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Redfern-Waterloo Authority Annual Report 06-07

This is the text of the RWA Annual Report excluding the Financial Report for the Financial year ended June 2007. The Report can be downloaded as a full version with pictures (2MB). This year the RWA has not produced a text version of their annual report this year so this text version has been constructed by REDWatch to make the contents of the RWA Annual report readily available and searchable on the REDWatch site.

Important Notes - The RWA’s electronic version of the Annual Report has been locked this year to stop any coping of the material from their Annual Report. As a result this copy has been made by use of OCR and hence it may contain some errors and we can not guarantee that it is 100% accurate. We suggest that you check any text you wish to quote from the REDWatch text version against the official RWA Annual report to ensure it is accurate.

The RWA Annual report contains some text at the top of pages and full page photos with text about aspects of the RWA. For ease of reference we have add this text in italics at the end of the relevant section of the RWA Annual Report that deals with the topic covered by the photo or text.

Finally we have had to exclude the financial and some diagrams and have noted in the text that to obtain this information you will need to refer to the full PDF version.

The PDF version of the RWA Annual report can be found at: 06-07 Annual Report - Full Version (pdf ~2mb)

For ease of locating information within this text version we have provided links below to the major sections of the RWAs Annual Report:


Redfern-Waterloo: A diverse community


Minister's Letter

Statement from the Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer


Principle Objectives

Organisational Structure

Corporate Governance

Board Member Profiles

Redfern-Waterloo Plan

Built Environment Plan (BEP)

Human Services Plan

Employment & Enterprise Plan (EEP)

Redfern-Waterloo’s Renewal

Australian Technology Park (ATP)

National Indigenous Development Centre

Former Rachel Forster Hospital

Community Health Centre

North Eveleigh Training Centre

The Evolution of North Eveleigh

Elizabeth Street Public Housing Redevelopment

South Sydney Football Club

Redfern/Regent Streets Upgrade

Black Theatre Site

Sponsorships/Grants provided by the Redfern-Waterloo Authority

Directors' Statement


Redfern-Waterloo Authority 2006-07 Annual Report


Coverage Map
Letter to the Minister
Statement from The Chairperson and Chief Executive officer
Principle Objectives
Organisational Structure
Corporate Governance
Board Member Profiles
Redfern-Waterloo Plan
Built Environment Plan
Human Services Plan
Employment and Enterprise Plan
Redfern-Waterloo Renewal
RWA Sponsorship and Grants
Director's Statement
Independent Auditor's Report
Contact Details

Registered office is

Redfern-Waterloo Authority
Level 11, Tower 21
Lawson Square Redfern NSW 2016
PO Box 3332 Redfern 2016
T: 02 9202 9100 F: 02 9292 9111 

Redfern-Waterloo: A diverse community

Redfern and Waterloo are just south of Sydney's Central Business District. To the south-west of Redfern and Waterloo are Sydney's economic gateways, Port Botany and Sydney Airport.

The traditional owners of Redfern-Waterloo are the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. The area remains culturally and historically significant for Aboriginal people throughout Australia and has become home to people from many non-English speaking backgrounds. The most common languages spoken at home after English are Chinese, Russian, Greek, Arabic, Spanish, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Korean.


To establish Redfern-Waterloo as an active, vibrant and sustainable community by promoting and supporting greater social cohesion and community safety, and respect for the cultural heritage and orderly development of the area in consideration of social economic ecological and other sustainable development.

Minister's Letter

The Hon. Frank Sartor MP
Minister for Redfern-Waterloo
Parliament House
Macquarie Street

Dear Minister Sartor

It is with pleasure that I forward you the third Annual Report of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority for the year ending 30 June 2007.

This report has been prepared in accordance with the NSW Annual Report legislation and the Redfern-Waterloo Authority Act 2004 No 107.

Yours Sincerely

Robert Domm
Chief Executive Officer Redfern-Waterloo Authority 

Statement from the Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer

We are pleased to present the third Annual Report of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority, which was established on 17 January 2005.

In this, our second full financial year, many initiatives have been implemented to further promote investment in the operational area and to provide jobs and training for local unemployed, particularly within the Indigenous community.

A sound strategic platform has been laid for Redfern-Waterloo's future growth and social cohesion.

Over the last 12 months, we have continued to focus our efforts on further developing the Redfern-Waterloo Plan, which is being implemented as part of the Government's 10-year urban renewal strategy. The three main components are Human Services, Employment & Enterprise and the Built Environment.

Stage One of the Built Environment Plan was released on 30 August 2006 and is primarily a planning framework to encourage future economic growth and the creation of up to 18,000 jobs throughout Redfern-Waterloo. The blueprint includes plans to generate more than 444,000sqm of new employment space, 2,000 new homes, a new Town Centre, improved pedestrian access to our residential and business hubs and better urban design.

We have also been driving and monitoring the implementation of Phase One of the Human Services Plan and the Employment and Enterprise Plan. Both Plans aim to enhance the lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged within our community.

A draft Human Services Plan (Phase Two) was finalised in 2007 that outlines key strategies for the improvement of services to older people, people with disabilities, homeless people and migrant communities. The RWA's small but dedicated Human Services reform team has worked assiduously in bringing disparate stakeholders together to generate momentum for beneficial changes within the local community.

Redfern-Waterloo is undergoing transformation with more than $500 million earmarked for urban renewal and a significant investment by the RWA as part of the NSW Governments 10 year plan.

The RWA has entered into an agreement with ATP Partnership Ltd for a landmark $123 million development at Australian Technology Park which is due to commence construction in late 2007. Under the agreement, the Seven Network and their publishing company, Pacific Magazines (along with other commercial tenants), will relocate to the site within the next two years to occupy a 43,500sqm state-of-the-art media centre. This will be Redfern's largest commercial development in more than 10 years and will create 600 construction and 2000 permanent jobs, including 6o for Indigenous construction workers. The multiplier effect in respect to further investment and jobs coming to Redfern is expected to be very significant.

The RWA has directly committed over $54 million at Australian Technology Park for the construction of new roads and associated infrastructure as well as the development of an 11,000 sqm research facility. The new building will house National ICT Australia and the Defence Science and Technology Organisation and is due for completion in November 2007, while the finish date for the new Henderson Road entrance, internal roads and landscaping is October 2007.

Arts NSW's new $40 million Contemporary Performing Arts Centre in North Eveleigh at the heritage CarriageWorks building opened its doors in January 2007 to the Sydney Festival. It continues to bring new vibrancy and life to the formerly dilapidated industrial site.

RWA has also committed $3 million to the refurbishment of North Eveleigh's heritage Blacksmiths' Workshop adjoining the Performing Arts Centre to create a community market, arts space and car park. A development application was lodged in June 2007 and the new multi-purpose facility is scheduled to commence operation by mid 2008.

The RWA has also invested a further $6m for the Eveleigh Heritage Walk - a pedestrian/cycle bridge over the rail corridor to link ATP with North Eveleigh.

