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Inderpendent Assistance during Master Planning

Non Government Agencies and Community Groups have requested mechanisms for assistance for community members independent of LAHC and UrbanGrowth during the master planning process. This is being guided by the Groundswell agencies, Here you can get information on the Capacity Building Program run through Inner Sydney Voice or the Waterloo Community Development project run through Counterpoint Community Services.
Independent assistance for master planning
Kira Osborne and Thomas Chailloux recently started work to independently resource tenants and the broader community during planning for the Waterloo redevelopment reports Geoff Turnbull in the April 2017 edition of the South Sydney Herald.
Living Well in Greater Density? Perks and Challenges of high-density neighbourhoods. Jun 15, 2017 from 01:30 PM to 04:30 PM Redfern Town Hall (Small Hall),
The independent Waterloo Capacity building Project is holding a community discussion facilitated by a panel including Dr Hazel Easthope a housing researcher at UNSW; Sean Macken an Urban Planner and Dr Tim Williams an Urban Renewal Specialist.
ISV Resources on Redevelopment
Inner Sydney Voice Magazine runs a broad range of articles written by experts in their field. These articles cover a broad range of topics relevant to inner Sydney including housing, urban issues, civil society and human services. While sometimes we produce special issues, like the one on Redeveloping Public Housing or Making the NDIS work for everyone, there are also important standalone articles in other issues of the magazine relevant to that topic that are often forgotten about even though they are as relevant today as they were when they were published. ISV has grouped articles together by topics and provide a research / reading list for those wishing to better understand some of the issues faced in inner Sydney. It is particularly helpful on issues covering the redevelopment of Waterloo public housing.
File Audio from Public Housing: What is it? Where are we? How did we get here? and Where are we going?
The REDWatch forum on Public Housing held on 6 July 2017 was recorded and this is an edited recording from that meeting. Here you can hear for the first 22 minutes Associate Professor Vivienne Milligan from the UNSW City Futures Research Centre very informative presentation presentation on the History of Public Housing (you can download the presentation slides she is talking to from www.redwatch.org.au/issues/public-housing/Heritage/170706redwp/download). Also from 21:53 minutes in you can hear Julie Foreman the CEO of the Tenants Union talk about where public housing might be going and from 35:46 you can listen to some of the Q&A session. Thank you to Clare Lewis who recorded and filmed this workshop.
Waterloo Redevelopment Masterplan Whiteboard Animation
We are proud to launch the Waterloo Redevelopment Masterplan Process Whiteboard Animation project developed by Inner Sydney Voice and Counterpoint Community Services in conjunction with the Waterloo Neighbourhood Advisory Board Waterloo Redevelopment Group. This project was funded by the Law & Justice Foundation NSW. The aim of the whiteboard animation project is to provide independent information to the whole of the Waterloo community and key stakeholders on the Waterloo masterplan process, and to encourage the community to have its voice heard as part of the process through an engaging, original and innovative medium. We strongly encourage you to share this video with your neighbours, colleagues, friends and families. Please share on your social media and organisation websites where possible. Our aim is to reach as many people are possible who may not know how the masterplan process works, who have not been involved in the masterplan conversations to date, or who find it confusing. We hope this video helps to put together the complicated pieces of the planning puzzle and simplify the process. Capturing the Waterloo story so far and what the next steps are in a three and a half minute video was no mean feat! Over the coming weeks and months we will be screening the video at local meetings and forums. We also encourage other organisations and community groups to have screenings at their meetings or upcoming events.
LAHC stops funding for Waterloo Community Positions
LAHC has verbally advised Counterpoint Community Services that it will not extend the funding for the Waterloo Community Development, Aboriginal Liaison and bi-lingual educators (Russian and Chinese) past the end of June 2020.
LAHC Reply on behalf of Ministers re support for tenants and human services
On behalf of Groundswell agencies Counterpoint, Inner Sydney Voice and REDWatch wrote to Minister's Pavey and Ward regarding a number of matters including the defunding of the support positions for the Waterloo Redevelopment and the future of the promised Waterloo Human Service Plan. The agencies were also involved in a follow up meeting with Alison Frame, the Deputy Secretary of the Housing and Property Group within the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment where LAHC is located. The email below received on 18 August 2020 is the formal reply on behalf of the Ministers to the issues raised.