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Answers to Parliamentary Questions

The following answers to Parliamentary questions about the RWA have been matched with the questions asked for easier reading.

*4005REDFERN WATERLOO— ABORIGINAL HOUSING— Ms Hale asked the Treasurer, Minister for Infrastructure, and Minister for the Hunter representing the Minister for Planning, Minister for Redfern Waterloo, Minister for Science and Medical Research, and Minister Assisting the Minister for Health (Cancer)—

(1) Did Sam Haddad, Director General of the Department of Planning, meet with Michael Mundine CEO of the Aboriginal Housing Company on 8 February 2006?
(1) Yes. 

(2) If so, at that meeting was a draft project application scheme presented to him for comment prior to formal lodgement in the ensuing weeks?
(2) I am advised that a draft project was presented for information only.


*4008REDFERN WATERLOO— AGED CARE AND DISABILITY SERVICES— Ms Hale asked the Treasurer, Minister for Infrastructure, and Minister for the Hunter representing the Minister for Planning, Minister for Redfern Waterloo, Minister for Science and Medical Research, and Minister Assisting the Minister for Health (Cancer)—

(1) Given the high concentration of public housing tenants and elderly residents living in the Redfern Waterloo area, what involvement and communication has the Redfern Waterloo Authority had with the Department of Corrective Services (DOCs) and the Department of Ageing, Disability, and Home Care (DADHC) regarding the provision of aged care and disability services in the Authority’s area?
I am advised that the Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) has ensured that all relevant government agencies are appropriately represented on Ministerial Advisory Committees and other mechanisms assisting in the development of the Redfern-Waterloo Plan. 

(2) Were DOCS and DADHC involved in the development of phase one of the Human Services Plan, released in December last year?
Answer— Yes 

(3) When will phase two of the Human Services Plan be released?
Answer— Phase Two of the Human Services Plan is expected to be released in 2006. 

(4) Were either DOCS or DADHC involved in the development of the Built Environment Plan released by the Authority in January 2006?
Answer— I am advised that both agencies have been provided with the draft Plan and invited to make submissions. 

(5) Does the Minister think it is acceptable that the Built Environment Plan, which makes proposals about zonings and the type of development permitted on specific sites, has been released prior to Phase Two of the Human Services Plan which will assess the demand for Aged Care and Disability services in the area?
(6) Why are land use decisions being made prior to a thorough assessment of the demand for community services?
(7) (a) The Built Environment Plan failed to provide clear targets, goals or criteria for the provision of Aged care and Disability services in the area. Has the Authority sought this data from DOCS and DADHC?
(b) If not, why not?
(8) As the Rachel Forster Hospital site has been earmarked for residential development in the recently released Built Environment Plan, where will the medical centre currently located on this site be moved to?
(5) to (8) The Redfern-Waterloo Authority has developed the draft Built Environment Plan which is on public exhibition until 14 April 2006. I am advised that during the exhibition period the RWA is seeking community and stakeholder feedback on the draft Plan. The Redfern-Waterloo Authority advises that its proposals to revitalise the area have support within the community and any key matters not addressed to date are expected to be dealt with in future stages of the Plan, details of which will be released in due course. 

(9) Both DOCS and DADHC are represented on the Implementation Senior Officers Group (ISOG).
How many times has this group met?
(10) What schedule has been set for future meetings?
Answer—(9) to 10) The Implementation Senior Officers Group (ISOG) meets monthly. 

*4009REDFERN WATERLOO— TRANSPORT NETWORKS— Ms Hale asked the Treasurer, Minister for Infrastructure, and Minister for the Hunter representing the Minister for Planning, Minister for Redfern Waterloo, Minister for Science and Medical Research, and Minister Assisting the Minister for Health (Cancer)—

(1) Given the proximity of the Redfern Waterloo area to the CBD and major transport networks, will there be an effort in the Redfern Waterloo Authority’s area to minimise car use and ownership?
(2) Given that the Minister has said 2000 new housing units will be built during the first phase of the plan, how many car parking spaces will be allowed per unit?
(3) Will people working locally or in the CBD be given preference for housing tenure to reduce commuting time and movements?

The draft Built Environment Plan takes into consideration the existing public transport, recreational and cultural facilities, and significant health and educational facilities in the Redfern Waterloo area.

The Draft Plan recognises that a large volume of regional traffic currently travels through the Redfern Waterloo area. That is why there will be an increased emphasis on public transport and improved access in the area along with encouraging environmentally sustainable development.

I am advised that the Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA) in partnership with the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) is currently examining options to manage regional traffic through the area. The RWA will work with the RTA to prepare a Transport Management Plan.

The RWA will also establish a stakeholder partnership with the City of Sydney and the Redfern Chamber of Commerce to facilitate improvements to local area traffic management.

I am also advised that the RWA and City of Sydney Council will work in partnership to ensure that existing cycling routes are enhanced, including bicycle routes to RWA strategic sites and to key destinations in the area. The provision of bicycle facilities/storage will be encouraged in new developments and at Redfern Railway Station.

*4016 STATE DEVELOPMENT— REDFERN WATERLOO EMPLOYMENT AND URBAN RENEWAL PLANS— Ms Hale asked the Minister for Commerce, Minister for Finance, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Disability Services, Vice President of the Executive Council representing the Premier, Minister for State Development, and Minister for Citizenship—

(1) (a) The Redfern Waterloo Authority recently released the draft Redfern/Waterloo Employment and Enterprise Plan which proposes the creation of 18,000 new jobs as an antidote to welfare dependency in the area. Was the Department of State Development involved in any way in the development of this Plan?
Answer— I have been advised by the Premier that the answer to the honourable member’s question is: (1) (a) Yes. 

 (b) If so, how?
Answer— (b) A senior executive of the Department is on the Redfern Waterloo Authority’s Employment and Enterprise Committee. The department has supported workshops for the Redfern Waterloo area under the Aboriginal Business Development Program, provided access to the expertise of Aboriginal Business Development Managers, and made accessible to local businesses the full range of small business development programs. 

 (c) If not, why not?
Answer— (c) Not applicable. 

 (2) (a) Does the Department of State Development usually have a role in major urban renewal projects?
Answer— (2) (a) Yes. 

 (b) If so, what type of role do they usually play?
Answer— (b) The department provides input on industry trends and issues to assist in developing strategies for employment generation in new release areas and in existing parts of the metropolitan area. 

 (c) Does it provide any input in affordable housing provision, or job creation for local residents?
Answer—  (c) The department provides input, as requested, to the Departments of Planning and Housing on a range of issues affecting access to employment and affordable housing. The department is involved in a number of initiatives as part of the implementation of the Metropolitan Strategy, including those related to employment lands and jobs growth in strategic centres.

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