Waterloo Estate Preferred Plan

On January 23 2019 Minister Prue Goward released an outline of the preferred Master Plan for the Waterloo Estate. Here is material relating to that Master Plan.
3D model of Waterloo Estate Preferred Master plan
THis is a photo of the 3D model of the preferred Waterloo Estate Master Plan that appeared at the end of the Chanel 7 news about the proposal on 23 January 2019.
Waterloo Estate Master Plan outline released
On 23 January 2019 afternoon Minister Prue Goward released the Preferred Master Plan proposal for the redevelopment of the Waterloo Estate. Here are links to the plan and some preliminary comments by REDWatch.
REDWatch - Waterloo Estate Preferred Option - Poster for 7 Feb 2019
This is the poster for the REDWatch meeting on 7 February 2019 at which LAHC will present on the preferred option for the Waterloo Estate redevelopment.
Linda Scott letter to REDWatch Members and the Waterloo community
City of Sydney Deputy Lord Mayor sent this letter entitled "Public Good Must Drive Waterloo’s Future" to REDWatch for the forum on the The Waterloo Masterplan
Waterloo Preferred Masterplan - January 2019
This is the LAHC Preferred Masterplan of January 2019. It has been placed on the REDWatch website because it has been removed from the Land and Housing Corporation / Communities Plus website. LAHC have since altered their Preferred plan but this is the only preferred plan that was shown to local residents.