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The Eveleigh Markets have won The Sydney Morning Herald 2010 Foodies Award for Best Markets in Sydney and more than 3,000 people a week are enjoying them reports this media release from Minister Kristina Keneally on 10 October 2009.

Minister for Redfern Waterloo, Kristina Keneally, said the award reinforced how impressive the markets had become in just seven months.

“In 2008 the NSW Government and the Redfern Waterloo Authority undertook a $3 million refurbishment of the heritage Blacksmith’s Workshop at North Eveleigh Rail yards,” Ms Keneally said.

“This refurbishment has resulted in the creation of Sydney’s Best Foodies Markets, the Eveleigh Markets.

“Regular weekly trading of the markets started on Saturday 28 February 2009 and rain, hail or shine have been attracting, on average, 3,000 people every week.

“Because the markets are undercover they operate in all weather so people can shop and enjoy meeting those who bring their products to market.

“I have spent many a Saturday morning at the markets with my family enjoying the produce, atmosphere and a Kangaroo pie from Yaama Dihyaan.”

Ms Keneally said the Sydney Morning Herald Foodies awards are now in their fourth year, and are given annually to food retailers who provide exceptional service.

“The awards are judged by a strict set of criteria,” Ms Keneally said.

“These include ‘Excellence of product, knowledge and understanding of what is stocked, attention to detail and engagement with business.

“Places that have recently started operating are usually given a year to prove themselves, however the Eveleigh Markets have, in just seven months, shown they are the best in Sydney.

“It is for this reason that the Eveleigh Markets, the Redfern Waterloo Authority and Australia Technology Park deserve special praise for this amazing achievement.

“Credit for the success of the Markets also needs go to the stall holders who bring great produce every week, without their stalls the Markets would simply not exist.

“Since beginning in February the markets have built a wonderful community feeling in the area and are yet another example of the rejuvenation happening in the Redfern Waterloo area.”

Eveleigh Markets Manager, Ariana Aljinovic, said it was an honour to have the markets acknowledged by such an award, especially for the farmers and producers who make it possible each week.

“In the last seven months crowds and stalls have continued to grow and there are now over 65 produce stalls every week,” Ms Aljinovic said.

“A few weeks ago we had the biggest crowd we’ve ever had with more than 4,000 people walking through the markets doors.

“Ever since we started operating, community support for the Market has grown with bigger and bigger crowds and it is no wonder considering the amazing range of produce on offer.

“The stall holders should be very proud of the job they have done and the ever growing crowds are a testament to the produce they bring.”

Ms Aljinovic said the locally grown farm fresh produce sold by the growers/producers includes: 

  • Lamb, beef and pork,
  • In season fruit and vegetables
  • Free range eggs and poultry,
  • Honey,
  • New season olive oils,
  • Artisan bread,
  • Shellfish,
  • Goats cheese; and
  • Baked goods.

The Eveleigh Markets are an undercover, traditional, authentic weekly Saturday Farmers’ Market held in the city of Sydney.

The market is held every Saturday between 8am and 1 pm, in the heritage-listed Eveleigh Market, Sydney’s only custom-renovated ‘rain, hail, shine’ market venue 243 Wilson St, Darlington, NSW (Adjacent Carriage Works).

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