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ATP Heritage Equipment Public Statement

Below is the text of the Australian Technology Park Precinct Management Ltd's public statement on ATP Heritage issued on 3 December 2009.




There has been recent media speculation regarding the future of heritage items at the Australian Technology Park (ATP).

Australian Technology Park Precinct Management Ltd (ATPPML) wishes to advise that it has and will continue to meet is obligations regarding heritage at the ATP. It also rejects any assertion that it has acted outside of these requirements. No heritage equipment has or is being thrown out. We are acting to ensure the valuable heritage in the ATP is being appropriately preserved, maintained and promoted.

The Board and Management of ATPPML are very conscious of its responsibility as the custodians of this important heritage. The Board has taken an active interest in this matter and has asked ATPPML management to keep it informed of progress accordingly.

Furthermore, ATPPML is acting above and beyond its obligations through its commitment to its responsibilities in relation to heritage at the Park. This is evidenced through the substantial financial investment the company has made, and has agreed to make in the future, in relation to this responsibility. This amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars being invested directly into the ongoing preservation of heritage buildings and equipment at the ATP over the coming year and beyond. This is on top of the recent work done to the pump house, Bays 1 and 2 of the Locomotive Building, the Watertank and the soon to be upgraded innovation Plaza.

Our commitment to heritage was outlined through our stated desire to work with the relevant heritage groups in a partnership approach during the recent Heritage Workshop hosted by Wrought Artworks. This workshop was financially supported by the Redfern Waterloo Authority (RWA), with the facilities being provided by ATPPML to the workshop organisers at no cost.

There have also been enquiries by some members of the community regarding the ATP Section 170 Heritage and Conservation Register. This Register was developed in 2008 and was approved by the NSW Heritage Council in November 2008. It has been publicly available from the NSW Heritage Office since that time.

ATPPML will continue to work with in good faith with all relevant stakeholders in regard to heritage at the ATP. ATPPML has initiated the development of a new Conservation Management Plan for the ATP, which will involve consultation with the community. We will also be working constructively through the Heritage Taskforce process that has been established by the RWA.

Roy Wakelin-King Managing Director 

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