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How to find Information about Waterloo Metro Quarter Exhibitions by 30 January 2019

The Department of Planning and Environment has placed proposals for the Waterloo Metro Quarter State Significant Precinct (SSP) and a Concept DA on Exhibitions concurrently until 30th January 2019.
Below REDWatch has tried to pull together the exhibition material which is spread over a number of sites and to explain what is happening and what we can do. For easy reference the issues are broken up so you can get an overview from the list below. The links below should take you to the relevant section of this document.

Proposed changes to existing Planning Controls

Draft Waterloo Metro Quarter State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study Exhibition


Test of Adequacy

Next steps on the SSP and planning controls

Waterloo Metro Quarter Over Station Development Concept State Significant Development Application (SSDA)


UrbanGrowth information sessions on Metro SSP

Availability of printed copies of SSP and DA documents

Implications of exhibitions for Waterloo Estate SSP consultation

Local knowledge and specialist input requested on study adequacy

Draft Waterloo Metro Quarter State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study documents

Waterloo Metro Quarter Over Station Development Concept Development Application Documents

Key Links


Proposed changes to existing Planning Controls

The State Significant Precinct study is a rezoning proposal that seeks approval for new planning controls needed to develop the Waterloo Metro Quarter. The planning controls are proposed to be applied through a State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP). The Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 (LEP) will no longer apply to the Waterloo Metro Quarter once the proposed SEPP is finalised.

The following key amendments are proposed to the existing planning controls:

  • Increase building heights from 12m (3-4 storeys) and 15m (4-5 storeys) to a maximum height of RL 116.9m (equivalent to 29 storeys) – proposed Height of Buildings Map (PDF, 249KB);
  • Increase the maximum Floor Space Ratio (FSR) from 1.75:1 to 6.1:1 across the whole site (excluding public roads) – proposed Floor Space Ratio Map (PDF, 210KB);
  • No changes to land zoning are proposed. The B4 Mixed Use zone will continue to apply across the Metro Quarter Precinct – proposed Land Zoning Map (PDF, 210KB);
  • Introduce Active Street Frontage provisions to promote uses that attract pedestrian traffic along ground floor street frontages along Botany Road, Wellington Street and Raglan Street – proposed Active Street Frontages Map (PDF, 207KB);
  • Introduce a Design Excellence Clause to ensure best-practice design – A Design Excellence Evaluation Panel (DEEP) is proposed but the test of adequacy proposes more work including a competitive design process;
  • Introduce the requirement for a Development Control Plan (DCP) to provide detailed design controls and principles for future development in the precinct – proposed Development Control Plan (DCP) – Attachment 2.

The planning controls proposed in the SEPP will enable the delivery of:

  • Approximately 700 dwellings, of which 5% to 10% will consist of affordable dwellings (proposed in DDSA for only 10 years), and up to 10% for social housing;
  • Three residential towers of 23, 25 and 29 storeys, each with a three-storey non-residential podium. The buildings will also have parking for about 65 cars and 700 residents’ bicycles and 520 public bicycles;
  • Approximately 4,000 square metres of retail and entertainment facilities;
  • Approximately 8,500 square metres of business and commercial premises and community recreation facilities (indoor); and
  • A publicly accessible plaza of approximately 1,400 square metres fronting Cope Street, providing access into the Metro Station.

The draft changes to the planning controls and intended effect are set out in the Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) – Attachment 1. The proposed controls are the recommendations from the Draft Waterloo Metro Quarter State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study and intended effect is said to be reflected in the Waterloo Metro Quarter Over Station Development Concept Development Application (SSDA)

Planning NSW have put out a Waterloo State Significant Precinct FAQs (PDF, 140 KB) to answer some questions about the planning process as it applies to the SSDA and SSP.

UrbanGrowth have also produced an information booklet on the SSP which you can download from here.

Sydney Metro have produced an information booklet on their Concept SSDA which you can download from here

Draft Waterloo Metro Quarter State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study Exhibition

The main report is the Waterloo Metro Quarter State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study. The attachments include the proposed planning controls mentioned above (Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) – Attachment 1 and proposed Development Control Plan (DCP) – Attachment 2) and the supporting technical studies requested in the SSP Study Requirements. These can be seen in Attachments 3 to 27 in the SSP Study. A full document list is later in this email under Draft Waterloo Metro Quarter State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study documents

UrbanGrowth have also produced an information booklet on the SSP which you can download in English, Chinese or Russian. There is more information on the Planning NSW (DPE) - Waterloo SSP Information Page.