A further $750,000 has been spent by the RWA at North Eveleigh for the Yaama Dhiyaan Training Centre which become operational in October 2006. The Centre offers job ready courses in hospitality and construction to local unemployed. This includes Australia's first and only Indigenous hospitality centre and café, Yaama Dhiyaan. Fifty-one students have already graduated in Certificate II Hospitality (Operations) along with certificates in Barista, Responsible Alcohol Service and Responsible Gaming Service. Directly underneath Yaama, the RWA's Les Tobler Construction Training Centre has commenced producing graduates from the Koori Job Ready Course to take advantage of the development opportunities opening up in Redfern-Waterloo.

A major investment by the Indigenous Land Corporation of $45 million has been committed to the development of a National Indigenous Development Centre at the former Redfern Public School. The ILC's purchase of the school from the Department of Education and Training was successfully brokered by the RWA. The ILC expects project approval in late 2007 with the Centre to become operational in 2009.

A concept plan was also lodged by the RWA in June for the proposed $50 million residential development of the former Rachel Forster Hospital site in Redfern. The RWA's sale of the site in late 2007 will provide funding for the transformation of the former Redfern Police Station and Courthouse into a $10 million Community Health Centre. The new health centre is expected to commence construction in early 2008 and become operational in 2009.

In June, the NSW Government announced a major $27 million public housing redevelopment at Elizabeth Street Redfern that will create 106 modern and eco-friendly dwellings. In addition, the Department of Housing will sell adjoining land for a private residential development of 158 new dwellings.

The RWA's commitment to the implementation of the Built Environment Plan includes developing an Affordable Housing Contributions Plan, which will deliver about $35 million or 75 affordable housing dwellings in Redfern-Waterloo over the next 10 years. The RWA will also be able to deliver an additional $23 million for affordable housing under the agreement it negotiated with the former owner over the future development of the CUB site in Chippendale. $16 million of the total funds available will be committed to affordable housing specifically for Aboriginal residents, which will be in addition to housing owned or proposed by the Aboriginal Housing Company on AHC land in and around The Block in Redfern.

The RWA Contributions Plan will also deliver about $37 million in developer contributions for public domain and other public works as a result of future development in the area under the RWA's Built Environment Plan.

In partnership with the Department of Housing, the RWA has commenced work on Stage Two of the Built Environment Plan, which includes the aim of improving public housing stock, enhancing the mix of housing types and tenancies in order to reduce the concentration of public housing, establishing a more sustainable social mix and facilitating affordable housing.

Dr Col Gellatly Chairperson
Robert Domm Chief Executive Officer 

A sound strategic platform has been laid for Redfern-Waterloo's future growth and social cohesion

The RWA Contributions Plan will deliver about $37 million for public domain and other public works.


The Redfern-Waterloo Authority (RWA) was created by a NSW Government Act of Parliament in Oct 200q (Redfern-Waterloo Authority Act 200q No 107) and established on 17 January 2005.

The RWA is responsible for revitalising Redfern, Waterloo, Eveleigh and Darlington through strategic urban renewal, job creation and improved human services in consideration of social, economic, ecological and other sustainable development, public spaces, Aboriginal community needs, social cohesion and community safety.

The RWA is responsible for… strategic urban renewal, job creation and improved human services

WORK IN PROGRESS - Redfern-Waterloo is undergoing transformation with more than $500 million earmarked for urban renewal and a significant investment by the RWA as part of the NSW Governments 10 year plan.


  • Australian Technology Park
  • National ICT Australia Building
  • Seven Network and Pacific Magazines Development
  • Contemporary Performing Arts Centre
  • Yaama Dhiyaan Training Centre
  • Eveleigh Heritage Walk
  • National Indigenous Development Centre
  • Community Health Centre
  • Blacksmith's Workshop Community Markets
  • Former Rachel Forster Hospital Residential Development Site
  • Elizabeth Street Public Housing Development

Principle Objectives

  • To encourage the urban renewal of Redfern—Waterloo into an active, vibrant and sustainable community;        
  • To promote, support and respect the Aboriginal community in Redfern-Waterloo with regards to the importance of the area to the Aboriginal people;
  • To promote the orderly development of Redfern-Waterloo whilst taking into consideration principles of social, economic, ecological and other sustainable development;
  • To provide and promote housing choices in the operational area;
  • To enable the establishment of public areas in    Redfern-Waterloo; and
  • To promote greater social cohesion and community safety in Redfern—Waterloo.

Organisational Structure

In order to achieve its principle objectives, the RWA maintains an undertaking to:

  • Promote, facilitate, manage and secure the social, economic, ecological and other sustainable development and use of the operational area, including the development and management of land, the provision of infrastructure and the establishment of public areas;
  • Provide and promote housing choices in the operational area (including for Aboriginal residents);
  • Provide and promote employment opportunities for local residents, commercial opportunities for local businesses and cultural development (including the needs of the Aboriginal community) in the operational area;
  • Enhance and manage public places in the operational area and to improve, maintain and regulate the use of those public places;
  • Promote, co-ordinate, organise, manage, undertake, secure, provide and conduct cultural, educational, commercial, recreational, entertainment and transport activities and facilities in the operational area; and
  • Do any other thing for the sustainable improvement of the operational area.

See full PDF for Organisational diagram

Promote, facilitate, manage and secure the social, economic, ecological and other sustainable development and use of the operational area.

Corporate Governance

The Minister for Redfern-Waterloo, the Hon. Mr Frank Sartor MP, is responsible for the control and direction of the RWA. The Minister has established a Board of Governance and, while the Board establish the policies and directions for the RWA, its day to day management is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer.

There are three Board Committees:

Audit and Compliance Committee

The Audit and Compliance Committee is the focal point for communication between the Board, the external auditors, the internal auditors and management, as their duties relate to the financial accounting, reporting and internal controls and compliance.

The Audit and Compliance Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities as to accounting policies and reporting practices of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority. It is to be the Board's principal agent in assuring the independence of RWA auditors, the integrity of management and the adequacy of the disclosures to the public.

Affordable Housing Committee

In accordance with RWA Board Procedures, the Affordable Housing Committee Terms of Reference are as follows:

  • To review the development and operation of the proposed affordable housing program for Redfern-Waterloo;
  • To review the operation of the Affordable Housing Voluntary Planning Agreement for the CUB site; and
  • To review the operation of the Affordable Housing Contributions Plan for Redfern-Waterloo.

Urban Renewal Committee

The Urban Renewal Committee reviews and advises on proposed urban renewal strategies in accordance with the RWA's Built Environment Plan.

(For the board committee diagram see the full PDF of the 06-07 RWA Annual Report.)

The Board of Governance includes the Audit & Compliance, Affordable Housing and Urban Renewal Committees.

Board Member Profiles

Chair — Professor David Richmond AO BEc MEc (Syd) (Resigned July 2007)

Professor David Richmond AO held the position of Chairperson of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority and the Australian Technology Park until the 1 July 2007. He is the Coordinator General, Office of the Coordinator General, Department of Premier and Cabinet. Also he advises the NSW Premier on infrastructure planning and implementation. Professor Richmond has had a distinguished public service career, including as CEO of the NSW Department of Health and the Land Commission. He is the former Director-General of the Olympic Coordination Authority and SOCOG, held a number of other senior Olympic Games positions and provided strategic advice to the President of the Athens 200q Olympic Games and Senior Managers of the Beijing Olympics. Professor Richmond is the inaugural Director and Professor of the University of Sydney's Graduate School of Government, author of the Richmond Report to the NSW Government, and in 299o, earned the National Council for Intellectual Disability's Making the Difference Award. In 2002 he was made an Officer in the Order of Australia in recognition of his contribution to Public Administration, including the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.

