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RWA Update Issue # 5 - 8 March 2010

RWA Update - 8 March 2010 - NEWS: Redfern: A Centre for Excellence / Premier highlights changing face of Redfern Waterloo / Human Services boost at the RWA / RWA CEO attends REDWatch meeting / Parking consultant engaged for Alexandria / Heritage update / RWA helps Babana find new home / New services map on RWA website / Coca Cola comes to Redfern Waterloo / Redfern Waterloo Newsletter at your doorstep / News from the ATP / WHAT’S ON: Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm / REDWater Community Market – 20 March / Family and Culture Day on The Block – 27 March / Yaama Dhiyaan - 2010 dates / Koori Job Ready: Information Day on 7 April

RWA Update 8 March 2010 


Redfern: A Centre for Excellence

Premier highlights changing face of Redfern Waterloo

Human Services boost at the RWA

RWA CEO attends REDWatch meeting

Parking consultant engaged for Alexandria

Heritage update

RWA helps Babana find new home

New services map on RWA website

Coca Cola comes to Redfern Waterloo

Redfern Waterloo Newsletter at your doorstep

News from the ATP


Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm

REDWater Community Market – 20 March

Family and Culture Day on The Block – 27 March

Yaama Dhiyaan - 2010 dates

Koori Job Ready: Information Day on 7 April



Redfern: A Centre for Excellence

The Prime Minister Kevin Rudd joined the local Redfern community in celebrating the opening of the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence on Friday 26 February 2010. The Prime Minister said it was a proud day for Australians to see the $50 million Centre open in Redfern, marking a new era in Indigenous education, engagement and leadership. Yaama Dhiyaan catered for the 300- strong crowd, with Uncle Max performing the smoking ceremony and Chicka Dixon the Welcome to Country. The Minister for Redfern Waterloo and local Member Kristina Keneally, and NSW Governor Marie Bashir were on hand to congratulate those involved. The NCIE unofficially opened its doors early January 2010.

Premier highlights changing face of Redfern Waterloo

The NSW Premier Kristina Keneally has welcomed a reduction in crime and increase in property prices in Redfern Waterloo. The Premier was at the Tony Mundine Gym on 15 February 2010 to highlight independent data, which shows a reduction in crime in the area over the last two years, combined with solid increases in housing and unit prices in both suburbs over the past five years. House prices in Redfern have risen by 38% since 2005, with a 22% increase for Waterloo. The Premier thanked both the Local Police and Aboriginal community leaders for working together to achieve outcomes for the community. The NSW Government will invest $8 million in the Redfern Waterloo Authority during the 2009/10 and 2010/11 financial years. To read the full press release go to Latest News on the RWA home page

Human Services boost at the RWA

The Human Services team at the Redfern Waterloo Authority has received a significant boost with the appointment of a Director and a Senior Project Manager. Melissa Gibson assumes the role of Director of Human Services, bringing her experience in human services delivery with both government and non-government agencies, including NSW Health, Housing NSW, and NSW Department for Women. She previously worked as a psychologist in residential and community health centres. Jennifer Duxley joins as the new Senior Project Manager, replacing Don Stewart. Formerly a solicitor, Jennifer comes across from Relationships Australia, having previously worked for the White Ribbon Foundation, the NSW Government’s Reduce Violence Against Women campaign and the Hawkesbury Community Legal Centre as the principal solicitor. Together with Julie Parsons, the Human Services team is positioned to make significant progress on the Human Services Plans, for the benefit of the homeless, people with disabilities, the aged, and migrant communities.

RWA CEO attends REDWatch meeting

RWA CEO Roy Wakelin-King and new Human Services Director Melissa Gibson met with community group REDWatch on Thursday March 4 as part of the RWA’s commitment to attend REDWatch meetings on quarterly basis. Mr Wakelin-King updated meeting attendees on the RWA’s activities across the planning and urban renewal, human services and employment and enterprise initiatives. The RWA will next attend a REDWatch meeting on Thursday June 3.

Parking consultant engaged for Alexandria

ATP Managing Director Roy Wakelin-King wrote to Alexandria residents on 1 March 2010 updating them on the engagement of a traffic consultant to manage a parking resolution for the area. The letter also listed the activities undertaken by the ATP since the community information meeting. To read this letter, go to Latest News on the RWA home page:

Heritage update

The RWA’s Heritage team received a number of nominations for heritage projects before the window for nominations closed on 25 February 2010. The team is now prioritising and actioning these items in readiness for presentation to the Redfern Waterloo Heritage Taskforce at the next meeting on March 16. One indigenous seat on the Taskforce remains available. Head to the Heritage section of the RWA website to find more about the Heritage Taskforce, heritage projects, the terms of reference, Taskforce membership and a point of contact for Heritage matters.

