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Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE SEPT 2006 - Text Version

This is a text Only version of the September 2006 RWA Update. it includes: Built Environment Plan released / Go-ahead for jobs and urban renewal / ‘Marian Street Park’ saved / What does the Plan seek to achieve? / $6m pedestrian bridge to link ATP and North Eveleigh / $300m committed to new infrastructure / New $10m Community Health Centre at former Redfern Courthouse/Police Station / Major initiative on Aboriginal affordable housing.

Redfern-Waterloo UPDATE SEPT 2006

Built Environment Plan released

Go-ahead for jobs and urban renewal

Stage One of the RWA’s Built Environment Plan has been released by the Minister for Redfern-Waterloo following an extensive process of community consultation and State Cabinet endorsement.

It is estimated that over the next 10 years the Plan could facilitate the development of about 400,000 m2 of employment generating floor space which translates to around 18,000 jobs. About 2000 new dwellings could also be developed.

A State Environmental Planning Policy will provide the statutory basis for the implementation of the environmental planning aspects of the Plan.

The Plan will be complemented with more detailed guidelines such as Development Control Plans and/or Concept Plans which will be determined following consultation with the community.

Community members can obtain the Plan by:

‘Marian Street Park’ saved

When releasing the final Built Environment Plan, Minister for Redfern-Waterloo Frank Sartor announced that the area of land between Gibbons and Rosehill Streets, commonly referred to as ‘Marian Street Park’, will be zoned by the Government as ‘public recreation’.

This follows concerted lobbying by the Member for Heffron, Kristina Keneally MP and a determined campaign by local residents.

The land therefore will become a genuine park for future generations of residents to enjoy.

The RWA wishes the new park, – currently owned by SRA/RailCorp – to be transferred to the City of Sydney’s ownership at no cost in return for the Council committing funds for a suitable upgrade of the open space.

Illustration: Artist’s impression of possible landscape treatment for ‘Marian Street Park’. The Government  is rezoning this land as open space in response to community wishes.

What does the Plan seek to achieve?

The first stage of the Built Environment Plan is one of three inter-linked components of the Redfern Waterloo Plan, along with the Human Services Plan and the Employment and Enterprise Plan.

The Built Environment Plan encourages an employment and investment based revitalisation of the area by providing a planning framework for the following strategic sites identified by the RWA:

  • North Eveleigh
  • Australian Technology Park
  • South Eveleigh Railyards
  • Eveleigh Street Precinct (including the Block)
  • Redfern Station / Gibbons Street / Regent Street Precinct
  • Former Rachel Forster Hospital
  • Former Redfern Police Station and Court House
  • Former Redfern Public School.

Most of these sites, which total around 35 hectares, are State Government owned and are located near the Redfern Railway Station and Redfern Town Centre.

The Built Environment Plan proposes a consistent set of controls relating to urban design, land use zoning and the carrying out of future development on Redfern-Waterloo sites. It also identifies strategies for associated transport and traffic management, heritage protection, open space and public domain improvements, infrastructure provision, pedestrian and cycle access and guidelines for the achievement of safe and sustainable communities.

The underlying concept for the Plan is based on the creation of a Town Centre with an economic and civic heart focussed around Redfern Railway Station and which is connected through pedestrian linkages to business hubs at the Australian Technology Park, North Eveleigh, Redfern and Regent Streets.

$6m pedestrian bridge to link ATP and North Eveleigh

The NSW Government’s vision of facilitating a research and innovation zone stretching from the University of Sydney and UTS to the Australian Technology Park will be enhanced by a proposal to build a new pedestrian and cycle bridge to link the ATP and North Eveleigh (near the new contemporary performing arts centre).The RWA and its subsidiary company ATP have recently committed $6 million to the project, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2008.

The Built Environment Plan also proposes a second potential pedestrian cycle bridge just to the west of Redfern Station. This proposal is currently being considered by the RWA and RailCorp as part of the joint concept design study for the redevelopment of Redfern Station.

Illustration: Artist’s impression of pedestrian and cycle bridge in North Eveleigh.

$300m committed to new infrastructure

The New South Wales Government established the Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) on 17 January 2005. Since that time, the Government has directly facilitated the investment of nearly $300 million towards infrastructure development in Redfern-Waterloo. Of this amount, more than $76 million has been directly committed by the RWA itself.