CEO—Mr Robert Domm BA LLB (Mon) MLLR (Syd) GDLP (AN U)     

Robert Domm is Chief Executive Officer of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority and Managing Director of Australian Technology Park. Mr Domm spent four years at the City of Sydney and was General Manager during a period of unprecedented growth and change, through Council boundary changes and amalgamation with South Sydney Council. He also served for three years as a Director and Company Secretary of the Sydney Festival Limited. A qualified legal practitioner and former labour advocate, Mr Domm has also worked as an adviser to Government and continues to bring broad experience and a strong commitment to social justice to his role as Chief Executive Officer with the RWA.

Mr Michael Collins FRICS

Michael Collins is Chair of the Heritage Council of NSW and is also on the Boards of the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority and Australian Technology Park. He is the Managing Director of Michael Collins & Associates Pty United, a property consultancy company which advises private and public sector clients and specialises in land economics, real estate valuations and feasibility studies. He served as National President of the Australian Property Institute from 2003 to 200q and was NSW President from 1999 to 2001. Mr Collins played a key role in the redevelopment of Darling Harbour and the planning of Olympic Park, and served as chief property consultant to the NSW Government for the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. He has served on many industry committees including the City of Sydney's Development Advisory Committee and Venues Management Board.

Dr Col Gellatly (Appointed Chair, 1 July 2007) B Ag Ec(Hons)UNE, M Comm(Hons) UNSW, Ph.D NC State, FIPAA

Dr Col Gellatly was appointed Chairperson of the Redfern Waterloo Authority on the 1 July 2007 and he is also the Chairperson of the Australian Technology Park. He has held a number of senior management positions within the NSW public service, including as Director General of the Department of Land and Water Conservation. He has been NSW representative on a wide range of State/Commonwealth Working Parties and Committees and has had three periods as a part-time Commissioner with the Industries Assistance Commission. He has also served on a diverse range of boards and committees. Dr Gellatly has a degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of New England, a Master of Commerce from the University of NSW and a PhD from North Carolina State University

Mr Richard Johnson MBE M.Phil(UCL) B.Arch Honsi (UNSW) FRAIA

Richard Johnson is an award winning architect, Adjunct Professor of Architecture at the University of New South Wales and a Director of Johnson Paton Walker Architects. He is an Associate of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects and the Japan Institute of Architects, and a Member of the Design Institute of Australia. Mr Johnson was involved in the design of the Australian embassies in Beijing and Tokyo and is the Chief Architect for the Sydney Opera House. Other design credits include the Australian War Memorial, the Hilton Hotel and the Asian wing of the Art Gallery of New South Wales. He also serves on the Board of Australian Technology Park and the Australian Architects Association. Mr Johnson has a Bachelor of Architecture (1st Class Honours) from the University of NSW and a Master of Philosophy (Town Planning) from University College, London. In 1976 he was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire for services to Architecture.

Ms Samantha Mostyn BA LLB

Sam Mostyn has an extensive background in law, management and politics and is currently the Group Executive, Culture and Reputation at Insurance Australia Group (IAG), managing such areas as Human Resources, Corporate Affairs, Government Relations and Policy and Community Engagement. She is a qualified lawyer and served as a senior Policy Adviser to former Prime Minister Paul Keating. In partnership with NRMA Insurance, police and local business, Ms Mostyn steered a pilot crime prevention strategy in the Redfern-Waterloo area which focused on crime reduction and community development. Ms Mostyn serves on the Academic Advisory Board of the Australian Institute of Management, is a Board member of the Sydney Festival, the Sydney Theatre Company and the Centenary Institute, and is a Trustee of the Australian Museum. She is a Director of the trustee company for the Insurance Australia Group and the NRMA Superannuation Plan and a member of the NSW Premier's Council for Active Living. She was also appointed the first female Commissioner of the Australian Football League.

Mr Warren Mundine AIMM MAICD           

Warren was the 2006 - 20o? National President of the ALP, he is the current Chief Executive Officer and Company Secretary of NTSCORP Ltd, a member of the Australian Institute of Management and the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Executive member of the National Native Title Council Ltd, Chair of NSW Labor's Indigenous Policy Committee, former President and a Honorary Life Member of the NSW Local Government Aboriginal Network, the former Deputy Mayor of Dubbo and former Chair of NSW Country Labor. He also is an Executive member of the St. Joseph's College Indigenous Fund, a Board member of NAISDA, a member of the Community Expert Advisory Committee of IAG and had previously served on the NSW PCYC State Board, a former Executive member of the Local Government Association of NSW, a commissioner with the NSW Local Government Grants Commission. Warren formerly was also a member of the NSW Attorney General's Juvenile Crime Prevention Committee.

Ms Lucy Turnbull LLB MBA

Lucy Turnbull was Lord Mayor of the City of Sydney from 2003 to 2004, Deputy Lord Mayor from 2999 to 2003. Ms Turnbull has extensive experience in planning, business and investment banking and currently chairs many companies, both private and public, including WebCentral Group Limited, Centrestone Wealth Management Pty Limited, and Pengana Holdings Limited. Former chair of the NSW Government's Ministerial Advisory Committee on Biotechnology, Ms Turnbull has also served on the NSW Government's Information Industry Business Advisory Board. She is the author of Sydney– Biography of a City (1999) and has assisted with several community based initiatives in the Redfern area. She also serves on the Board of Australian Technology Park.

Ms Ann Weldon

Ann Weldon is a proud member of the Wiradjuri Nation and is one of the founding members of the NSW Aboriginal Children's Service. Ms Weldon has held executive positions and is a member of the Murawina Aboriginal Preschool, Aboriginal Housing Company, Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council, Marrickville Aboriginal Consultative Committee, Aboriginal Housing Development Committee and ATSIC's National Women's Advisory and National Sport and Recreation Committees. Ms Weldon was a member of the Sydney ATSIC Regional Council for over 10 years, including a term as Chairperson. Ann was appointed to the inaugural Aboriginal Housing Board in 1998 as an ATSIC nominee and has remained Chairperson of the NSW Aboriginal Housing Board since her appointment in 2000. She is also on the Board of the Australian Technology Park.

Ms Jennifer Westacott BA (Hans) FAICD FVIPA

Jennifer recently joined KPMG after over 20 years in State Government in Victoria and New South Wales at Senior Executive and Chief Executive level. Jennifer has held the following positions: Deputy Director General, NSW Department of Housing; Deputy Director, NSW Department of Community Services; Executive Director, NSW Health Council; Director of Housing Victoria; Secretary Education and Training Victoria; and from May 2003 to October 2005 Jennifer was the Director General of Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources in New South Wales.

Jennifer is also a member of the Board of Advice Faculty of Economics, University of Sydney. Jennifer has also been appointed as the Adjunct Professor at the City Futures Research Centre, University of NSW.


