RWA Employment & Enterprise
The Minister for Redfern-Waterloo and the
Construction Forestry, Mining and Energy
Union (CFMEU) officially launched the Jobs
Compact on 12 May 2005 at North Eveleigh
The RWA has developed a RWA Indigenous Employment
model for use in the construction industry
that expands on the Jobs Compact with the
The model delivers a streamlined recruitment, training and employment path for head contractors based on the coordination of services in the following areas:
- Recruitment
- Training
- Apprenticeships
- Group employment
- Mentoring
The RWA has developed a Memorandum of Understanding with the partner agencies involved in delivering services to the employment model. The partners are:
- TAFE NSW led by South Western Sydney Institute
- New Apprenticeship Centres- Macarthur and BWAC
- Macarthur Group Employment and Training
- Naamoro Aboriginal Employment Service
- Redfern Aboriginal Corporation (CDEP)
To maximise the training opportunities emerging in the Redfern-Waterloo area, the Authority has secured premises at North Eveleigh to operate as a training centre in partnership with TAFE NSW and potentially other training providers. The training centre will initially offer on site training in the construction and hospitality industry.
To explore local job opportunities contact NAAMORO Vacancies Officer Marion Peters Wald on 93182159 or at
The Redfern-Waterloo Authority has established an Indigenous Enterprise Hub at the RWA's Redfern Office to provide business support to the Aboriginal community. The Department of State and Regional Development in partnership with the RWA is proposing a business development strategy based on 4 target approaches.
- Aboriginal Enterprise Service
An Aboriginal Enterprise Service operates out of and utilises the Authority's office in Redfern. A business consultant located at the RWA provides information on business start-up and business development. Aboriginal people benefit from a one to one approach with an experienced business person who can provide strategic business information and guidance, making the service accessible locally will provide greater support to the indigenous business community. The Aboriginal Enterprise Service will also coordinate mentoring for Aboriginal enterprises.
- Enterprise Workshops
It is proposed that four enterprise workshops will be delivered annually, focusing on key business topics. These workshops will enhance the business skills of existing enterprises as well as inform Aboriginal people who are considering developing enterprises about business planning and financing.
- Aboriginal Youth Business Program
An Aboriginal Youth Business Program is proposed to be delivered in 2006 for youth from Alexandria Park Community School. This program will be used to show Aboriginal youth how they can create job opportunities for themselves and others to enable them to contribute to the economic development of the Aboriginal community.
- Linking the private sector with Aboriginal
The Indigenous Enterprise Hub will also link private sector companies to Aboriginal businesses and support the growth of Aboriginal enterprises. This will be achieved by providing an easily accessible point of contact and up to date information on Aboriginal enterprise.
The following is a list of Indigenous owned and operated businesses in the construction industry in NSW. To view, click on the link below:
Aboriginal building companies (pdf ~89kb)
Register Indigenous owned
and operated construction businesses here:
The RWA views the Tribal Warrior Association as an impressive example of Indigenous initiative and enterprise in Redfern and is providing active business support for this unique operation.
The Redfern-based Association owns and operates two vessels – the Tribal Warrior and the Deerubbun – and recently began conducting Aboriginal cultural harbour cruises on Sydney Harbour.
The Tribal Warrior Association also provides training for Indigenous people in employment skills and assists struggling families with food and groceries.
This text appeared on 7 October 2005