RWA Community Consultation
The Redfern-Waterloo Authority is committed to the NSW Government’s priority of improving the quality of life in Redfern-Waterloo through the involvement of people who live in the community. We will implement a comprehensive community engagement strategy to ensure the best outcomes for all people who live in the Redfern-Waterloo area.
How your voice will be heard
The community consultation framework includes:
- three Ministerial Advisory Committees on Built Environment, Employment & Enterprise, Human Services;
- public meetings notified to residents;
- resident & business focus groups;
- internet based feedback mechanism;
- regular post feedback mechanism.
- working groups of officers as required;
All Residents can be involved.
Advisory Committees
Community representatives
have been appointed to the three advisory
committees. The Committees also contain
Government agency representatives.
Built Environment – considering urban design, traffic, public access, public transport, land use, affordable housing and urban renewal.
Community Members:
M/s Jocelyn Jackson
Mr Alex Kibble
Mr Richard
Mr Shane Phillips
Mr Jonathan Rez
Steve Tamas
Mr Geoffrey Turnbull
M/s Ann
Employment and Enterprise – considering strategies to increase job and business opportunities in the area, including the Indigenous community.
Community Members:
M/s Megan Gardiner
M/s Margaret Hobbs
Mr Anthony John Larkings
M/s Bronwyn Penrith
Mr Dennis Weatherall
Mr Michael Dalah
Human Services – considering human services and health issues affecting Redfern-Waterloo.
Community Members:
M/s Jill Edwards
Mr Howard Glenn
Mr Dominic (Dom) Grenot
Mr Paul Knight
M/s Shirley Lomas
Ms Lynette Stewart
Ms Mabel Chang
Human Services Meetings
Four service cluster groups met to address the first stage of the Human Services Plan. The cluster groups comprised of people responsible for providing services in Redfern-Waterloo.
The workshops each focused on one of the following areas:
Aboriginal Cluster Group (pdf
Health Cluster Group (pdf ~264kb)
Families and Children Cluster Group
(pdf ~323kb)
Youth Cluster Group (pdf ~176kb)
This text appeared on 7 October 2005 at