Built Environment, Employment and Enterprise and Human Services

Residents of Redfern, Waterloo, Eveleigh and Darlington were also invited by the Minister to participate in any of three Ministerial Advisory Committees established to advise on matters relating to the development and implementation of RWA initiatives. These committees also include representatives from Federal, State and Local government and local Aboriginal communities.           

Redfern-Waterloo Plan

The principle objectives of the RWA are being delivered as part of the NSW Government's 10-year Redfern-Waterloo Plan. The three-part Plan is designed as a "whole of community" strategy to address the complex issues of, and the needs of people who live within, the Redfern-Waterloo area. The Plan is being developed in stages, the first of which has been delivered, and ongoing community input will remain a major consideration.

The Redfern-Waterloo Plan consists of three components:

  • Built Environment Plan - focusing on urban design, traffic, public access, public transport, land use, affordable housing, public housing, cultural heritage and urban renewal.
  • Employment and Enterprise Plan - developing and implementing strategies to increase job and business opportunities in the area, particularly for those within the Indigenous community.
  • Human Services Plan - reforming human services and health issues affecting residents of Redfern-Waterloo.

The RWA 's Plan is assisting in achieving three major priorities of the NSW Government's comprehensive State Plan:

  • Stronger Aboriginal communities through improved health and education outcomes;
  • Ensuring NSW is open for business; and
  • An improved urban environment.

The State Plan, a New Direction for NSW, was launched by the Premier, Morris lemma, in November, 2006 and is a blueprint for the betterment of a broad range of services for communities throughout NSW.

The three-part Plan addresses the complex issues of Redfern-Waterloo and the needs of those who live in the area.

Built Environment Plan (BEP)

The Built Environment Plan (Stage One) was released in August 2006 along with the State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) to give legal effect to the new planning controls. The BEP is a landmark strategy to drive the physical renewal of Redfern and Waterloo with the aim to generate more than 400,000 square metres of new employment space and up to 2,000 new homes. This is being implemented through new zoning controls for eight key RWA strategic sites:

  • Redfern Railway Station, Gibbons and Regent Streets
  • Australian Technology Park
  • North Eveleigh
  • South Eveleigh
  • Eveleigh Street
  • Former Local Court House and Police Station
  • Former Rachel Forster Hospital
  • Former Redfern Public School

The key objective of the Plan involves creating an economic and civic centre around Redfern Station with improved pedestrian connectivity between the business hubs of Australian Technology Park, North Eveleigh and the Redfern CBD.

Stage One also identifies strategies for associated transport, traffic management, heritage protection, open space and public domain enhancement, infrastructure provision and guidelines for the achievement of safe and sustainable communities.

Identifies strategies for associated transport, traffic management, heritage protection, public domain enhancement... and guidelines for the achievement of safe and sustainable communities.

Some Major Achievements

  • Signed a landmark agreement with ATP Partnership Ltd for the construction of a $123 million media centre,
  • Constructed a $47 million, research facility at ATP to be occupied by National ICT Australia (NICTA) and the Department of Defence, Science &Technology (DSTO)
  • Brokered the sale of the former Redfern Public School to the Indigenous Land Corporation for a $45 million National Indigenous Development Centre
  • Completed a concept design study with RailCorp for the redevelopment of Redfern Railway Station
  • Processed development applications on State Significant Sites with a capital investment value of less than $5m
  • Finalised Built Environment Plan (Stage One) with SEPP
  • Finalised the Development Contributions Plan to enable the delivery of $37 million for the provision of public amenities and services as well as providing an overview of works to be facilitated over the next decade.
  • Finalised the Affordable Housing Contributions Plan which is expected to raise around $35 million over the next 10 -12 years which equates to 75 affordable housing dwellings in Redfern-Waterloo.
  • Finalised a Voluntary Planning Agreement which will deliver $23 million in Affordable Housing Contributions from the former CUB Site.
  • Committed $6 million towards the Eveleigh Heritage Walk and $3 million towards the adaptive re-use of the heritage Blacksmith's Workshop at North Eveleigh

The proposed Built Environment Plan (Stage Two) will focus primarily on the development of proposals to:

  • Revitalise public housing stock;
  • Improve the associated public domain;
  • Reduce concentration of public housing;
  • Increase the local population for a more sustainable social mix; and
  • Facilitate the provision of affordable housing, including a shared equity model of home ownership.

Any proposals to revitalise public housing will be the subject of extensive community consultation, including during the concept formulation phase. The NSW Government's commitments on public housing in Redfern-Waterloo has been expressed very clearly.

  • There will be no cuts to the amount of public housing
  • Current residents will not be disadvantaged
  • All public tenancies are secure.

Any work the RWA undertakes on public housing as part of the proposed Stage Two of the Built Environment Plan will be subject to the Government's firm guarantees and commitments to public housing tenants.


Mr Robert Domm - Chairperson
Prof. Chris Johnson - Department of Planning
Mr Reg Fisk- Department of State and Regional Development
M/s Kathy Roil- Department of Housing
Mr Michael Bushby- Roads and Traffic Authority
Mr Richard Hemsworth- RailCorp
Ms Kathy Cusack - City of Sydney

Community Members:
M/s Jocelyn Jackson
Mr Alex Kibble
Mr Richard Pembroke
Mr Shane Phillips
Mr Jonathan Rez
Mr Steve Tamas
Mr Geoffrey Turnbull
Ms Ann Weldon (resigned in August 2006)

Human Services Plan

The RWA's Phase One Human Services Plan was published in December 2005 and sets out a framework for improving access to health, education, employment and other essential human services in the local community.

Phase One addressed services provided primarily for children and young families, young people and Aboriginal people. The Plan also identifies priorities and actions to address improvement to the delivery of human services.

The draft Human Services Plan (Phase Two) identifies eight priority areas as well as improvements to service delivery for older people, people with disabilities, migrant communities and homeless people.

The eight priority areas are:

  • Improving dementia support;
  • Improving service quality for migrant communities;
  • Improving access to aged care and health services by Aboriginal people q5 years and older;
  • Reducing homelessness;
  • Improving identification of need and access to services for people with a disability;
  • Reducing social isolation;
  • Improving access to local and community transport for people who are transport disadvantaged; and
  • Improving safety and amenity.

The draft Human Services Plan (Phase Two) was placed on public exhibition from 3 October 2006 to 7 November 2006.

The Draft Phase Two Plan also contains strategies to strengthen the governance and day-to-day management of non-government service providers. Steps to achieve this include:

  • Joint service planning
  • Sharing of administrative resources
  • Common reporting, monitoring and evaluation arrangements
  • Physical and virtual co-location of services using modern communication technologies and out-sourcing arrangements
  • Training and professional development of staff; and the improvement of facilities

Addresses the needs of children, young families and Indigenous people... and improvements to services for older people, those with disabilities, migrants and the homeless.


