be a hub for enhanced community and business/employment activity.

The RWA’s aim is to ensure that the benefits from urban renewal and economic growth are shared by local residents, businesses and the community generally.

The draft Plan will be on public exhibition for two months and community feedback will be welcomed.

Public submissions will be accepted up until 5pm on Friday 14 April.

See page 4 of this newsletter for more details on how you can further participate in the community consultation process.

Photo: An artist’s impression of the view from the proposed new civic space looking east to Redfern Street.


Encouraging Jobs and Enterprise through Development of Strategic Sites

The RWA’s draft of the Built Environment Plan (Stage One) forms an integral component of the Redfern-Waterloo Plan, along with plans for Human Services and Employment and Enterprise which the RWA is required to develop pursuant to the Redfern-Waterloo Act 2004.

The draft Built Environment Plan makes provision for a strategic vision for the sustainable improvement of the area, urban design, land use zoning, the carrying out of development, the creation of employment opportunities, infrastructure, including transport and pedestrian facilities, renewal and regeneration of public land and assets and the provision of affordable housing for owners and tenants. It centres on development of the following RWA strategic sites which have been identified as the initial focus for social and economic revitalisation of the area:

• North Eveleigh;

• Australian Technology Park;

• South Eveleigh;

• Eveleigh Street (including the Block);

• Redfern Station/Gibbons Street/Regent Street;

• Former Rachel Forster Hospital;

• Former Redfern Police Station and Court House; and

• Former Redfern Public School

These sites have a total area of 35 hectares and are strategically located near Redfern Railway Station and the Redfern Town Centre.

The draft Plan seeks to complement the Sydney Metropolitan Strategy vision and objectives with respect to increased housing and employment opportunities close to public transport and infrastructure.

It is estimated that under the draft Plan about 440,000 m2 of net employment space can be developed which translates to about 18,000 jobs.

About 2000 new dwellings will be created which will promote greater housing choice and enhance the area’s socio-economic mix.

Viable and high quality developments will be encouraged where retail, commercial and cultural businesses are able to create jobs for locals and the broader community.

There will be promotion of housing provision, choice and affordability, safety and access, activation of sites which are degraded and underutilised, fostering of retail and employment activity and quality community, cultural and civic spaces for residents, workers and visitors.

There will be an increased emphasis on public transport, improved access and connectivity and environmentally sustainable development will be encouraged.

Photo: The draft Built Environment Plan will improve housing and job opportunities in the area.

Photo: An artist’s impression of the view looking west to the proposed new civic space and entrance to Redfern Railway Station.

Proposed Land Use for RWA Strategic Sites

North Eveleigh

Currently zoned ‘Railway Zone’ under Sydney Regional Environmental Plan (SREP) 26.

The draft Plan’s land use concept is for a vibrant cultural, business and residential precinct, providing the opportunity for jobs, quality housing, artistic and cultural expression, services and facilities.

Proposed land use zoning: Business Zone – Mixed Use.

Australian Technology Park

Predominantly zoned ‘Residential-Business’ under SREP 26.

The draft Plan's land use concept promotes a range of technology enterprises involved in research, development, innovation and commercialisation as well as supporting uses to reinforce ATP as a world class technology and business centre.

Proposed land use zoning:Business Zone – Business Park.

South Eveleigh

Currently zoned Railway Uses under SREP 26 although substantial residential development (Department of Housing and private) has occurred on the site.

The draft Plan’s land use concept envisages predominantly business/light industrial uses which complement and extend the operation of the ATP.

Proposed land use zoning: Business Zone – Business Park and Special Purpose Zone – Infrastructure.

Eveleigh Street Precinct, including the Block

Currently Mixed Use 10 Zone generally applies to the northern side of Vine Street and extends to Cleveland Street.

Residential 2(b) Medium Density Zone generally applies between Lawson Street and the southern side of Vine Street, including the Block.

Special uses – Community Centre Pre School Zone and Open Space Zone apply to properties on the eastern side of Eveleigh Street and the railway corridor.

The draft Plan’s land use concept is to facilitate a vibrant community, business and residential precinct providing opportunities for Aboriginal enterprise, housing (including culturally appropriate housing), community and cultural facilities.

Proposed land use zoning: Business Zone – Mixed Use and Recreation Zone – PublicRecreation.

Redfern Station, Gibbons Street and Regent Street Precinct

The Railway station is zoned ‘Railway Zone’ under SREP 26.The Gibbons Street/Regent Street precinct is zoned ‘Mixed Use 10’.

The draft Plan’s land use concept is for a hub for business, retail and residential activity centred around good civic spaces and pedestrian linkages.

Proposed land use zoning: Business Zone – Commercial Core.

Redfern Public School

Currently zoned ‘Special Uses – School’.

The draft Plan’s land use concept is for community, recreational and educational uses.

Proposed land use zoning: Special Purpose Zone – Special Uses (Community).

Redfern Police Station and Court House

Currently zoned ‘Special Uses – Police’.

The draft Plan's land use concept is for predominantly business uses in the Court House building and residential uses in any development at the rear of the site to increase activity and surveillance along the street.

Proposed land use zoning: Business Zone – Local Centre.

Rachel Forster Hospital

Currently zoned ‘Special Uses – Hospital’.

The draft Plan’s land use concept is for predominantly residential consistent with the surrounding land uses but with the opportunity for some non-residential community uses in keeping with the current use.

Proposed land use zoning: Residential Zone – Medium Density.

Planning Instruments for Strategic Sites

Photo: Frank Sartor MP, Minister for Redfern-Waterloo launching the draft Built Environment Plan.

The intent and direction of the draft Plan will be reflected in a State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) for the RWA strategic sites.

The draft SEPP will be publicly exhibited for community comment at the same time as the draft

Plan is on public exhibition.

A Development Control Plan (DCP) for the RWA sites will also be developed in the future to complement the SEPP and to provide for more detailed site specific guidelines. The DCP will include general guidelines which will apply to all RWA sites as well as more site specific design and planning requirements.

How to Have Your Say on the Draft Plan

Obtain a copy of the draft Plan by:

• Going to the RWA’s website at

• Phoning the RWA’s office on 9202 9100 and ask to be mailed a copy

• Emailing your postal details to

Attend the RWA’s Information Sessions

Between 4pm and 5pm , Monday to Friday 27 February 2006 to 10 March 2006 at:
Redfern-Waterloo Authority Level 11,Tower 2, 1 Lawson Square, Redfern

Register your interest to participate in the RWA’s focus groups

Phone 9202 9100 or email

Forward a written submission

Deadline: 5pm on Friday 14 April 2006
Please mail to: Redfern-Waterloo Authority PO Box 3332 Redfern NSW 2016

Built Environment Plan

RWA Community Forum

A Community Forum about the Built Environment Plan will be held on:

Saturday 4 March, 1pm – 3pm
Redfern Town Hall 73 Pitt Street, Redfern

Need Assistance?
For more information or to send us your feedback please contact the
Redfern-Waterloo Authority,
Level 11,Tower 2, 1 Lawson Square, Redfern
Tel: (02) 9202 9100 Fax: (02) 9202 9111
Mail: PO Box 3332, Redfern NSW 2016

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