Some of the major commitments to infrastructure development include:

  • $120 million to be invested by Sydney Broadcast Property in constructing a new 43,500 sqm stateof-the-art media centre at the Australian Technology Park (ATP) – in a deal negotiated by the RWA which will create 600 construction and 2000 permanent jobs.To be completed by end 2008.
  • $47.5 million being invested by the RWA in a new building currently under construction at the ATP to house National ICT Australia and the Defence, Science and Technology Organisation, with 600 permanent jobs being created. To be completed by July 2007.
  • $40 million being invested by Arts NSW to construct a new contemporary performing arts space through adaptive reuse of heritage buildings at North Eveleigh – in conjunction with the RWA and RailCorp. To be completed by December 2006.
  • $35 million being invested by the Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC) in purchasing and transforming the former Redfern Public School into a new National Indigenous Development Centre – in a deal brokered by the RWA with the ILC and the NSW Department of Education and Training. Expected to be fully completed by 2009.
  • $16 million to be invested by the RWA on the provision of affordable housing for Aboriginal residents of Redfern-Waterloo.
  • $10 million to be invested by NSW Health in transforming the former Redfern Courthouse and Police Station into a major new community health facility – in an arrangement facilitated and supported by the RWA. Estimated to be completed by end 2008.
  • $6 million to be invested by the RWA and its subsidiary company ATP in constructing a new pedestrian/cycle link between North Eveleigh and the ATP. To be completed by 2008
  • $6 million being invested by RWA and ATP in new roads and infrastructure to facilitate the Technology Park’s future development. To be completed in early 2007
  • $4.2 million invested by the NSW Police Service in March 2005 in establishing a new police station at the former TNT Tower opposite Redfern Railway Station – with a staffing of 219.
  • $0.75 million being invested by the RWA in developing a new training centre at North Eveleigh, which includes the Yaama Dhinawan Indigenous hospitality training enterprise. To be completed in October 2006
  • $0.3 million to be invested by the RWA in redeveloping the former Murawina building in Eveleigh Street to support Indigenous enterprises and organisations. Expected to be completed in 2007.
  • $0.25 million being invested by the RWA and RailCorp in a concept design study for the redevelopment of Redfern Railway station. Currently underway.

Illustration: Artist’s impression of the proposed indigenous catering (Yaama Dhinawan) and construction training facility.

New $10m Community Health Centre at former Redfern Courthouse/Police Station

The RWA has brokered an agreement with the Department of Health to establish a new $10 million Community Health Centre by way of adaptive reuse and refurbishment of the heritage former Redfern Courthouse and Police Station.

The RWA has agreed to contribute the potential sale proceeds of the site, estimated at approximately $2 million, to the project and Attorney Generals and NSW Police departments have cooperated by agreeing to transfer the buildings to the Department of Health’s ownership.

NSW Health will contribute about $8 million to the project, to be funded from proceeds of the sale of the surplus Rachel Forster Hospital site (under the RWA’s Built Environment Plan, the former Hospital site is being rezoned for residential use to enhance the area’s social mix).

The construction program for the new Community Health Centre is currently estimated to see completion by the end of 2008.

NSW Health will withdraw the Development Application for its proposed community health facility at Lawson Street, Redfern.

Illustration: Artist’s impression of NSW Health’s proposed re-use of the former Court House as a community health centre.

Major initiative on Aboriginal affordable housing

The RWA has committed $16 million towards facilitating the provision of new dwellings over the next 10 years for affordable housing for Aboriginal residents of Redfern-Waterloo.

Taking the initiative, the RWA will provide seed funding of $1 million this financial year and a further $15 million will be committed from affordable housing contributions to be derived from future development carried out in accordance with the Redfern-Waterloo Authority Act 2004.

The Minister and the RWA will consult extensively with the broader Aboriginal community, including the Aboriginal Housing Company, on matters such as future governance and acquisition strategies.

Development contributions in excess of the funds committed to Aboriginal housing will be directed towards affordable housing initiatives for the broader community, in accordance with the objectives of future stages of the Built Environment Plan.

Need Assistance?

For more information or to send us your feedback please contact the Redfern-Waterloo Authority, Level 11,Tower 2, 1 Lawson Square, Redfern Tel: (02) 9202 9100 Fax: (02) 9202 9111 Mail: PO Box 3332, Redfern NSW 2016 Email:


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