October 2006 Redfern-Waterloo Update - Text version.
Improving Human Services in Redfern and Waterloo
Draft Phase 2 of Human Services Plan released
The draft Phase 2 of the Redfern-Waterloo Human Services Plan is on public exhibition until close of business on 7 November 2006. Community feedback is welcomed (see details this page). You can obtain a copy of the Plan by contacting the Redfern-Waterloo Authority’s office or by accessing the website.
The Human Services Plan has been developed by the RWA to improve the coordination, quality and access to health, education, disability, transport and other human services for the people of the area.
Phase 1 of the Human Services Plan commenced implementation late last year after a period of community consultation. It focuses on improving services delivered to children and families, Aboriginal people and young people.
Phase 2 of the Plan aims to make a positive impact to the lives of older people, particularly those with disabilities or isolated from the community. It also has a strong focus on improving support for homeless people.
The draft Phase 2 Plan has been developed following
preliminary community consultation – a forum held on 24 and 25 July 2006 at the
Australian Technology Park
brought together more than 130 community members, service providers and
government officers to discuss and fine tune priorities and actions to be
included in the draft Plan.
Tell us what you think ...
Redfern-Waterloo Authority Level 11, Tower 2, 1 Lawson Square, Redfern NSW 2016
PO Box 3332, Redfern 2016
Email (general): redfernwaterloo@rwa.nsw.gov.au
Email (Draft Human Services Plan): humanservices@rwa.nsw.gov.au
Website: www.redfernwaterloo.com.au Telephone: 9202 9100 Facsimile: 9202 9111
Photo: The Human
Services Plan aims to improve the coordination and quality of services in
Redfern and Waterloo.
Key Proposed Priorities and Actions
Priority 1 - Improving access to dementia support
Key actions
- Make it easier for older people to access dementia services by improving hours of operation;
- Improve service referrals, planning and coordination;
- Provide better training for case management workers;
- Involve general practitioners in diagnosis, care and case management;
- Increase respite services for carers; and
- Deliver culturally appropriate dementia and aged care services to Aboriginal people and migrant communities.
Priority 2 - Improved service quality for migrant communities
Key actions
- Improve access to information through community language radio and newspapers;
- Ensure local libraries have internet information translated to community languages;
- Improve access to English classes for new migrants;
- Increase community activities in neighbourhood centres;
- Improve access to mental health services; and
- Provide support to victims of family violence.
Photo: The Plan aims to improve access to English lessons for new migrants.
Priority 3 - Improving access to aged care and health services by Aboriginal people 45 years and older
Key actions
- Establish a Redfern Community Health Centre to improve the delivery and coordination of health services to the local community;
- Examine the extension of the Seniors Card to Aboriginal people aged 45 or older;
- Examine the need for an aged care facility for Aboriginal people;
- Provide training to improve cultural awareness among staff in local organisations; and
- Increase the number of Aboriginal people working in local services.
Priority 4 - Reducing the negative impacts of homelessness through early intervention and support
Key actions
- Develop a support service for homeless people that is culturally appropriate and addresses the needs of ‘transient’ homeless people;
- Pilot housing models that lead to long term accommodation;
- Develop an affordable housing strategy; and
- Homeless support services to operate regular night patrols in Redfern and Waterloo seven days a week.
Priority 5 - Improving identification of need and access to services for people with disabilities
Key actions
- Improve employment opportunities for people with disabilities;
- Ensure modifications to Redfern Railway Station, and other infrastructure, cater to people with disabilities;
- Ensure services assist people with disability to continue living at home; and
- Ensure services adapt to the changing needs of people with disabilities.
Priority 6 - Reducing social isolation
Key actions
- Undertake community safety audits in public housing estates with the support and assistance of tenants;
- Improve access to information about services and activities available;
- Give greater consideration to current tenants’ needs in the allocation of new tenancies;
- Introduce an ongoing audit of maintenance in public housing such as repairing lights, doors and removal of graffiti;
- Involve older people in classroom and school activities;
- Promote tenants’ use of community rooms and facilities in high-rise and other projects on public housing estates; and
- Examine the need for enhanced community facilities in the Redfern-Waterloo area.
