Community Activity

There are many groups and projects happening in Waterloo. Here we have an over view of some of the players and information about their activities as they unfold.
Who's Who and what are they doing around the Waterloo Public Housing redevelopment
The below overview was initially put together in January 2017 as activities were being planned for the the Master Planning associated with the Waterloo Public Housing Redevelopment. We will try and keep this updated as the process unfolds so people have an idea of who is doing what. REDWatch is having a What's Cooking open mic on Thursday 2nd February where some of those involved below will be talking in their own words.
Invitation to the Future Planning Centre Open Day & Launch June 24th 11-4pm Jun 24, 2017 from 11:00 AM to 04:00 PM Waterloo Estate, 95 Wellington St, Waterloo,
This is the project you may have earlier referred to as a community master plan. This process will now do work that will formally feed into the LAHC Master Planning process. You are invited to drop down to the centre which is near the IGA in the middle of the estate on Saturday 24 June from 11-4pm.
REDWatch Forum - Public Housing: What is it? Where are we? How did we get here? and Where are we going? Jul 06, 2017 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM The Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo,
We will be joined by Associate Professor Vivienne Milligan from the UNSW City Futures Research Centre and Julie Foreman the Executive Officer of the Tenants Union of NSW.
What can Labor do in Waterloo - An Open Public Forum to Discuss the Redevelopment of the Waterloo Housing Estate Aug 15, 2017 from 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM Redfern Town Hall ,
Redfern Labor invites you to attend a public forum to discuss the biggest change ever seen in our neighbourhood. A round circle community town hall style meeting, the event will start with four community representatives talking about their opinion of the redevelopment:
What can Labor do in Waterloo? - Open Public Forum Poster - 15 August
This is the poster for the Redfern ALP Branch Public Forum on What can Labor do in Waterloo?
Special ISV on Redeveloping Waterloo Public Housing
Inner Sydney Voice produced a special edition of their magazine for the Waterloo master planing. Copies were distributed to all public tenants in the area proposed to be redeveloped. This issue both provides background to the proposed master planning as well as articles on the issues that will need to be considered. This is a PDF of this issue of PDF.
Who’s Who in Waterloo?
This is an overview of the major government, non-government and community organisations and projects around the Waterloo master planning. It was prepared by Geoff Turnbull for the special editon of Inner Sydney Voice on on Redeveloping Waterloo Public Housing. This version updates earlier Who's Whos that have appeared on the REDWatch website and in the South Sydney Herald.
Clover Moore Meeting with the concerned residents at Waterloo
The item below appeared in Clover Moore's eNews 875 on 14 September 2018 and reports on a meeting held between councillors and Waterloo tenants on 12 September 2018.