  • Implementation and evaluation of the Human Services Plan - Development of Phase Two of the Human Services Plan Draft - Development of a human services reform strategy -Youth Services Reform
  • Community Capacity Building
  • Development of a Redfern-Waterloo Fund (RWF) in partnership with the Sydney Community Foundation to attract corporate and individual financial or in-kind contributions
  • Establishment of Aboriginal Women's and Men's community groups
  • Organisation and hosting of the 'Sticky Beak' tour providing information on government services to sixty representatives from non government organisations.
  • Organisation and hosting of the Family Violence Networking forum for q0 human service providers to develop an action plan to address family violence in the area.
  • Provision of Governance Training in conjunction with NSW TAFE for Aboriginal organisations.
  • Provision of Aboriginal Cultural Awareness training with NSW TAFE for 36 government and non government organisations.
  • Development of the Police Youth Community Referral Project in conjunction with Redfern Local Area Command, various government and non government agencies.
  • Provision of Catering Assistance Grants in partnership with the NSW Community Relations Commission for a number of community events.
  • Management and evaluation of the Case Co-ordination Project.


  • Develop strategies specifically dealing with private and public housing
  • Address the need for more affordable housing and service gaps for homelesspeople
  • Make multi-purpose spaces and community facilities more available
  • Implement strategies to improve safety and perceptions of safety within the community

The Plan also identifies priorities and actions to address improvement to the delivery of human services.


Ms Julie Parsons - Co-Chair RWA
Ms Michelle Burrell - Co-Chair NCOSS
Mr Greg Slabb- Department of Aboriginal Affairs
M/s Anne-Maree Sabellico - Department of Community Services
Dr Phil Lambert- Department of Education and Training
Ms Margaret Malkjovich - Department of Housing
Dr Greg Stewart- Sydney South West Area Health Service
Superintendent Mark Walton - NSW Police Service Redfern Local Area Command
Mr Colin Kay- Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination (OIPC)
Mr Paul Cramer - Department of Family and Community Services
M/s Ann Hoban- City of Sydney Council

Community Members:
Ms Mabel Chang
Ms Jill Edwards
Mr Howard Glenn
M/s Helen Campbell
Ms Shirley Lomas
Ms Lynette Stewart

Employment & Enterprise Plan (EEP)

The Employment & Enterprise Plan was published in May 2006 and is the first comprehensive training and employment strategy for the Redfern-Waterloo area. Its main aim is to deliver skilled job seekers to meet the specific employment needs of the market, to create educational opportunities and build on future growth potential.

The Plan initially focuses on:

  • Increasing supply of employment opportunities, particularly through commercial and residential development
  • Capitalising on the Research/Biomedical Innovation Zone
  • Improving education and training including a dedicated vocational training centre
  • Strengthening partnerships with local employers
  • Industry based employment strategies
  • Employment and enterprise strategies for Aboriginal people and youth
  • Supporting local business

The main aim of the EEP is to deliver skilled job seekers to meet the specific employment needs of the market.

Employment & Enterprise Plan (EEP)


  • The RWA's landmark Indigenous Employment Model has created more than 170 jobs for indigenous workers
  • The establishment of a $750,000 cross-cultural construction and hospitality training centre, Yaama Dhiyaan at North Eveleigh
  • Establishment of an Indigenous Enterprise Hub at the RWA's Redfern office to provide business support to Aboriginal business owners
  • Koori Job Ready Course in Construction which, in conjunction with TAFE, trains Aboriginal people who want to work in the construction industry and then place them into jobs being created by the RWA in Redfern-Waterloo
  • Establishment of Redfern Waterloo Enterprise Services offering free one-on-one and confidential service with an experienced and qualified business professional
  • Other training initiatives


  • Building on previous strategies, such as the implementation of the construction training and job placement program for Aboriginal people and the development of the Yaama Dhiyaan Training Centre
  • Targeting the employment opportunities emerging at Australian Technology Park and other RWA strategic sites
  • Developing strategies for employment opportunities in the service industries
  • Working with the local community to ensure opportunities for young Aboriginal people in the area are maximised through university based cadetships
  • Expanding cultural industries through means such as design production, and realising export potential
  • Strengthening connections to universities to encourage local children to move into tertiary education
  • Facilitating the running of enterprise summer schools


Mr Robert Domm - Chairperson
Dr Phil Lambert - Department of Education and Training
Mr Peter Roberts - TAFE NSW Sydney Institute
Ms Bernadette Selfe - Department of State and Regional Development
Mr Greg Slabb - Department of Aboriginal Affairs
Ms Sharron Hawkins - Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Mr Mark Spinks - Centrelink
Mr Les Tobler - CFMEU
Ms Jan Campbell - City of Sydney

Community Members:
Mr Michael Dalah
M/s Megan Gardiner
Mr Anthony John Larkings
M/s Siobhan Bryson
Mr Karl King
Ms Dixie Link-Gordon
Mr John Newton
Mr Con Passas

Redfern-Waterloo’s Renewal

Australian Technology Park (ATP)

ATP is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the RWA and occupies 13.9 hectares of the former railyards site. The Park is currently experiencing unprecedented growth, with planned development over the next few years expected to generate more than 2,60o new jobs— representing a 20 percent employment increase for the Redfern-Waterloo area.

Provision also exists for a number of additional buildings over the next decade.

The first of these is due for completion in November 2007 and occupies a 3000sqm site on the eastern side of the Park near the existing Garden Street entrance. The result of a $q7 million RWA investment and designed by Cox Richardson Architects, the six-storey building consists of 11,000sqm of floor space and 66 basement parking spaces. Purpose-built to house new research facilities for National ICT Australia (N ICTA), the building was constructed in accordance with the RWA Jobs Compact, employing local indigenous people and new apprentices as a key element.

In June 2006, the RWA brokered a landmark agreement with ATP Partnership Ltd for an investment of $123 million in a 43,500sqm media centre at ATP.

Planning approval was granted in January 2007 for the state-of-the-art complex, which will include four television studios and a 12-storey office building for Channel 7 and their publishing company, Pacific Magazines. The agreement represents the largest commercial development in Redfern for over a decade and will create around 600 construction and 2000 permanent jobs at ATP. Site testing and preliminary excavation works were undertaken in June 2007 with early works to commence in October 2007.

The RWA has also invested more than $7 million in new roads and infrastructure and committed a further $6 million for a pedestrian and cycle link between ATP and North Eveleigh to facilitate the Park's future prosperity.

ATP occupies former Eveleigh Railyards and is one of the RWA's most significant strategic development and employment generating sites.

AUSTRALIAN TECHNOLOGY PARK (ATP )- Planned development at ATP over the next 2 years is expected to generate a 20 percent employment increase for the area

Channel 7 Development- The RWA has entered into an agreement with ATP Partnership Ltd for a landmark $123 million development at Australian Technology Park.

Photo: ATP Principal Project Manager, Eddie Swat In front of the Channel 7 development site at Australian Technology Park.

Australian Technology Park (ATP) - The RWA has directly invested over $54 million in ATP for new roads, infrastructure and an 11,000sqm research facility.

National Indigenous Development Centre

Following successful negotiations by the RWA for the sale of the former Redfern Public School from the Department of Education and Training to the Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC), the ILC lodged its project application for the redevelopment of the site as a National Indigenous Development Centre (NI DC). The Plan was publicly exhibited until 15 June 2009 for comment and includes an exciting new youth precinct and a facility to showcase Indigenous culture.

About $45 million is being invested by the ILC for the construction of a 25-metre heated swimming pool and sports field, multi-purpose classrooms, accommodation, and dining facilities for up to 100 people.

