HNSW Update following Forum - 8 March 2016
8 March 2016
Dear Resident
An update following the Renewing Waterloo Forum — Thursday 18 February 2016
If you were one of the 400 or so residents who attended our Waterloo forum — thank you!
Residents shared their views and heard from the Minister, Brad Hazzard, and heard from residents from other social housing estates where renewal has occurred.
The residents from those other public housing reassured us all that despite their initial concerns they had very positive experiences.
Karen, from Claymore said, "It's hard to imagine, but there really is nothing to worry about. My relocations officer worked very closely with me to make sure the right home was found for my family."
Sister Julia from Claymore and four other residents from two other estates, agreed their experience was similar to Karen's.
Some of the main question and answers were:
Q. Why haven't we been given any detail other than a letter in December telling us about the proposal for change?
A. The NSW Government only decided in December to build a new metro (train station) at Waterloo, This decision allows us to kick start renewal and allows an increase in the number of public housing units mixed in with some private housing.
Q. Why can't you tell us now when we're going to have to move?
A. As it's only just all started, there's lots of consultation and planning required. Your input and that of other locals, will be part of the consultation occurring over the next twelve months or so.
The forum on Thursday 18 February was the first step.
Q. When do we have to move?
A. If everything proceeds very well in the planning and consultation process, then it's possible that in another year and a half to two years a relatively small group of tenants will be asked (on generally at least six months notice) to relocate temporarily to nearby properties. Each resident will have a guarantee of return to the brand new social housing that will be built. Experience suggests that residents will be able to move back in two or so years.
Q. Does my lease change?A. In general, your lease will be the same — such as your lease length and whether you are allowed pets.
Q. Who pays for my relocation into the temporary accommodation and then back into the permanent housing?
A. The NSW Government will pay for all expenses.
Q. Is there anybody who can help me when the move comes?
A. Every tenant will have a relocation officer who will help you through the process. The tenants from other estates told the forum how fantastic and helpful their relocation officers had been.
Q. Where can I get more information?
A. There is a new office, the Waterloo Connect Centre at Shop 2, 95 Wellington St. Pop in between 10am and 4pm or call 1800 738 718 during business hours. We look forward to seeing you.
Q. How can I have my say?
A. You can share your thoughts by:
a) Dropping into the Waterloo Connect Centre
b) Going online
c) Putting your thoughts in writing and put into the suggestion boxes
Q. Will there be any meetings for those who speak languages other than English?
A. Yes. We are currently arranging some information meetings for those who speak (i) Russian (ii) Mandarin. If there are other languages requests made to the Waterloo Connect - we will try to address them as well.
We will keep all residents informed as the planning for renewal at Waterloo proceeds.
Yours sincerely
Mandy Young
District Director
If English is not your first language and you would like help translating this information, please call All Graduates Interpreting and Translation Services on 1300 652 488.