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February 2007 - RWA Update - text version

This is the text version of the RWA February 2007 Update. Articles include: $123 million Channel 7 project to start - 2000 new jobs for Redfern / Yaama Dhinawan’s proud graduation / How to book Yaama Dhinawan / National Indigenous Development Centre / Community Consultation on NIDC / New Community Health Centre moves ahead / $60 million in affordable housing / Progress on Redfern Station upgrade / Need Assistance?

$123 million Channel 7 project to start

2000 new jobs for Redfern

A major media hub proposed for the Australian Technology Park at Redfern, including the Seven Network and Pacific Magazines, has been given planning approval by the NSW Government.

Planning and Redfern-Waterloo Minister, Frank Sartor, said the $123 million state-of-the-art facility is a direct result of the Government’s efforts to drive new jobs and investment to the local area.

“This project, negotiated by the RWA, will be the biggest commercial investment in Redfern for at least a decade and is a major boost for urban renewal,” Frank Sartor said.

The new production studios and commercial offices are expected to bring up to 2,000 permanent jobs to Redfern and create up to 600 construction jobs, including at least 60 jobs for indigenous workers.

“This project marks the next stage in the ATP’s transformation from 14 hectares of disused railway workshops into a world class technology and business centre,” Frank Sartor said.

The new 43,500m2 media complex will be built on vacant land and includes four television studios and a 12-storey office building.

A new public plaza will be created as part of the project, along with ground floor retail shops and cafes.

A concept plan for the project was publicly exhibited in September and October 2006 and issues raised in submissions led to a number of changes and conditions.

Frank Sartor has also approved an Early Works Project Application allowing the site to be excavated and archaeological investigations to take place.

“This is a landmark project for Redfern that will provide a major boost to the local economy and employment opportunities.”

Works are expected to commence in March this year and be completed at the end of 2008.

Photo: NSW Premier, Morris Iemma, pictured at the Channel 7 announcement at the ATP, with Kristina Keneally MP, Member for Heffron. To her right are apprentices Dale Perry and Aaron Marr, as well as RWA Project Manager, Terry Kelly. Dale and Aaron got their start at the ATP through the RWA's Indigenous Employment Model.

Yaama Dhinawan’s proud graduation

TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES • 30 YEAR VISION COMES TO FRUITION The first students to complete a new indigenous food and hospitality course at Yaama Dhinawan were awarded their graduation certificates on 15 December 2006 in a moving ceremony conducted by NSW Education Minister and Member for Marrickville, the Hon Carmel Tebbutt MP.

Carmel Tebbutt said the Yaama Dhinawan training centre opened its doors in October last year and will give local and indigenous students a better chance of employment in the hospitality industry.

“This course will help set a new direction for these students, by not only teaching them the hospitality basics but encouraging specialisation in Australia’s unique indigenous cuisine,” Carmel Tebbutt said.

Ms Tebbutt said the course would not have been possible without the hard work of Aboriginal elder and caterer,Aunty Beryl Van-Oploo, along with young Aboriginal chef Matt Cribb.

Yaama Dhinawan is part of the North Eveleigh Training Centre which was established with the support of a $750,000 investment by the Redfern-Waterloo Authority. Training funds have been provided by the NSW Department of Education and Training and the Commonwealth Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

The Centre will train at least 60 hospitality students a year as well as providing construction industry training.

Aunty Beryl said she was proud to see Yaama Dhinawan’s first students now able to enter the workforce.

“I have wanted to set up a training course like this for more than 30 years,” she said.

“I am thrilled to see this dream finally come to fruition with the support of the RWA.”

“There’s a real feeling of pride amongst the local community that this centre has been established right here in Redfern.”

Photo: Aunty Beryl Van-Oploo speaks of her 30 year vision that has been realised with the opening of the RWA s Yaama Dhinawan Training Centre.

Photo: The proud graduates with Carmel Tebbutt MP, NSW Minister for Education and Training and Member for Marrickille, Aunty Beryl Van-Oploo, the RWA s Denny Hall (far right) and Sara Sheedy of MG My Gateway (second from left).

How to book Yaama Dhinawan

The centre is open to the public for functions and catering services and offers menu selection from Indigenous infused cuisine to modern Australian and more traditional fare. Menus can be developed around a client’s individual needs. For enquiries and bookings please call Yaama Dhinawan on 8399 0924 or 0423 864 352.