The venue will also be home to a number of established groups including the Exodus Foundation, which will set up a tutorial centre for young adolescents; the National Aboriginal Sports Corporation Australia, which runs several sporting and life development programs for indigenous people; and the Lloyd McDermott Rugby Development Team, an organisation providing opportunities for indigenous youth to become involved in various team sports. The existing Murawina Childcare Centre and four original school buildings will be refurbished, while the RWA and Department of Housing have jointly offered a $i million contribution towards the construction of a new Redfern PCYC as part of the proposed redevelopment.

Under the RWA's Indigenous Employment Model, a number of construction positions have been allocated for Aboriginal people.

When fully operational, the NI DC is expected to provide support and assistance to around 5,000 of the area's youth every year. The redevelopment is expected to be fully completed in 2009.

The redevelopment of the school will include a youth precinct and a facility to showcase Indigenous culture.

Former Redfern Public School - The Indigenous Land Corporation is investing $45 million in a centre of sporting, cultural an educational excellence as result of an agreement brokered by the RWA

Former Rachel Forster Hospital

RWA's concept planning and sale of the former Rachel Forster Hospital site (located on the corner of Pitt and Albert Streets, Redfern) will provide funding for the NSW Government's new $10 million Community Health Centre. The concept plan for the Hospital site was lodged with the Minister for Planning in June 2007 and the sale is expected to proceed in late 2007. The hospital site is earmarked for a $5o million residential development comprising approximately 150 dwellings and a new public park of more than l000sqm.

The RWA's sale of the former hospital site will fund the transformation of the former Redfern Courthouse and Police Station into a Community Health Centre.

Former Rachel Forster Hospital - The former hospital site is earmarked for a $50 million residential development comprising approximately 150 dwellings and  more than 1,000 m2 of open space.

Community Health Centre

In January 2007, the RWA and NSW Health formed a Project Control Group for the transformation of the former Redfern Courthouse and Police Station in Redfern Street into a $10 million Community Health Centre.

The project is funded by the RWA's sale of the former Rachel Forster Hospital site. Development approval is anticipated in late 2007 with construction scheduled to commence shortly thereafter. The new health facility should become operational early in 2009 and provide a comprehensive range of community services including those in key areas such as drug counselling and mental health.

North Eveleigh Training Centre

Initiated and funded by the RWA, the North Eveleigh Training Centre is a key component of the RWA's Employment and Enterprise Plan.

In 2006, the former canteen and carpenters workshop in the CarriageWorks complex was identified as suitable for use as a hospitality and construction industry training centre. The training is then linked to emerging employment opportunities in the local area, with a particular emphasis on those in the Aboriginal community.

The Yaama Dhiyaan Training Centre opened its doors in October 2006 to offer a unique learning experience. An initiative of the RWA in partnership with Aboriginal elder Aunty Beryl Van-Oploo, and young Aboriginal chef, Matthew Crib, the centre offers an accredited hospitality training course.

The courses teach students the basics of hospitality and specialise in indigenous Australian cuisine. Graduates then receive certification in Kitchen Operations, Barista, Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) and Responsible Gaming Service (RGS). The quality and scope of the training provides graduates with the qualifications and experience for employment in the restaurant and café sectors, tourism operations, clubs, hotels and catering enterprises.

Training is offered to a minimum of 6o students over four courses delivered annually. More than 5o students have graduated since Yaama Dhiyaan commenced in October 2006.

"I have wanted to set up a training course like this for more than 3o years," says Aunty Beryl.

"I am thrilled to see this dream finally come to fruition with the support of the RWA.

There's a real feeling of pride amongst the local community that the Centre has been established here in Redfern."

Yaama Dhiyaan has also been contracted to provide catering services, which will prove an invaluable source of work opportunity for students. Significant on the job training and employment opportunities are also anticipated when the RWA commences operation of a commercial cafe and function centre in late 2007.

Located beneath Yaama Dhiyaan is the Les Tobler Construction Training Centre. A partnership of the RWA and TAFE NSW, the Centre is named in honour of Les Tobler, who was instrumental in establishing the first Job Ready Program and involved in recruiting unemployed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders for pre-employment programs. In April 2007,15 indigenous students took part in what was the first of three 8-week Koori Job Ready Courses in Construction scheduled for 2007. On completing the courses, graduates can expect to be offered employment on various Redfern-necessary Waterloo building projects through the RWA's Indigenous Employment Model.

The RWA employs Terry Kelly and Rohan Tobler to mentor the apprentices and trainees and assist with job placements and ongoing support for their indigenous students. For Rohan, working with his people and seeing some success stories emerge is the attraction of the job. Rohan is also the President of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) Reconciliation Committee.

Opposite: Staff of the North Eveleigh Training Centre with graduates of the Yaama a Dhiyaan and Les Tobler Construction Training Courses.

There's a real feeling of pride amongst the local community that the Centre has been established here in Redfern.

Les Tobler Construction Training Centre - The Centre offers courses in construction and graduates are placed into local building projects through the RWA's Indigenous Employment Model.

Photo: Along with Rohan Tobler, Tony Kelly (pictured) mentors the apprentices and trainees, assists with job placement and provides ongoing support for Indigenous students.

Yaama Dhiyaan - The RWA invested $750,000 in the establishment of  the Yaama Dhiyaan Training Centre at North Eveleigh.

Photo: Aboriginal elder Aunty Beryl Van-Oploo and chef, Mathew Crib.

The Evolution of North Eveleigh

The unveiling of the North Eveleigh Training Centre in 2006 is part of a spectacular multi-million dollar transformation of the 10.5 hectare North Eveleigh precinct.


With the support and assistance of the RWA, a $40 million transformation of the CarriageWorks at North Eveleigh was undertaken by the Ministry for the Arts and opened in conjunction with the Sydney Festival in January 2007.

The new Centre includes rehearsal rooms, workshops, two theatres, offices and a café provides Sydney with a

much needed performance venue. This adaptive reuse generates significant community and cultural activity and serves as a major impetus for renewal of the remaining areas of North Eveleigh.


The RWA has lodged a development application for the $3 million adaptive re-use of the heritage Blacksmiths' Workshop to create a multi-purpose community market, arts space and small car park.

The proposed undercover community market is scheduled to commence operation by mid-2008, with additional open air market capacity at the nearby former rail traverser. Significant local employment is expected to be created as a result of a flourishing food, produce and arts and crafts market, which will operate alongside the Contemporary Performing Arts Centre and the Yaama Dhiyaan Indigenous Café.

Significant local employment is expected to be created as a result of a flourishing food, produce and arts and crafts market.

Blacksmiths’ Workshop - The RWA has lodged a development application for the $3 million adaptive re-use of the heritage Blacksmiths' Workshop to create a multi-purpose community market, arts space and small car park


Another major boost to the area will be the RWA's proposed Eveleigh Heritage Walk— a $6m pedestrian/cycle bridge designed to provide a magnificent perspective of the rail history of the area and facilitate the research and innovation zone linking the University of Sydney and Australian Technology Park. Pedestrians will be able to cross between the northern and southern sides of the rail corridor with the bridge linking Wilson Street, Darlington with the ATP and suburbs beyond. The RWA has lodged a preliminary environmental assessment with the Minister for Planning and design work is currently underway.

