RWA Human Services
BACKGROUND In 2004, the Redfern-Waterloo Partnership Project (RWPP) commissioned a Review of Human Services within the Redfern and Waterloo areas. The main findings of the review where that:
One of the recommendations of the review was that the RWPP facilitate the development of a human services plan and, subsequently, the human services advisory committee has been established with representatives from government, non-government, community and service users. To commence the planning process, two community workshops were held in April 2004. The aims of the workshops were to:
A parallel process of community consultation was also undertaken with service providers and community representatives in April and May of 2005. Formed into cluster groups corresponding with the four priority areas for 2005/06 young people; families and children; Aboriginal people andHealth, a series of workshops were held to identify gaps in services, duplication of services and areas where service improvement was needed and poor communication. Directions that emerged from the consultation process are aimed at securing community-wide benefits. They are identified as:
In summary the following are the key themes that emerged from the consultations and provided the basis for a detailed consideration of 'quality of life indicators' that could be used to track progress toward the community results outlined above.
Human Services Ministerial Advisory Committee In 2004 an Interim Human Services Committee was established with community members, representatives from the three tiers of government and from the non-government sector. Following the formation of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority on 17 January 2005, Minister Frank Sartor announced that he was establishing three Ministerial Advisory Committees. The Human Services Ministerial Advisory Committee will consider human services and health issues affecting Redfern and Waterloo. Membership |
Human Services Fact Sheets: Human Services Report for
Redfern-Waterloo (pdf ~1.2mb) Cluster Group Reports Aboriginal Cluster Group (pdf
~214kb) |