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Streets and Open Spaces - October 2011

The Engagement focus for October 2011 is on Streets Parks & Open Space. Here are the flyers and information associated with this months focus.
File HNSW Flyer on Local Streets and Open Spaces
This is the HNSW flyer on Local Streets and Open Spaces promoting the October 2011 Community Consultation focus for the Redfern Waterloo Preliminary Masterplan. File is PDF 672KB.
File HNSW Survey on Streets and Spaces
This is the HNSW survey on Streets and Spaces for the Preliminary Masterplan consultation for October 2011. File is MSWord 590KB.
File Space Checklist
This is the HNSW checklist on on Designing / Detailing the Public Spaces - A Keyword list. This is a version of the PDF "Pedestrian Environment Keyword list" without the illustrations but with space for comments and feedback on a specific space. File is MSWord 174KB.
File Pedestrian Environment Keyword list
This is the Pedestrian Environment Keyword list produced by HNSW for their consultation in October 2011. File is PDF 257KB.
HNSW Streets & Open Spaces Walk and Talks Oct 26, 2011 from 01:00 AM to 03:00 AM Meet at Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre, Waterloo or Our Place Community Room Redfern,
As part of HNSW Preliminary Masterplan community engagement in October 2011, HNSW have arranged for Walk and Talk sessions for residents to talk about local streets and open spaces.
File HNSW Streets and Spaces Survey - Oct 2011
Housing NSW wants to hear what local people think about streets, parks, plazas and open spaces in Redfern and Waterloo. Your answers will assist the planners in preparing a Preliminary Masterplan for Redfern and Waterloo that responds to what is important to you. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and send it to Housing NSW. This survey has been handed out at the October workshops and Street Corners. An earlier version also asked people to prioritize the Pedestrian Environment Keyword list found separately on this website. If you wish to provide feed back on your priorities on this list HNSW would be pleased to also hear your comments. File is 393 KB PDF.