The Eveleigh Heritage Walk is designed to provide a magnificent perspective of the rail history of the area.

Elizabeth Street Public Housing Redevelopment

The RWA welcomes a significant investment by the NSW Department of Housing in a public housing redevelopment in Redfern's Elizabeth Street. The Department lodged a development application for the $27 million project in June 2007.

The 106 new dwellings will replacing the existing homes on the site which were built in 1953. The proposal consists of 40 terraced family homes with backyards, medium-density units and custom-made apartments for the elderly. There will also be communal recreation areas and parklands along with environmentally-sustainable initiatives such as water tanks and energy saving inclusions.

Current residents are being offered alternative housing in the area and will have the option of returning to new housing appropriate to their needs within the new development. Once approved, the 18-month project is expected to commence in early 2008.

The area will also be enhanced by the sale of adjoining Department land for the development of a further 158 private dwellings, the sale of which will contribute to the cost of the new public housing.

Photos: morehead street east elevation and walker street west elevation

The proposal consists of 40 terraced family homes with backyards, medium-density units and custom-made apartments for the elderly.

South Sydney Football Club

The redevelopment of Souths Leagues Club complements the Redfern Oval upgrade, with extensive refurbishment heralding the team's 'Return to Redfern 20o8'. The NRL has earmarked Redfern Oval as the location for the launch of its centenary year— 2008— and 'Return to Redfern' is a joint project of the Leagues Club and Football Club with a view to having the entire precinct ready for the start of the 2008 season.

The Leagues Club and Football Club will be anchor tenants in the new facility, along with a range of high profile businesses and a gymnasium. Features will include 193 car spaces and expansive balconies on all levels.

Co-owner of Souths, Peter Holmes a Court, declared the plan a major step forward for the club.

"Redfern Park is the home of the Rabbitohs. Always was, always will be. It's where our heroes played some of the most famous games. The Rabbitohs will be proud to call the new Redfern Park our home and training ground. It's all about honouring the past and at the same time delivering first class facilities for our players."

Souths played their first match ar Redfern Park in 1948. It was a 19-All Draw with Easts!

Redfern Park's biggest crowd to date was in 1987 when a Souths v Manly match attracted 23,257 fans!

It's all about honouring the past and at the same time delivering first class facilities for The Rabbitohs.

South Sydney Football Club - The redevelopment complements the Redfern Oval upgrade and heralds the 'Return to Redfern' of the Rabbitohs

Redfern/Regent Streets Upgrade

The Redfern and Regent Streets upgrade was part of a major initiative by the City of Sydney to revitalise the Redfern district and create a more vibrant, active and safe public domain. Works are expected to be finished by September 20o7.

The beautification between Elizabeth and Regent Streets has delivered key streetscape improvements such as:

  • Wider footpaths with new paving and more trees;
  • New street furniture and decorative lighting;
  • A new civic place and art installation at Jack Floyd Reserve; and
  • Shared traffic/pedestrian/cycle zones in lanes adjacent to Redfern Street.

As part of the RWA's groundbreaking Indigenous Employment Model the contractor for the upgrade (along with the Redfern Park redevelopment) created seven apprenticeships, traineeships and labouring positions specifically for Aboriginal persons.

The upgrade creates a more vibrant, active and safe public domain.

Black Theatre Site

The Indigenous Land Corporation (I LC) is to invest $8m in the proposed redevelopment of the disused Black Theatre Site in Cope Street, Redfern. Vacant for two decades, the site was home to Sydney's first Aboriginal theatre. The ILC's plans include a three-storey mixed commercial development that will provide benefits to the local Aboriginal community and incorporate a radio station and recording studios for Gadigal Information Services, local broadcaster of Koori Radio. The ILC is working with the RWA to employ a number of Aboriginal people for construction work on the development, which is scheduled for completion by mid-2008.

The mixed commercial development will provide benefits to the local Aboriginal community.

Sponsorships/Grants provided by the Redfern-Waterloo Authority

Financial Year 1 July 2006 – 30 June 2007


  • Cook Community Garden, Waterloo Public Housing Estate - Catering Assistance Grant l0th anniversary celebrations Cook Community Garden - $200.00
  • Buddhist New Year Celebration - Catering Assistance Grant - $200.00
  • Chinese New Year Celebrations - Catering Assistance Grant - $200.00
  • ICAMPA - Catering Assistance - $250.00      
  • Koori Careers Market Day - Support towards BBQ for Koori Careers Market Day - $300.00           
  • Redfern All Blacks Netball Team - Sponsor accommodation expenses for the Team to attend Netball Tournament - $432.00
  • Aboriginal Rugby League Knockout - PCYC activities at the Koori Knockout - $500.00
  • Alex Park Community School - Sponsorship of NAIDOC Week activities performance/entertainment - $600.00
  • Our Lady of Mount Carmel Primary School - Sponsorship of NAIDOC Week activities performances/entertainment - $600.00
  • Save the Children Australia - Supporting organisations activities - $800.00
  • Redfern Community Centre - Sponsorship for Christmas Party - $930.00
  • Babana Aboriginal Men's Group - Sponsorship of Reconciliation week 2007 luncheon - $1000.00
  • Kids Christmas on the Block - Assist with entertainment to the Kids Christmas Party - $1000.00
  • Police Youth Referral - Assistance with printing of referral information cards - $1450.00
  • Kidspeak & Barnardos - The Redfern-Waterloo Intensive Family Support Services - $581,124.00
  • Mudgin-Gal - The Redfern-Waterloo In-home Family Support for Aboriginal Families - $70,000.00
  • Centacare - The Redfern-Waterloo Family Support Counselling for CALD families - $70,000.00
  • Sydney Metropolitan Aboriginal All Stars - Sponsorship to attend 7s Rugby League event in Coffs Harbour - $1,500.00
  • Tribal Warrior Association - Sponsorship of NAIDOC Cultural cruise hosted by Babana Aboriginal Men's Group -$1500.00
  • Connect Redfern and Alexandria Park Community School - Sponsorship for "Playgroups in the Park" event - $1700.00
  • Police and Community Youth Club        Sponsorship for Boxing Match - $4,000.00
  • Aboriginal Churches Partnership of Redfern —Waterloo - Sponsorship for Roll of honour & manufacture, PA & other equipment hire - $2,000.00
  • Babana Aboriginal Men's Group - Support men's group activities - $2,210.05
  • Aboriginal Rugby League Knockout - Sponsorship of Waterloo Storm Aboriginal RLFC Inc - $5,000.00
  • Midnight Basketball - Sponsorship for midnight basketball tournament - $7,750.00
  • Seniors Christmas Luncheon - Assistance with advertising, catering, hiring of venue and entertainment - $7,995.00
  • Alexandria Park Community School - Assistance for Supply and installation of 2 sets of junior soccer goals - $9614.00
  • Tribal Warrior Association - Annual Sponsorship - $20,000.00
  • Alexandria Park Community School - Support Sports & Health Coordinator based at APCS - $33,000.00
  • South Sydney Herald - "Support Independent Media Concert" assistance hire of venue and security - $1,311.20
  • TOTAL SPONSORSHIP/GRANTS 2006-2007:  $827,166.25

Directors' Statement

Statement by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer on the adoption of the financial statements for the year ended 3o June 2007.

