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You are here: Home / UrbanGrowth, SMDA & RWA Plans & Activities / Waterloo Public Housing & Metro Station Redevelopment / LAHC post zoning planning. / Waterloo South Signed VPA with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) overlay

Waterloo South Signed VPA with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) overlay

The Waterloo South Voluntary Planning Agreement released for the public exhibition was a scanned copy which means that it is not searchable. For a legal document that keeps referring to other parts of the document this is difficult to follow if you can't search the document. REDWatch has run an optical character recognition program across the document and made a searchable text overlay. This process is not perfect especially when the original document has scan marks so the text overlay may not be 100% accurate. If you are using this document you should check the underlying scan to be sure that the OCR text is correct.