Minister Reviews Revised CUB Proposal
A revised proposal for the site will be lodged shortly with the Department of Planning for public comment and detailed assessment, Mr Sartor said.
"This is an important site for Sydney and any proposal we receive will be rigorously assessed on its merits," Mr Sartor said.
"I understand the proponent is seeking to amend the concept plan to incorporate the latest in sustainable technology, including a proposal for tri-generation energy production.
"Environmental sustainability was always a key consideration when assessing the plans.
"I am pleased to see the continuing effort that is going into achieving exciting new standards in energy and water efficiency, and architecture and urban design."
Mr Sartor said the Carlton and United Brewery redevelopment will join Barangaroo as a new 'bookend' for the CBD.
"These sites will deliver much-need commercial space, new homes and major new parks for Sydney," he said.
"Any proposal to modify the scale of the CUB development in light of further property acquisitions, and expand the size of the proposed new park, will be carefully examined."
Mr Sailor said he had recently approved the start of demolition works at the Broadway site.
"These demolition works will also promote environmental sustainability, with about 90 per cent of building materials to be recycled.
"Items demonstrating the site's industrial heritage will be salvaged for re-use in art installations in the new development."
The Minister granted planning approval for the demolition works subject to a number of conditions ensuring the protection of important heritage items and the minimisation of potential impacts on the surrounding area.
The approved demolition works will create around 50 construction jobs.
Also See: Frasers Property's vision for 6 green star urban quarter on Broadway