Photo: The Plan will help reduce the isolation of some older members of our community
Priority 7 - Improving access to local and community transport for people who are transport disadvantaged
Key actions
- Identify gaps in transport services across the community;
- Trial projects that improve transport access for older people, people with disabilities, transient people and people with low incomes;
- Undertake an audit of existing buses to maximise their use;
- Encourage more taxi services to come into Redfern-Waterloo;
- Develop a directory of community transport services; and
- Improve transport connections to the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and shopping venues.
Priority 8 - Improving safety and amenity
Key actions
In addition to ongoing Police operations to reduce drug availability in the Redfern Waterloo area the Plan will aim to:
- Improve support available to seniors in public housing;
- Examine the need for providing ‘seniors only’ housing;
- Actively engage older people in planning and implementing urban renewal strategies and improving the use of public space;
- Review current and future Department of Housing maintenance work plans;
- Address community safety issues such as uneven footpaths, low hanging trees and poor lighting in public areas;
- Improve access to community facilities such as libraries, computer rooms, meeting rooms and community kitchens;
- Develop intergenerational activities to encourage older people outdoors and engaging with young people; and
- Examine the need for additional aged care facilities in the Redfern-Waterloo area.
Photo: Intergenerational activities will be encouraged under the Plan to help older people get out and about more and engage with young people.
New health centre to deliver better services
When recently releasing the RWA’s Built Environment Plan, the Minister for Redfern-Waterloo, Frank Sartor, announced a new $10 million community health centre to be established through adaptive re-use and refurbishment of the former Redfern Courthouse and Police Station.
In accordance with community requests throughout the development of the Human Services Plan, a number of much-needed health services will be provided at the new centre, which is expected to be completed in late 2008.
The services will include: health assessments, health education, early childhood and family support services, counselling, referral, perinatal and family drug health services, mental health services, rehabilitation, welfare support, screening for HIV/AIDS and hepatitis, sexual health services and other community health services.
The current health centre at the former Rachel Forster Hospital site will be relocated to the bigger and much-improved new community health centre in Redfern Street.
Illustration: The health centre in Redfern Street will provide much needed services.
Catering assistance for community events
The RWA, in partnership with the NSW Community Relations Commission, is offering one-off catering assistance grants of up to $200 to help non-profit community groups based in Redfern and Waterloo meet the cost of holding a small community event.
A neighbourhood BBQ or a small-scale community cultural event are examples of activities which may be eligible for funding grants.
Should a community group wish to participate in this scheme, the application form is available on the RWA website at www.redfernwaterloo.com.au or by phoning the RWA on 9202 9100 or by email request at redfernwaterloo@rwa.nsw.gov.au
Photo: Catering assistance is available for local community events.
Federal State Govts partnership agreement
The NSW Minister for Redfern-Waterloo, Frank Sartor, and the Federal Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Mal Brough, have signed a 10-year partnership agreement on enhancing opportunities for Redfern-Waterloo’s Indigenous community.
The agreement’s aim is for both governments to work closely on initiatives relating to employment and enterprise, education and training, health, Indigenous housing (including the area known as the Block) and delivery of other human services, “as a means to address social and economic disadvantage, to reduce welfare dependency through wealth creation and to improve delivery of services”.
Need Assistance?
For more information or to send us your feedback please contact the Redfern-Waterloo Authority, Level 11, Tower 2, 1 Lawson Square, Redfern
Tel: (02) 9202 9100 Fax: (02) 9202 9111 Mail: PO Box 3332, Redfern NSW 2016 Email: redfernwaterloo@rwa.nsw.gov.au Internet: www.redfernwaterloo.com.au