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Waterloo Green in the News

Information about Waterloo Green apears in many news items and other places accross the REDWatch website. Below are the results of a search of news items on the site which may help you to find more information about Waterloo Green. The most recently posted articles should be at the top.
24 September 2007
In this Update: RWA Built Environment Update / Eveleigh Pedestrian & Cycle Bridge / Blacksmiths Shop DA Re-exhibited – Until 4 October 2007 / RED Square still missing in RWA Action / Redfern Waterloo in the Media / Strategy for Waterloo Green in response to Safety Audit / Mosaic Project Completed / Police New Aboriginal Strategic Directions 2007-2011 / Chippendale Potential Flashpoint in Urban Design Study / Inner West (Darlington / Chippendale) Community Forum – Monday 24 September 6pm / The Settlement & The Factory AGMs – 25th September 2007 / Frasers Property Community Information Display and Viewing on CUB Site – Wednesday 26 & Saturday 29 September 2007 / Rabbitohs keep Redfern in the news / What is Souths Cares? - REDWatch Public Forum –– 6pm Wednesday 3 October 2007 / Late Night Trading Premises DCP Exhibition – until Monday 1st October 2007 / Settlement DA – on exhibition until 4th October 2007 / Connect Redfern – Changes by Friday 5th October 2007 / Poverty and Dignity Conference - Wednesday 17th October 2007 / Have your say – Summary of Current Consultations
3 August 2007
Rachel Forster Concept Proposal on Exhibition until 24th August 2007 / Friends of Eveleigh produce Large Erecting Shop Concept Plan for the Tourism Review / RailCorp to move Heritage Carriages from the Paint Shop North Eveleigh to Chullora / Redfern Street Business Map & Business Development Evening – 7th August 2007 / South Side Story - The Pride of the League – ABC TV 8pm Tuesdays Starts 7th August 2007 / Community Report Back on RWA Human Services MAC - Thursday 16th August 2007 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm / RWA Ministerial Advisory Boards (MACs) Update / AHC Pemulwuy Project Presentation – 4.30pm, 14th August 2007 at RCC / Public Forum – Unpacking Social Enterprise - 1-5pm 14th August 2007 / Redfern Local Command – Waterloo Green Safety Audit Report / Urban Design Studies / Factory Community Centre 30th Anniversary – 31st August 2007 / Have your say – Summary of Current Consultations
24 July 2007
In this Update: Minister Changes RWA Human Services Ministerial Advisory Committee (HSMAC) / AHC Pemulwuy Project Presentation – 4.30pm, 14th August 2007 at RCC / Settlement Neighbourhood Centre Hall DA going to CoS Council / DA for CoS Neighbourhood Service Centre to move to 158 Redfern Street / RWA Development Applications & Determinations / CoS Community Forum for Redfern Waterloo and Eveleigh – Wednesday 25 July 6-8.30 pm / CoS Urban Design Study – Chippendale, Darlington, North Newtown, Erskineville & Alexandria areas / Waterloo Green Safety Audit Undertaken / Tribal Warrior looks for new Trainees / PIA Seminar on “Urban Redevelopment or Planning for the Public Good? — Redfern-Waterloo” – 1st August 2007 / REDWatch Meeting – 1st August 2007 6pm / South Sydney Business Conference - Wednesday 8 August 2007 / Connect Redfern Family & Children’s Services Updated lists for Term 3 2007 / Have your say – Summary of Current Consultations
18 May 2007
RWA DA Proposal for Parking, Stalls and Performance Space at Blacksmiths’ Shop – until Wednesday 6th June 2007 / ILC National Indigenous Development Centre Concept Plan (MP 06_0267) on Exhibition until Friday 15th June 2007 / Local Action Plan Grants – Now you see them now you don’t – CoS Budget until 8th June 2007 / Minister Approves RWA Contribution Plan and Affordable Housing Contributions Plans / RWA Employs New Community Relations Manager / Yaama Dhinawan supports Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea – 11 am 24th May 2007 / Free Streetwise Publications until 25th May / The 2007 Margaret Barry Memorial Lecture – 3.30 pm 30th May 2007 / National ReconciliACTION Youth Forum – UTS Saturday and Sunday 2-3 June 2007 / Nominations for Redfern Volunteers for Community Participation Recognition - until 8th June 2007 / Lions Club Redfern Waterloo Charter Night - Friday June 22, 2007 / UTS Shopfront Community Projects by 29th June 2007 / Waterloo Green Community Fete proposed for 11-2 Friday 6th July 2006 / In the Media / Have your say – Summary of Current Consultations
3 April 2007
Election Wash Up for Redfern Waterloo / Congratulations Catherine Burn – NSW Woman of the Year / ILC Responds to Open Day at Former Redfern School / Exodus Tutorial Centre Redfern underway / Redfern Community Health Centre – Initial Plans / RWA at Large / Heritage Rail Operators trying to avoid Eveleigh upset Chippendale / Chippendale Resident takes CUB Site approval to Court / Redfern Street Public Art needs creative input – 4th & 5th March 6pm / Redfern Street Public Art needs RWA DA Approval – Exhibition until April 20th 2007 / Redfern Station Options not to go to Community / Update on Black Theatre Site / Council Provides Owner’s consent for Pemulwuy Project Application / DoH Policy on Relocating Tenants for Management Purposes / Update on Community Safety Plan – Wednesday 4th April 6pm / RWA Contributions Plans Exhibition – until 5 April 2007 / Connect Redfern Term Two Information by 11th April 2007 / ANTaR Campaign to Stop Child Abuse / Black Fellas Dreaming Museum looking for Support / Marton Gardens / Waterloo Green mosaic plans on display / Aborigines in Redfern – My Concrete Country / Rock the Block Continues on 5th May 2007 / Yaama Dhinawan Hospitality Training Now Enrolling / Get Redfern Waterloo Update Information Earlier / News Round Up / South Sydney Herald – March 2007
