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October 2007 - RWA Update - text version

This is the text version of the RWA October 2007 Update. Articles include: Planning for public housing renewal / Elizabeth Street redevelopment / Action Plan to improve Waterloo Green / Koori Job Ready Course in Construction / Rabbitohs chief says self-belief is key / Making school more interesting / Combatting family violence / Need business help? / Yaama Dhiyaan / Application lodged for new health centre / $50m residential development at hospital site / EXPERIENCE AN ABORIGINAL CULTURAL CRUISE / $123 million media hub / Community markets / Plan for former Railyards / $45m Indigenous project / Eveleigh Heritage Walk / $54m works near complete / Need Assistance?

Redfern-Waterloo Authority Redfern-Waterloo UPDAT E OCTOBER 2007

Planning for public housing renewal

Elizabeth Street redevelopment

Action Plan to improve Waterloo Green

Koori Job Ready Course in Construction

Rabbitohs chief says self-belief is key

Making school more interesting

Combatting family violence

Need business help?

Yaama Dhiyaan

Application lodged for new health centre

$50m residential development at hospital site


$123 million media hub

Community markets

Plan for former Railyards

$45m Indigenous project

Eveleigh Heritage Walk

$54m works near complete

Need Assistance?


Planning for public housing renewal

The Department of Housing and the Redfern-Waterloo Authority are working in partnership to facilitate a comprehensive social housing improvement strategy for the area.

Work is underway on Stage 2 of the Built Environment Plan, including the aim over the longer term of improving existing public housing stock, enhancing the mix of housing types and tenancies in order to reduce the concentration of public housing, establishing a more sustainable social mix and facilitating affordable housing.

The strategy will seek to build on community strengths, recognise that high rise public housing in particular is home to significant communities and to ensure that the physical environment matches the community's needs.

The NSW Government has given a clear commitment that in developing Stage 2 of the Built Environment Plan:

  • There will be no cuts to the amount of public housing.
  • Current residents will not be disadvantaged.
  • All public tenancies are secure.

The Redfern-Waterloo community and public housing tenants in particular will be extensively consulted on any proposals for public housing renewal. It is currently anticipated that a draft of Stage 2 of the Built Environment Plan could be available for public exhibition by March 2008.

Elizabeth Street redevelopment

The Department of Housing lodged its Development Application with the City of Sydney on 21 June for 106 new public housing dwellings on the eastern precinct of its Elizabeth Street site. Details of the DA are available on the City's website at Expressions of Interest for architectural services for the proposed development of 158 private dwellings on land adjoining the new public housing are currently being reviewed by the Department. The proceeds from the sale of this land will be invested in the construction of the new and improved public housing.

Photo: The Department of Housing and the RWA are working together on Stage 2 of the Built Environment Plan.



Action Plan to improve Waterloo Green

The Waterloo Green provides highly valuable recreational and open space to the residents of Waterloo public housing estate.

With the RWA's support, the Department of Housing and other government agencies have developed an Action Plan to make Waterloo Green a safer and more user-friendly place.

The plan also adopts the recommendations of a community safety audit undertaken by Redfern Police.

Key actions in the plan include:

  • Improving public safety and amenity on and around Waterloo Green.
  • Reducing anti-social behaviour associated with excessive public drinking.
  • Providing more information about services, events and local interest groups.
  • Improving access to key human services.
  • Making more use of meeting and activities spaces.
  • Improving interaction between older residents and young people.

For further information on the Action Plan, contact the Department of Housing's Waterloo Team Leader, Warwick Sams, on 9310 8666.

Photo: One of the areas of recreation and open space within the Waterloo Green.

Koori Job Ready Course in Construction

'The course and this apprenticeship have changed my life forever and for the better.' — James Delaney

Koori Job Ready Course in Construction • Information Sessions

The Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) in partnership with TAFE NSW South West Sydney Institute are offering a Koori Job Ready Course in Construction.

The course is run over 8 weeks and operates daily between 8am and 2.30pm at North Eveleigh.

Subjects covered in the course include:

  • Construction OH&S (Induction Card)
  • Restricted Height Scaffolds
  • First Aid
  • Forklift Operations and
  • Basic Carpentry

The RWA holds information sessions before each course.

To sign up for the information sessions or for further information please contact Terry Kelly at the RWA on 9202 9100.




Rabbitohs chief says self-belief is key

In an inspiring address to Aboriginal students, South Sydney Rabbitohs co-owner, Peter Holmes a Court, stressed the importance of self-belief. He made the comments at the recent graduation of the Koori Job Ready Course at RWA's Les Tobler Construction Training Centre, North Eveleigh.

"The Rabbitohs now go into every game believing they can win," Peter Holmes a Court said. "This self-belief was a prime reason for the team's on-field success this year," he added, which saw them reach the finals for the first time in 18 years.

Mr Holmes a Court urged Aboriginal graduates to believe in themselves as they transitioned into meaningful employment and successful careers.

He received an enthusiastic response to his important message.