RWA helps Babana find new home

The RWA has assisted Babana in finding a new venue to hold monthly meetings and to meet up for their weekly Sunday walks. The RWA has paid for the hire of the South Sydney PCYC to foster and grow the reach of this valuable community organisation. For more information contact the RWA’s Julie Parsons on 9202 9112 ( or Babana’s Mark Spinks on 9243 3546.

New services map on RWA website

The RWA has provided a new services map on its website, located under the green Community house under ‘Services’. This map locates Aboriginal, Aged and Disability, Education and Employment, Family, Health, Multi Service and Youth organisations and service providers in the Redfern Waterloo area, including addresses and phone numbers. This is the first map and accompanying list of its kind for the area. Updates and improvements in presentation and usability will be made going forward. To aid this process, please email any necessary updates to Ben Falkenmire at

Coca Cola comes to Redfern Waterloo

Coca Cola joined a prestigious list of companies that have come to the Redfern Waterloo area to film or shoot at the North Eveleigh site. The company used a number of locations within North Eveleigh to film an advertisement for one of their drink products. It is understood that the advertisement will be released in the near future and run for approximately six months. Other companies that have recently used North Eveleigh include David Jones, the Cancer Council for their Big Morning Tea campaign, and Chinese New Year parade performers for rehearsals. All filming or photography was overseen by the RWA in accordance with its guidelines on filming and photographing on RWA sites. For more information head to Film and photography on the RWA website or contact Malcolm Hartley on 9202 9102 or

Redfern Waterloo Newsletter at your doorstep

The Redfern Waterloo newsletter was delivered to the doorsteps of homes in the Redfern Waterloo (including Darlington, Eveleigh and parts of Alexandria) towards the end of February. The February edition features a colourful cover article on the opening of the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence. Other articles include Kristina Keneally’s retainment of the Redfern Waterloo ministry as Premier, the arrival of world class film studios to Darlington and a profile of local Aboriginal Women’s Group Mudgin-Gal. To receive a copy, contact Ben Falkenmire on 9202 9112 or, including your name and postal address.

News from the ATP

The Australian Technology Park distributed its latest newsletter at the end of February to subscribers, updating them on developments at the Park. To read this newsletter head to and follow the prompts. You can access prior newsletters on this page. Towards the bottom of the web page, enter your details to subscribe for future newsletters.


Eveleigh Farmers’ Market – every Saturday 8am to 1pm

Eveleigh Market is an undercover, traditional, authentic weekly Saturday Farmers’ Market. The venue is the historic Blacksmith Workshop of the one-time Eveleigh Railyards, providing for Sydney’s only ‘rain, hail, shine’ venue and an inspiring heritage backdrop. The Farmers’ market is held every Saturday from 8am to 1pm. For more information head to

REDWater Community Market – 20 March

The REDWater Community Market continues to offer hand-made, recycled and second-hand goods on the third Saturday of each month. Get down to Redfern Park from 8am to find that treasure gift, hobby item or something unique for the home. To hold a stall call 0434 197 527 and for general information call 9698 9569.

Family and Culture Day on The Block – 27 March

Family and Culture Day on The Block returns 27 March with more live music, performances, food and activities for the family. This community event is held on the last Saturday of the month. For more information contact Shane Phillips at Tribal Warrior on 9699 3491.

Yaama Dhiyaan - 2010 dates

The first term of the year at the Yaama Dhiyaan Hospitality Training Centre finishes on 1 April. The remainder of this year’s course dates are as follows:

Term 2: 3rd May to 2nd July

Term 3: 26th July to 24th Sept

Term 4: 11th October to 10th December

For more information contact Andrew Constantinidis on 9202 9100.

Koori Job Ready: Information Day on 7 April

An Information Day for the second term of the Koori Job Ready Course for the year is taking place on Wednesday 7 April. The dates for the Term 2 course, and for terms 3 and 4. are:

Term 2: 19th April to 11th June (information day: 7th April)

Term 3: 5th July to 27th August (information day: 22nd June)

Term 4: 11th October to 3rd December (information day: 28th September)

For more information contact Wayne Dargan (9202 9100, 0423 414 643) or Rohan Tobler (9202 9100, 0414 137 816).

To be added to the RWA Update distribution list, make comments or suggest a news item or event, please contact the RWA’s Communications Officer Ben Falkenmire on 9202 9112 or

Ben Falkenmire


Redfern-Waterloo Authority

1 Lawson Square

PO Box 3332

Redfern NSW 2016

T: 02 9202 9112

F: 02 9202 9111


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