12 February 2007
Minister Approves Concept Plan for Channel 7 Building at ATP / Minister Approved Foster’s Concept Plan for CUB Site / Calls for Planning Changes / RWA’s Inadequate Draft Affordable Housing Plan / Sam Mostyn Joins Board of Reconciliation Australia / St Andrews withdraws DA for Redfern Campus at Redfern Community Centre / ILC National Indigenous Development Centre Open House – 1st March 2007 / REDWatch Meeting Changed to 14th February 2007 / REDWatch Election Website / A Community and Business Leaders meeting without the Community? / Eveleigh Rail Yards / Shuttle Bus Launched / HCAP Badges Mosaic Project and Photo Voice under “time 2 act” / Connect Redfern – Children and Family Services Lists Updated for Term 1 2007 / South Sydney Herald February 2007 / PCYC- FC – Setting up a local Football (soccer) Club – Registrations 13th February 2007 / Redfern - Palm Island What Next? - Rally 14th February 2007 10.30am / East Redfern Pocket Parks Opening – Saturday 17th February 2007 / Redfern Residents for Reconciliation Oral History Project – Launch 23rd February 2007 / City of Sydney Draft Homelessness Strategy – Until 26th February 2007 / Performance Space to hold CarriageWorks Open Day / Have your say – Summary of Current Consultations
Matron Gardens Mosaic Project
The Housing Communities Assistance Program (HCAP) at the Factory Community Centre, working with other agencies under the Time 2 Act banner, had secured grant funding from the City of Sydney to deliver a community mosaic project. The project will encourage young people to participate in the care of the Waterloo Green area and surrounding areas through the creation of an artist-led community mural.
10 November 2006
CUB Site Meeting – Saturday 11th November at 4pm (to 5:30pm) at the Mercure Hotel / Planning Protest Rally – 12 midday Tuesday 14th November 2006 / Draft RWA Contributions Plan – Exhibition until 8th December 2006 / RWA’s Proposed Public Works / Commonwealth State Agreement on Redfern-Waterloo / Human Services Plan Phase 2 Submission Fatigue / New Alcohol Free Zone Proposal for the Block – until 22nd December / No Decision yet on the Large and 3801 / Keep Up to Date with the REDWatch Website / Good Neighbour BBQs / Corrections and Apologies / Have your say – Consultations mentioned previously: - Railz Hotel applies to RWA for 24 hour Licence – Exhibition until 15th November 2006 - CUB Development on Public Exhibition - until Monday 27th November 2006 - - Redfern Waterloo Local Action Plan – Until Tuesday 28th November 2006 - Heritage Streetscapes Study – 1st December 2006
2 June 2006
Reforming Human Services – some NGO Concerns / Alcohol Free Zones Recommended to City of Sydney Council Meeting / Community BBQ’s Start this Weekend / “Stronger Together” – New Directions for Disability Services in NSW / South Sydney Community Aid finds Temporary premises / State Infrastructure Strategy 2006-07 to 2015-16 / Does Redfern Park have Social heritage significance? If you think so fill in a Questionnaire / REDWatch Meeting to Discuss Stage 2 Human Services 6pm Wednesday 14th June at Factory / The University of Sydney Reconciliation Statement / Redfern Residents for Reconciliation now meets 3rd Wednesday of the Month / Lions Club to be formed in Redfern – Monday 5 June / RWA’s Reforming Human Services from an NGO Perspective / The RWA can get things done as well as consult – they are not mutually exclusive / Aboriginal Engagement with the RWA / Youth Services Issues / Capacity Building or Community Development and Co-operation or Duplication / RWA Funding / Capacity Building Taskforce – What is on its Agenda?
24th April 2006
City of Sydney Community Meeting on Redfern Street Upgrade – Wednesday 26 April 6pm – 8pm Redfern Town Hall / CoS – Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council Principles of Cooperation / RWA Built Environment Plan / Correction Regarding Redfern Police Article / More Police for Redfern Local Area Command / Free Community BBQs / The Pauline McLeod Award for Reconciliation and the Pauline McLeod Youth Award for Reconciliation / Sorry Day Activities – May 26 2006 / Redfern & Regent Streets Upgrade Project Letter from City of Sydney
05 December 2005
Who in Redfern-Waterloo Will Go Global with The Metro Strategy? /RWA Post Development Application Procedures for State Significant Areas (14 days notice for a demonstration) / Michael Mundine and Frank Sartor Talk / Elizabeth Street DoH Development & the PCYC / Redfern Oval / REDWatch Discussion Forum / CUB Site and the $24 Million RWA Developer Levy / Coming Events Now on the REDWatch Website
Government, developers threaten Redfern Block - 08.12.2004
The inner-city suburbs of Redfern and Waterloo, home to the Australian Heritage-listed Redfern Block, which has historically been a centre of Black empowerment and organising, faces a $5 billion state government “redevelopment”. The plan involves seizing control of the Block and letting private developers take over two-thirds of the area’s public housing estates.
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