Two courses have graduated so far this year, with a third group about to start. So far there have been more than 40 graduates in 2007. Graduation provides employment opportunities in construction flowing from Redfern-Waterloo's urban renewal.

The training centre is named after Les Tobler who was instrumental in coordinating pre-employment training programs for unemployed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

The third Koori Job Ready course will start on 15 October 2007. For further details, please contact Terry Kelly at the RWA on 9202 9100.

Photo: Graduates of the second Construction Course with Peter Holmes a Court, Carmel Tebbutt MP, RWA Staff and TAFE teachers.

Photo: Students from the Course working on scaffolding.



Making school more interesting

A practical and environmentally sustainable building program at Alexandria Park Community School is already proving successful for students.

The new project was initiated as a pilot aimed at Year 9 students who are disengaged in school, offering them access to hands-on learning with a building project on school grounds during school hours.

The RWA's Terry Kelly helped co-ordinate the program, ensuring the students were mentored and supervised by a building professional. The project undertaken was the development of an eco pond with a sustainable garden on school grounds.

Five students are involved in the project, which has three stages. Laying of sleepers for terracing and building a retaining wall were completed in mid-June. Stage Three, the replacement of rotten sleepers and finalising terracing, commenced in late June.

During the building project, students learnt to work in a team, were mentored by a professional builder and were taught to apply skills such as numeracy and literacy when mixing cement or laying bricks.

Most importantly the five students who participated in the program not only enjoyed the experience, but felt that they had learnt a lot, particularly how to work alongside professional people. One student, Daniel, stated: "I learnt how to measure, how to mix cement and lay straight bricks." Another student, Hayden, felt the program "made school more interesting."

The project contributes towards the student's credit points for work experience and is being considered by the school as an ongoing program.

Valuable support was provided by the Brick Industry Training School and the Local Community Partnership who supplied a young bricklayer to help the students for two weeks as well as provide material. Bunnings Warehouse also contributed to the program by donating several bags of cement to the school for the program.

Photo: Terry Kelly

Photo: Students from Alexandria Park Community High School taking part in the building project.

Combatting family violence

Family violence continues to be a significant social problem in Redfern-Waterloo, as it is in the community generally.

The Redfern Waterloo Family Violence Taskforce is seeking to address family violence in the area. The Taskforce has representation from both government and non-government agencies. Achievements to date include:

  • Development of a Charter for the Family Violence Taskforce.
  • Mapping of support services available to the Redfern Waterloo community.
  • Preparation of a Family Violence Services Directory that is available to the general public and agencies.
  • Establishment of a Family Violence Services database.
  • Hosting of a Family Violence Stakeholder Forum to develop an action plan for 2007-08.
  • Other plans also underway:
  • Developing a response model for the area that could promptly link victims to appropriate services immediately following an incident.
  • Providing specialist training for family violence workers through the Southern Cross University's Gnibi College for Indigenous Australian Peoples.

A culturally specific information resource has also been developed by Mudgingal in conjunction with the RWA and funded through the support of the NSW Department of Community Services to promote the Black Out Violence campaign.

For further information please contact Julie Parsons at the RWA on 9202 9100.

Need business help?

Call Redfern Waterloo Enterprise Service

Any Redfern, Waterloo, Eveleigh or Darlington resident who has an idea for a business, or on existing business that requires assistance, can access the Redfern Waterloo Business Service.

The Enterprise Service is a FREE, ONE-ON-ONE & CONFIDENTIAL service with an experienced and qualified business professional that can help on a range of business issues including:

  • Business Planning
  • Understanding regulations
  • Financing
  • Management skills
  • Marketing and market research
  • Mentor support

The facilitator works out of the RWA office, Level 11, Tower 2 1 Lawson Sq, Redfern. CALL 9202 9100 TO BOOK A TIME TO MEET WITH THE BUSINESS ADVISOR.

Redfern-Waterloo Authority & Department of State and Regional Development

Yaama Dhiyaan

restaurant • catering • cafe


Yaama Dhiyaan is a Cafe and Function Centre that specialises in modern Australian cuisine using Indigenous produce and flavours.

YAAMA DHIYAAN is an exciting new venture offering on site function services as well as off site catering.

It is located in the exciting new North Eveleigh precinct at 255 Wilson Street, Darlington.

YAAMA DHIYAAN is a truly unique opportunity for people to experience the friendly service and high standard of food offered by Aunty Beryl Van-Oploo, an Aboriginal elder, and an exciting young Aboriginal chef Mathew Cribb, who has over 10 years experience.



  • Fried Crocodile Wontons with Finger Lime Sauce and Snowpea Shoots
  • Peppered Kangaroo Fillet with Roasted Beetroot, Rocket Salad and Balsamic Reduction
  • Macadamia Nut and Thyme Crusted. Emu Fillet on Crushed Yam with Native Pepper Berry Jus
  • Pan Fried Chicken Breast with Bush Tomato Ratatouille and Crispy Emu Prosciutto
  • Steamed Lemon Myrtle and Poppy Seed Pudding with Vanilla Anglaise and Chocolate and Wattleseed Sauce

HOURS OF OPERATION Monday to Sunday, 8am to 10pm


Call Event Services, Matt on 8399 0924 or email


Application lodged for new health centre

The Department of Health recently lodged its Project Application for the new $10 million community health centre at the site of the former Redfern Courthouse and Police Station.