Certificate under Section 41C of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983.

Pursuant to Section 41C (B) and (C) of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983 and in our capacity as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Office of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority, we declare that in our opinion:

The accompanying financial statements exhibit a true and fair view of the financial position of the Office of the Redfern-Waterloo Authority as at 3o June 2007 and transactions for the year ended on that date. The statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Public Finance and Audit Regulation 2000 and the Treasurer's Directions.

Further, we are not aware of any circumstances that would render any particulars included in the financial statements to be misleading or inaccurate.

Dr Col Gellatly
Redfern-Waterloo Authority
Robert Domm
Chief Executive Officer
Redfern-Waterloo Authority
Sydney, dated this 24 October 207 

Independent Auditor's Report Redfern-Waterloo Authority

(see the full PDF)

Financials – Redfern-Waterloo Authority

(see the full PDF)



The RWA was formed under the Redfern-Waterloo Authority Act 2004.


Robert Domm was Chief Executive Officer with the RWA during the 2006-2007 Financial Year.

Richard Clark was appointed as a Senior Executive Officer on the 6 April 2007

Staff Numbers by Employment Basis    

                          Permanent        Temporary       Full-Time          Part-Time         Casual

Staff                      14                    4                      18                    0                      0

%                         78%                 22%                 100%               0%                   0%

Men                       6                      0                      6                      0                      0

Women                 8                      4                      12                    0                      0

Aboriginal Person or Torres
Strait Islander      2                      1                      3                      0                      0

Person with
a Disability           0                      0                      0                      0                      0

Person from a Racial, Ethnic or Ethno-Religious
Minority Group     1                      1                      2                      0                      0

People whose first language
is not English      3                       0                      3                      0                      0

Staff Numbers by Level           

                                                        Men     Women            Total

$49,792 - $63,006                               0          1                      1

$63,007 - $81,478                               0          4                      4

$81,479 - $101,849                             2          5                      7

>$101,849 (non SES)                          2          2                      4

>$101,849 (SES)                                 2          0                      2


There was a change to legislation administered by the RWA during the reporting year.

2007 No27 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2007. Assented to 4.7.2007. Date of commencement of Sch 2, assent, sec 2 (2).


No overseas travel fares were incurred during the reporting year, and as at 30 June 2007, no corporate credit cards had been issued to any RWA staff.


Finance, accounting and payroll services were provided to RWA by the finance division of Australian Technology Park. Information and technology services were provided by The Central Corporate Services Unit (CCSU) of the Department of Commerce.


The RWA has a Business Risk Map of its operations. The primary objective of the Business Risk Map is to coordinate risk management activities within the RWA to ensure the activity is focused on areas of greatest risk and is also used by Business Audit to derive its strategic audit plan.

Contributions are made by the RWA to the Treasury Managed Fund for workers compensation, motor vehicle accidents, property loss, public liability and various other insurable risks.

RWA staff have assigned wardens and participated in emergency evacuation drills. No OH&S incidents have arisen


During the reporting period, one request was made,to the RWA under the Freedom of Information Act. In the same period, no major issues arose, and there were no investigations or applications for review submitted.

Formal requests made under the Freedom of Information Act for access to documents held by the RWA should be accompanied by a $30 application fee and directed to:

The FOl Coordinator
Redfern-Waterloo Authority PO Box 3332
Redfern NSW 2016
The contact number for all FOl inquiries is (02) 9202 9100 


There were no land disposals for the year ended 3o June 2007.



The RWA has its own Code of Conduct which was developed in accordance with the principles of ethical and responsible decision-making and embodies the public sector values of respect for the law, the system of Government, the community and its persons, integrity, diligence, economy and efficiency, and accountability.


Through its policy, the RWA implements the following principles of the EEO:

  • Fair practices in the workplace
  • Management decisions made without bias
  • Recognition of and respect for the social and cultural backgrounds of all staff and clients
  • Employment practices which produce staff satisfaction, job commitment and quality client service
  • Improved productivity

The RWA also has a policy for the Action Plan for Women along with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy.


The RWA complies with the NSW Government Disability framework through its Disability Access Policy. This provides a process for the RWA to better meet the needs of staff and the community in relation to persons with a disability. The RWA is committed to ensuring all people have reasonable access to the resources and spaces governed by the Authority.


The RWA recognises and values the different linguistic, religious, racial and ethnic backgrounds of all the people

of NSW and endorses the four principles of multiculturalism as set out in the Community Relations Commission and principles of the Multicultural Act zoom

Towards this objective, the RWA will develop and implement policies sensitive to the needs of all staff and clients and ensure that its Boards and Committees reflect the multiculturalism of the community.


The RWA supports the NSW Government Action Plan for Women and will promote workplaces that are equitable, safe and responsive to all aspects of women's lives. It will also promote the position of women in all areas of society as well as access to and successful outcomes for women in all parts of the education and training system.


The RWA is committed to the occupational health, safety and welfare of its employees, those contracted to perform work on its behalf and visitors to the premises. It is committed to regular consultation with staff and their representatives, and where necessary, with contractors and suppliers of equipment and services to ensure OH&S management is of the highest standard.


The RWA is committed to the implementation of the Government's Waste Reduction and Purchasing Policy (WRAPP).

Following is a full list of RWA Plans and Policies:

Risk Management Policy Risk Management Plan
Risk Management Framework
Information Management &Technology Disaster Recovery Strategy
Internal Audit Plan
External Audit Plan
Staff Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Board Members
Protected Disclosure Act Policy Statement
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
OH&S Management Plan
Ethnic Affairs Priority Statement Disability Access Policy Action Plan for Women
Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy Procurement Policy
Complaints Handling Policy Business Ethics Statement Privacy Management Plan Corporate Credit Card Policy Energy Management Policy
Fraud Corruption Control Strategy Environmental Management Policy
New Starter Induction Program
Waste Reduction and Purchasing Policy 

Newsletters (16,000 copies per issue):
July 2006
September 2006
October 2006
December 2006
February 2007
June 2007 

Built Environment Plan (Stage 1) - August 2006
Human Services Plan (Phase 2) Draft - October 2006
Affordable Housing Contribution Plan - May 2007
Affordable Housing Planning Agreement (for the CUB site) - June 2007
RWA Contributions Plan - May 2007 

Annual Report - October 2006

Annual Report
The RWA 2006-2007 Annual Report is made available electronically at

The total cost of external production and printing was $41,750 (ex GST)

Contact Details
Redfern-Waterloo Authority
Level 11, Tower 2
1 Lawson Square
Redfern NSW 2016
Telephone: +612 9202 9100
Reception 9am — 5pm Monday— Friday

Board Member Profiles
Built Environment Plan
Contact Details
Corporate Governance
Coverage Map
Director's Statement
Employment and Enterprise Plan
Human Services Plan
Independent Auditor's Report
Letter to the Minister
Organisational Structure
Principle Objectives
RWA Sponsorship and Grants
Redfern-Waterloo Plan
Redfern-Waterloo Renewal
Statement from The Chairperson and Chief Executive officer

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