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Waterloo Estate Options

On 2nd August Land and Housing Corporation released the outline of the three options for the redevelopment of the Waterloo public housing estate that they propose to discuss with the Waterloo community in September and October 2018. Here is some information about the announcement and the options options.
Waterloo Options released - REDWatch
Below are the links to the options papers released on 2 August and some comments made initially by REDWatch.
Mayoral Minute on Redevelopment of Waterloo Precinct - 13 August 2018
Tej minute below was moved by Lord mayor Clover Moore at the City of Sydney Council meeting on 13 August 2018, raising her concerns about the Waterloo options.
LAHC Waterloo Newsletter - September 2018 - On Options Testing
In this September 2018 newsletter LAHC released some details of option testing. It includes dates for two Community Information days, a call to register to participate in focus groups and the link to an online questionnaire. It makes no reference to the proposed posting of the options support materials that has been requested.
Waterloo Redevelopment Activities Calendar for Options Testing
This is the Waterloo Redevelopment Activities Calendar covering the Waterloo redevelopment options testing in October 2018. Please note two sessions had not been finalised when this calandar was published.
Waterloo Redevelopment Options Testing Survey Questions
To assist people prepare for the survey we have provided the questions so you can see them before you respond. Before you start the survey, please make sure you are able to readily view the three redevelopment options. For example, you may want to download the Options from the website and print a copy, or keep a copy of the Waterloo Redevelopment Options brochure handy whilst you work your way through the survey. Alternatively, you can attend a community day or visit Waterloo Connect to view large printed copies of the options. The document is a 1 Mb Microsoft Word document.
Waterloo option testing begins with new option information
Options testing has begun with the release of additional information on each options released on the first day of testing. Below is REDWatch's guide to options testing and our concerns about the process that was emailed to REDWatch's members and supporters lists.
Waterloo Options - consultation kit for groups
This kit has been prepared for community groups and local service providers so they can conduct their own consultation / study session on the Waterloo options. The kit includes a cover sheet with links to supporting materials; A Group Discussion Guide for facilitators; An template for recording issues raised in the discussion and a summary sheet. The kit is designed for agencies, churches, community groups and anyone who wants to sit down with some friends and talk about the options proposed by LAHC for the redevelopment of the Waterloo public housing estate. The document is in Microsoft Word.
Waterloo Options Testing & Feedback extended until Monday 19 November 2018
Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) have advised that they will extend all feedback on Waterloo Options testing until 19 November. This includes feedback via the surveys both on-line and return of hard copies of the surveys. LAHC will also continue with informal drop-ins session through Waterloo Connect for members of the community that wish to still go through information on the options at the Waterloo Connect Office. LAHC will communicate this to the community through the C+ website and outreach notifications which we are continuing to still undertake around the estate.
Estate Options Testing Consultation Report Released
On 11 January LAHC released their Options Testing Consultation Report. This report documents for the SSP process the outcomes of the options testing phase of consultation for the Waterloo Redevelopment. It also incorporates an overview of the findings of the initial visioning phase of the consultation.
Waterloo Options Testing Consultation Report less Exhibition Boards, Notices and Visioning Report
This is a copy of the Waterloo Options Testing Consultation Report with the last two Appendicies removed. The removed material covers the previously seen Exhibition Boards, Notices and earlier Visioning Report. This version of the report only deals with the new material from the options testing.
LAHC Block nubers for Dwellings Table
Communities Plus Waterloo Housing and Neighbourhood Design Board
Communities Plus Waterloo Housing and Neighbourhood Design Board
Waterloo ABS SA1 Analysis - REDWatch
REDWatch analysis of Waterloo ABS SA1s showing quantity of private dwellings included in Waterloo Public Housing Estate ABS coverage.
Waterloo Estate ABS Analysis
Waterloo Estate ABS Analysis showing proportion of private dwellings in SA1s covering the Waterloo estate.
Lies, damn lies and statistics – REDWatch comments on the Waterloo demographic reports
One of the concerns about the Waterloo redevelopment is that the existing vulnerable public housing community will continue to exist, but it will be less visible in the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) measures used by social planning and funding bodies.