Details of the application can be found on the Department of Planning's website at . The centre, which will become operational in 2009, will have a team of health care professionals who will provide health services to the local community, including through an outreach service. Regular services to be provided will include drug and alcohol assessment/treatment/counselling /referral and follow up, sexual health screening and treatment, nutrition counselling, community development, adolescent mental health and general practitioner shared care.

$50m residential development at hospital site

The public exhibition period for the RWA's Concept Plan application for the proposed residential development of the former Rachel Forster Hospital closed on 31 August.

No objections to the development were raised by the local community and three government entities lodged formal submissions. The Minister for Planning's determination of the application is expected shortly. The Concept Plan envisages a residential development of about 150 dwellings with an estimated development cost of about $50 million. Significant historical elements of the former hospital buildings are to be retained and a new public park of over 1000 square metres fronting Pitt Street will be created. The site is expected to go to market later this year and sale proceeds will be used to fund the construction of the new community health centre in Redfern Street.


Set sail on a journey to discover the stories of the indigenous people of our land and the history of Sydney Harbour.

The Tribal Warrior offers Sydney's Only Aboriginal Harbour Cruises which includes informative and entertaining commentary about significant Sydney landmarks and their Aboriginal names and history.

The Tribal Warrior cultural cruises operate for 1 hr 45min and also include a visit to Clark Island, a traditional welcome and light refreshments.

All Cultural cruises provide employment and training for unemployed Aboriginal people and are sponsored by the RWA.

Cruises depart daily at 12.45pm Tuesday to Saturday front Eastern Pontoon, East Circular Quay


Sydney Visitor Centres 1800 067 676 or by contacting Tribal Warrior Association on 9699 3491 or by email on

FOR GROUP / CHARTER AND SCHOOL BOOKINGS Call Sydney Learning Adventures on 9240 8552.


$123 million media hub

Early works are scheduled to commence this month on the $123 million development of a major new media hub at the Australian Technology Park. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2009 and will house the Seven Network, Pacific Magazines and other media entities which are to be announced in due course. 600 construction jobs will be created of which 60 have been designated for unemployed Aboriginal people under the RWA's Indigenous Employment Model. The media hub will directly employ about 2000 staff, with significant increases in new jobs and investment in Redfern as a result of the development.

Community markets

The RWA has re-advertised its development application for the $3 million adaptive re-use of the former Blacksmith's Workshop at North Eveleigh. The proposal entails the creation of a community market, arts space and a small car park. The revised DA has taken into account public submissions received during the first period of public exhibition and clarified potential market operating hours under either a weekend/Thursday night scenario and a 7 day a week scenario.

Subject to development approval, the community market is now expected to commence operation by mid 2008.

Plan for former Railyards

A concept plan is being prepared by the RWA to facilitate the sale of the western and eastern ends of the former railyards at North Eveleigh. Planning for the site will be in accord with the Built Environment Plan (Stage One) which was the subject of extensive community consultation in 2006. The CarriageWorks performing arts space, the Yaama Dhiyaan Indigenous training/function centre and the proposed Blacksmith's Workshop/community markets space will be among those lands retained in public ownership on the 10.5 hectare site. It is expected that the concept plan application will be lodged in early 2008 to enable community consultation and that relevant surplus lands will be put to the market for sale later next year.

$45m Indigenous project

Project approval from the Minister for Planning is anticipated soon for the Indigenous Land Corporation's proposed redevelopment of the 1.6 hectare former Redfern Public School to create a centre of sporting and cultural excellence. The ILC will be investing about $45 million into what will be known as the National Indigenous Development Centre. This exciting project, which is expected to bring significant benefits to the Redfern-Waterloo community, is likely to be completed in 2009.

Eveleigh Heritage Walk

A design consortium comprised of architects Cox Richardson and engineers Arup have been appointed to the RWA's $6 million project to build a pedestrian/cycle bridge linking the Australian Technology Park with North Eveleigh. Project managers have also been selected following a tender process. The Department of Planning has issued detailed requirements for the project following consideration of the RWA's preliminary environmental assessment.

$54m works near complete

The RWA's $47 million construction of its new 11,000 square metre research facility at the Australian Technology Park will be completed by the end of this year. Following fit-out, about 600 employees of National ICT Australia and the Defence Science and Technology Organisation will relocate to the new building in early 2008. Meanwhile, the RWA's $7.2 million project to build new roads and infrastructure to facilitate the ATP's future development is scheduled for completion in October this year. The new main entrance to the Park will be via Henderson Road.

Need Assistance?

Redfern-Waterloo Authority

For more information or to send us your feedback please contact the Redfern-Waterloo Authority, Level 11, Tower 2, 1 Lawson Square, Redfern

Tel: (02) 9202 9100 Fax: (02) 9202 9111

Mail: PO Box 3332, Redfern NSW 2016



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