The former Hospital site will now be put to market for sale by the Redfern-Waterloo Authority.
Mr Sartor said the proposed redevelopment would deliver up to 150 new residential dwellings on the site and include the provision of more than 1,000 m2 of open space.
“This proposed redevelopment will deliver new housing and open space for the area, while ensuring the historical significance of the site is maintained,” Mr Sartor said.
“Important heritage items, such as the existing surgery building and colonnade structure, would be retained under the proposal and incorporated into the new development.
“The delivery of a large portion of the site as open space also creates a valuable community asset.”
The concept plan includes four residential flat buildings ranging from three to six storeys above street level.
The redevelopment will allow an additional level on the existing heritage building and three new detached residential buildings over a two level basement car park.
As part of the development approval process, the proponent will be required to lodge a project application that is consistent with the concept plan before construction can commence.
“To gain final project approval the proposal will need to demonstrate design excellence in terms of architectural design, materials and detailing, and overall building appearance,” Mr Sartor said.
The proponent will also be required to provide a monetary contribution for the delivery of affordable housing and public works in the area.
“The requirement for a contribution to affordable housing will further ensure the redevelopment delivers social as well as economic development for the Redfern area,” Mr Sartor said.
“Importantly, the local environment will also be protected with a detailed landscape plan required with the future project application.
“This approval delivers a significant economic, social and environmental boost for the local area.”
Net proceeds from the sale of the Hospital site will be committed towards the development of a new $10 million community health centre at the former Redfern Courthouse/Police Station, which is expected to become operational in 2009.
Source : RWA Concept Approval for Rachel Forster Redevelopment Click here (pdf~80kb)