RWA Statement on Allegations referred to ICAC
Mr Wakelin-King said that a further investigation into these allegations was undertaken by the RWA at the direction of the Minister for Planning, Minister for Redfern Waterloo.
"The RWA requested that the Internal Audit Bureau undertake an independent investigation into these allegations on behalf of the RWA," Mr Wakelin-King said.
"This investigation report has been completed and has been forwarded to the Minister, as well as the ICAC."
Mr Wakelin-King said the key findings of the investigation into the anonymous allegations, as they relate. to RWA, include:
- That the appointment of Mr Peter Vladeta and Mr Chris Saunders was carried out in accordance with relevant policy and procedures, and that there was no misconduct in relation to these appointments,
- That the decision to purchase 125 Little Eveleigh Street was in accordance with the responsibilities, plans and polices of the RWA; and
- The establishment of the Eveleigh Markets was in accordance with the responsibilities, plans and polices of the RWA.
"The report found there were further matters, including policies and procedures, that need to be addressed by the RWA" Mr Wakelin-King said.
These matters are currently being further investigated, and actioned where necessary. "The RWA has kept ICAC informed of this process accordingly."
Mr Wakelin-King said it was highly regrettable that the person or persons who made these anonymous allegations chose to state that the letter was a representation from the RWA Staff.
"When the details of the allegations were made public, this choice caused much concern to the staff of the organisation who work hard to deliver good outcomes to the Redfern Waterloo community."
Mr Wakelin-King said in the short time the RWA had been operating it had achieved a great deal.
"These outcomes are a reflection of the dedication and professionalism of the RWA staff, both past and present", Mr Wakelin-King said.
"You only have to look at the Eveleigh Markets to see the outcome of the good work being done by the RWA.
It is this type of good work that has gone a long way to changing the misperceptions of this important area of Sydney."
Mr Wakelin-King also said the purchase of the Little Eveleigh Street property is a key part: of the preparations for the upgrade of Redfern Station.
"The acquisition of this land will allow for the effective delivery of the upgrade of the Station and is an important part of the design process currently underway by RailCorp," Mr Wakelin-King said.
"The acquisition of this property was done with the full transparency of the RWA Board and will be of great benefit to the community of Redfern by contributing to the development of Redfern Station".
Source: Redfern Waterloo Authority Media Release