Waterloo Connect Update: 18 February 2016
Waterloo Connect Update: February 2016
Come and visit the Waterloo Connect office at 95 Wellington Street, Waterloo, open from Monday to Friday, or contact us via WaterlooConnect@facs.nsw.gov.au
We can answer any questions you have and you can also provide your feedback by popping them in the suggestion boxes in the foyers of the towers and at other locations.
What is happening in Waterloo?
The Waterloo social housing estate will be redeveloped into a vibrant new community with new and more social housing. This will be a mixed community including private and affordable housing.
The Government is building a new Metro station that will give the best integrated transport outcome to serve the area, and it also means we can redevelop the Waterloo estate with brand new and more social housing that meets people's needs. Sydney Metro, FAGS and Urban Growth NSW are working together to develop these plans for the Waterloo Estate and the broader area.
Where is the location of the new Metro station?
The Waterloo Metro station will be built on private land, underground between Botany Road, Wellington Street, Cope Street and Raglan Street in Waterloo, not on the Waterloo social housing estate.
How much of the Waterloo social housing estate is being redeveloped?
The Waterloo redevelopment area includes the government owned land, as shown on the map below, between Phillip and McEvoy Streets to the north and south, and Pitt and Cope Streets to the east and west.
What is the timing of the redevelopment?
The redevelopment will not happen overnight — it will be staged over 15-20 years. The first relocations will not take place until mid-2017 and experienced FAGS staff will assist people to settle comfortably into their new homes.
There is much planning to be done and some key dates we have so far are:
· From February 2016 to mid-2017 we will be master-planning the area, consulting with the community and going through the rezoning process.
· At the end of 2016 we expect to know the staging of the redevelopment program including the staging of tenant relocations
· In early 2017 we will commence relocation interviews with those tenants in the first stage of the relocation program.
· Relocations will begin from mid-2017.
When will I need to move? Where will I move to? Who will pay for it?
Most people will not need to move for years. The first group of people won't need to relocate until the middle of 2017. Relocation will be staged over 15-20 years.
While some tenants may need to relocate on an interim basis into other housing in the local area, many will be able to move directly into the new social housing as the site is redeveloped.
We will do our best to make sure you only move once. In many cases, you will move straight into your newly built home. If you do need to move off the estate on an interim basis into other housing in the local area, you will be able to move back to Waterloo once the redevelopment is completed.
Our staff will help you move and settle into your new home. We will pay for moving costs. We will also cover the cost of approved improvements tenants have made to their homes. Our relocations staff will provide you with all the details at your interview.
As part of the relocation process, each tenant has a relocations officer assigned to them. The officer will work with the tenant to understand their housing needs, community and services links and preferences. You will be provided with a home that meets your needs.
Can I relocate now?
People won't need to move until mid-2017. We will meet with you six months before you will have to move, so you don't need to do anything right now.
All other requests for transfers outside of the redevelopment will go through the normal transfer process. Please contact the Waterloo office on 9384 4166 for further information.
Will the Waterloo estate be maintained while the redevelopment takes place?
We will ensure that community services and maintenance on the estate continues during
How will you help people with special needs relocate?
As part of the relocation process, each tenant has a relocations officer assigned to them. The officer will work with the tenant to understand their housing and other needs and preferences. We link in with a variety of government and non-government support services.
What will Waterloo look like after it has been rebuilt?
The design of the masterplan for Waterloo is about to begin. The masterplan will show new buildings, parks, car parking and community facilities. There will be new, and more, social housing integrated with private and affordable housing.
Tenant and community feedback will be sought all the way through the planning process, including the area around the new station as well as the Waterloo estate.
If I have to relocate to another public housing property, how will this affect my lease? Will my landlord be the government or a community housing provider?
Whatever length of lease you have now will be the same in your new lease. When you move to a different public housing property you will sign a new lease. If you are on a continuous lease now, you will have a continuous lease on your new property. If you are on a time limited lease, your new lease will run for the balance of the term remaining on your current lease.
We have not yet decided whether the properties in Waterloo will in the future be managed by a community housing organisation. If the management of the properties does transfer to a community housing organisation, you will need to sign a new lease with the lease length as outlined above.
What is the difference between the Millers Point and Waterloo projects?
The redevelopment of Waterloo is entirely different to Millers Point. In Waterloo we are building more than 2000 new social housing homes with great new community facilities. In addition, current tenants at Waterloo will have the opportunity to move back to Waterloo into newly built homes.
The NSW Government decided not to rebuild in Millers Point and is instead using the sales of the heritage houses to fund up to 1500 new social housing homes across Sydney and regional NSW, helping people move off the waiting list.
How do I stay connected to my community?
We value and respect the existing community in Waterloo. We will support the community through coordinated liaison with local community and not-for-profit organisations.
How will I find out about what’s going on and have my say?
We will involve and communicate with tenants and the community every step of the way.
You can also drop into the new Waterloo Connect, 95 Wellington Street, from Monday to Friday 10 am to 4 pm, or email WaterlooConnect@facs.nsw.gov.au if you have any questions.
We are meeting with the Waterloo Neighbourhood Advisory Board (NAB) regularly.
We have held a community forum with the Minister for Social Housing so tenants and the wider community can give us ideas and tell us how they would like to be involved.
We have put suggestion boxes in the foyers of the towers, the Factory, South Sydney Community Aid, Weave, Waterloo Connect and the local FACS office.
Map of Waterloo Social Housing Estate Redevelopment Area