National Indigenous Development Centre

ILC CONSULTING ON NIDC • HAVE YOUR SAY. The National Indigenous Development Centre (NIDC) is being developed by the Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC) at the former Redfern Public School.

The ILC is a federal government authority that buys land for the social, cultural, economic and environmental benefit of Indigenous Australians.

The establishment of the NIDC is the result of an agreement negotiated by the Redfern-Waterloo Authority with the ILC and the NSW Department of Education and Training, the former owner of the school site.

The range of facilities likely to be incorporated into the NIDC include:

  • A training field
  • A swimming pool
  • Short stay accommodation for 100 people
  • Basketball and netball courts
  • A dining/function centre

Community Consultation on NIDC

The Indigenous Land Corporation is holding an ‘Open House’ to provide information on the proposed National Indigenous Development Centre, Redfern.

Date: Thursday 1 March

Time: Any time between 2.30pm and 7.30pm

Where: Former Redfern Public School, George Street, Redfern.

Drop in to ask questions, provide information, and find out about:

  • the proposal;
  • the concept plans;
  • proposed activities and facilities;
  • other community consultation activities planned, and how you can be involved; and
  • the proposed timing for the design and construction of the centre.

For further information contact

Stuart Waters at Twyford Consulting

Phone: 1800 11 00 55


Illustration: Heritage buildings at the NIDC site will be restored.

Illustration: Artist's impression of the new $35 million centre.

New Community Health Centre moves ahead

The RWA and NSW Health have formed a Project Control Group to work on the adaptive reuse of the former Redfern Courthouse and Police Station as a new Community Health Centre.

NSW Health has recently lodged a preliminary application with the Department of Planning seeking its development requirements.

Following this, a formal development application will be lodged and a community consultation process can commence.

The new $10 million Centre will provide important services for the local community in the key areas of population health, drug health and mental health. Subject to development approval, works are scheduled to commence later this year.

$60 million in affordable housing

The Redfern-Waterloo Authority and Carlton and United Breweries (CUB) have signed what is believed to be one of the most significant affordable housing developer agreements ever negotiated.

The agreement, which was recently concluded following a period of public exhibition, will provide for at least $23 million of affordable housing to be supplied in Redfern-Waterloo over the next 10-12 years as the former CUB site in

Chippendale is developed – based on a 2.9% levy of development cost

The Minister for Planning, Frank Sartor, announced the NSW Government’s concept approval for the landmark $800 million CUB development on 10 February 2007.

The RWA/CUB agreement will be in addition to the RWA’s Draft Affordable Housing Contributions Plan, which came off public exhibition on 12 February 2007.

The Affordable Housing Contributions Plan, when finalised, is expected to raise more than $35 million from development within the Redfern-Waterloo area arising from implementation of the RWA’s Built Environment Plan.

The RWA/CUB agreement and the RWA Affordable Housing Contributions Plan mean that the NSW Government will be able to invest about $60 million in the provision of affordable housing in Redfern-Waterloo over the next 10-12 years.

$16 million of this amount has already been designated by the Government towards affordable housing for Aboriginal residents.

Photo: The RWA’s program will provide significant affordable housing in Redfern-Waterloo.

Progress on Redfern Station upgrade

The NSW Government’s State Plan includes the upgrade of Redfern Railway Station as part of RailCorp’s forward capital works program.

NSW Premier, Morris Iemma, released the Government’s Urban Transport Statement in November last year which lists the Redfern Station upgrade as a Capacity and Service Improvement Initiative to be implemented by 2011.

The RWA and RailCorp are currently finalising work on a concept design study which will help inform the Government’s decision to move forward on this important project.

Improved safety, access and capacity to meet expected future passenger demand are a vital part of the joint RailCorp/RWA project.

Photo: The new Redfern Railway Station will improve access, safety and passenger service.

Need Assistance?

For more information or to send us your feedback please contact the Redfern-Waterloo Authority, Level 11,Tower 2, 1 Lawson Square, Redfern

Tel: (02) 9202 9100 Fax: (02) 9202 9111

Mail: PO Box 3332, Redfern NSW 2016




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