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Community Design Workshop - March 2012

The Engagement focus for March 2012 is on a Community Design Workshop. Here are the flyers and information associated with this months focus.
Redfern Walk and Talk Workshop on ideas for the community design workshops - 6 March Mar 07, 2012 from 01:00 AM to 06:00 AM Our Place, Poet’s Corner,
Redfern Walk and Talk Workshop Meet at Our Place, Poet’s Corner Guided walk through Redfern to talk about ideas for the community design workshops. Refreshment provided - English, Russian, Cantonese & Mandarin see times - Mandarin speakers 9.30 am; Russian speakers 10:30 am; Cantonese Speakers 1pm; English speakers 2 pm
Waterloo Walk and Talk Workshop on ideas for the community design workshops - 13 March 2012 Mar 14, 2012 from 12:00 AM to 05:00 AM Front of the Matavai building,
Waterloo walk and talk workshop Meet at the Front of the Matavai building. Guided walk through Waterloo to talk about ideas for the community design workshops. Refreshment provided English, Russian, Cantonese & Mandarin at the following times Chinese speakers 9.30 am; Russian speakers 10:30 am; English speakers 2 pm
Redfern Community Design workshop - 21 March 9.30am or 6pm Mar 22, 2012 from 12:30 AM to 09:00 AM Souths on Chalmers (265 Chalmers Street, Redfern),
Redfern Community Design workshop Souths on Chalmers (265 Chalmers Street, Redfern) Design workshop with the urban planners to contribute your ideas for the future of Redfern. Wed 21 March Day session 9:30– 3 pm or Eve session 6pm– 8:30pm. Lunch or supper provided Day session – English; Russian; Cantonese; Mandarin. Evening session – English only
Waterloo Community Design Workshop - 28 March 9.30am or 6pm Mar 29, 2012 from 12:30 AM to 09:00 AM Souths on Chalmers (265 Chalmers Street, Redfern),
Waterloo Community Design workshop Souths on Chalmers (265 Chalmers Street, Redfern) Design workshop with the urban planners to contribute your ideas for the future of Redfern. Wed 28 March Day session 9:30– 3 pm or Eve session 6pm– 8:30pm. Lunch or supper provided Day session – English; Russian; Cantonese; Mandarin. Evening session – English only
Waterloo Nov 2011 Community Design Workshop Report - HNSW Masterplan
The report from the November 2011 Community Design Workshops will be used as one of the inputs to the March 2012 design workshops. Here you can download that report. The ideas generated by the workshops will be used to formulate and refine concepts resulting in preferred concepts which will identify the proposed location for new shops and facilities, new and upgraded streets, paths and open spaces, and new residential buildings. The refined concepts will form the basis of the structure plan within the Preliminary Masterplan and will be presented to the community in March 2012. This report has a summary map of the common ideas that gives some indication of where HNSW say participants want facilities to go. This file is a large 8MB PDF.
Redfern Nov 2011 Community Design Workshop Report - HNSW Masterplan
The report from the November 2011 Community Design Workshops will be used as one of the inputs to the March 2012 design workshops. Here you can download that report. The ideas generated by the workshops will be used to formulate and refine concepts resulting in preferred concepts which will identify the proposed location for new shops and facilities, new and upgraded streets, paths and open spaces, and new residential buildings. The refined concepts will form the basis of the structure plan within the Preliminary Masterplan and will be presented to the community in March 2012. This report has a summary map of the common ideas that gives some indication of where HNSW say participants want facilities to go. This file is a large 7MB PDF.
What makes a great neighbourhood?
Mark Sheppard, the lead designer for the Redfern Waterloo Masterplan project, suggests that residents think about what makes a great neighbourhood and the different ways this could be achieved — see the table below.
The Councillor's Guide to Urban Design - CABE UK
The Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) gave independent advice to help people create better buildings and spaces from 1999 to 2011. Housing NSW has suggested this publication - The Councillor's Guide to Urban Design as a useful resource in thinking about what makes might make good Urban Design in Redfern and Waterloo. The Guide covers 01 WHAT MAKES A SUCCESSFUL PLACE? - The seven qualities that successful streets, spaces, villages, towns and cities tend to have in common 02 ASPECTS OF FORM The inter-related elements which work together to define buildings, groups of buildings and spaces 03 RAISING STANDARDS How local authorities get the best out of development and a 04 THE PLANNING TOOLKIT Outlines the tools currently available to planning authorities which, used effectively, can deliver quality as well as case studies. Other CABE documents can be found at
Housing NSW Masterplan takes Shape
Housing NSW have released the reports from their planning workshops in November as the basis for the next round of discussions. The separate reports for Redfern and Waterloo include details of what came out of the workshop and a summary at the end of the “Ideas for Improvement”. This summary and the accompany map shows what Housing NSW believe the community wants where. Below we have extracted the summary findings of each report top make them easily accessible. The links to the full reports are at the foot of this article.
File Redfern March 2012 Community Design Workshop Report - HNSW Masterplan
This report from the 28 March 2012 Community Design Workshops on Redfern. It will be used as part of the HNSW Preliminary Masterplan for the redevelopment of the Redfern public housing estate. The Preliminary Masterplan has received a funding extension until the end of 2012 and is waiting for the finalisation of the BEP2 planning controls before the Preliminary Master Plan will be finalised. This file is a large 8.2MB PDF.
File Waterloo March 2012 Community Design Workshop Report - HNSW Masterplan
This report from the 28 March 2012 Community Design Workshops on Waterloo. It will be used as part of the HNSW Preliminary Masterplan for the redevelopment of the Waterloo public housing estate. The Preliminary Masterplan has received a funding extension until the end of 2012 and is waiting for the finalisation of the BEP2 planning controls before the Preliminary Master Plan will be finalised. This file is a large 6.7MB PDF.