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Waterloo Options Testing & Feedback extended until Monday 19 November 2018

Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) have advised that they will extend all feedback on Waterloo Options testing until 19 November. This includes feedback via the surveys both on-line and return of hard copies of the surveys. LAHC will also continue with informal drop-ins session through Waterloo Connect for members of the community that wish to still go through information on the options at the Waterloo Connect Office. LAHC will communicate this to the community through the C+ website and outreach notifications which we are continuing to still undertake around the estate.

Make your voice heard during November

The extension of time for feedback follows requests that LAHC honour their undertakings to the NAB tenants Waterloo Redevelopment Group that there be adequate opportunity for the community to discuss and consider the options and make informed feedback. The initially announced 22 day period did not honour that commitment. The extension of feedback until 19 November mean feedback will be taken over about 40 days from when LAHC released the consultation option details.

What you can do

This consultation is about you and your future. We encourage the community to continue to make input to LAHC until November 19. You can do this by:

  1. Visit the Communities Plus Waterloo website or the Waterloo Connect office near the IGA and look at the options proposals for Waterloo
  2. Complete a survey online via the Waterloo consultation survey or collect and complete a paper copy at Waterloo Connect, 95 Wellington Street, Waterloo (Also available in Russian and Chinese).
  3. Download the Waterloo Options - consultation kit for groups and either make your own comments or have a group discussion. Contact Adam Antonelli at Counterpoint Community Services if you would like help in organising or running a discussion with a group of people - email Adam at wrcd@counterpointcs.org.au or phone him on 9698 9569.
  4. Write an email, letter or hand written comments and give / send them to LAHC

Your responses can be handed to the Waterloo Connect Office at 95 Wellington Street, Waterloo (Open from Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm) or emailed to waterlooconnect@facs.nsw.gov.au. You can talk to them on 1800 738 718.

What happens next:

  1. LAHC will prepare a Draft Final Master Plan and provide opportunities for feedback before it is submitted to the Department of Planning for adequacy testing and official exhibition.
  2. The Metro Quarter is expected to go on formal exhibition in mid November 2018. This exhibition will include all the supporting reports which will cover many of the issues relevant to the Waterloo Estate. Workshops on the Metro Quarter proposals are expected to help the community make informed submissions to the Metro Station proposal