A model of the proposal in scale with its surroundings can be seen by the public at Level 2 Town Hall House 456 Kent Street Sydney. The photograph below is from this display

Waterloo Metro Quarter model

The SSP Study and draft planning controls will be on public exhibition until Wednesday 30 January 2019 concurrently with the SSD application. You can see the official document list make a make an online submission on the SSP here


Through Sydney Metro, the NSW Government will provide a new generation of trains to connect people across Sydney. Construction of the Sydney Metro is underway and Waterloo Station is scheduled to open in 2024. The Waterloo Metro Quarter is the area above and around the station bounded by Botany Road, Cope Street, Raglan Street and Wellington Street. The delivery of the Waterloo Metro Station is part of the Sydney Metro CBD and South West Project. The metro project was approved as State Significant Infrastructure (SSI) in January 2017 (SSI 15_7400). The State Significant Infrastructure approval includes construction of a new rail line including tunnels, new stations (including Waterloo Metro Station) and associated infrastructure.

UrbanGrowth NSW Development Corporation (UrbanGrowth NSW) and Sydney Metro have prepared a comprehensive masterplan for the Waterloo Metro Quarter, which is integrated with the approved Metro station design. UrbanGrowth NSW has now submitted the State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study for the Waterloo Metro Quarter to the Department of Planning and Environment for assessment. The full study documents can be found at Draft Waterloo Metro Quarter State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study and later in this email I have provided direct links.

Test of Adequacy

The Test of Adequacy (ToA) undertaken by the Department, with assistance from City of Sydney Council, showed that these studies meet the majority of the SSP Study Requirements and are appropriate for public exhibition. This table of Test of Adequacy Results shows all the Study Requirements and confirms that the SSP Study was found adequate for exhibition. Design Excellence, Aboriginal Cultural Heritage and the lack of a summary report of the general outcomes of early consultation were identified as areas of concern in Adequacy Testing.

Next steps on the SSP and planning controls

  • The SSP Study and draft planning controls will be on exhibition until 30 January 2019 and the public is encouraged to have their say
  • The Department will consider and review all submission received during the public exhibition period and prepare a Summary of Responses which includes a list of the key issues raised and further studies, if required.
  • UrbanGrowth NSW will then prepare its Response to Submission report.
  • The Department will assess the Study with assistance from the City of Sydney Council, including consideration of all submissions and community feedback and the Response to Submission.
  • The Department will prepare an assessment report and make a recommendation to the Minister for Planning, who will make a final determination on the rezoning.

Waterloo Metro Quarter Over Station Development Concept State Significant Development Application (SSDA)

Sydney Metro already have approval for the construction of the station and the railway infrastructure associated with it. This SSDA only deals with what is built above what has already been approved.

The key summary document for the DA is the four part Environmental Impact Assessment below:

The supporting technical studies requested in Appendix A_ Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements can be found in Appendices B through CC of the exhibition.  The supporting study documents for the DA are listed later in this email under Waterloo Metro Quarter Over Station Development Concept Development Application Documents.

Sydney Metro have produced an information booklet on their Concept SSDA which you can download from here. It is also available in Chinese and Russian. Here is the link to the Planning NSW (DPE) - Waterloo SSDA Information Page.

The Metro Quarter Over Station Development Concept Development Application (DA) will be on public exhibition until Wednesday 30 January 2019 concurrently with the SSP application. You can see the official document list and  make an online submission on the Waterloo Metro DA here.


Sydney Metro has lodged a Concept State Significant Development application (SSD) for the development of the Waterloo Metro Quarter precinct over and adjacent to the new Waterloo Metro Station, including:

1)      maximum building envelopes for podium, mid-rise and taller elements between 3 and 29 storeys (up to RL 116.9m)

2)      maximum gross floor area of 68,750m² for residential accommodation, retail premises, entertainment facilities, business and commercial premises and community uses

3)      approximately 700 dwellings, including 70 dwellings for social housing and 5-10% affordable housing proposed for 10 years.

4)      up to 427 car parking spaces, in addition to bicycle, motorcycle and services vehicle spaces

This SSDA is being exhibited concurrently with the Draft Waterloo Metro Quarter State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study. Sydney Metro has lodged this concept DA based on the SSP documents including the draft planning controls and the Draft Development Control Plan. Sydney Metro has been conducting an EOI process for the construction of the Waterloo station and above ground works.

This Concept DA and the already station and rail infrastructure would be combined as the basis for the successful tenderer to prepare detailed building designs. Then the developer’s DA would be publicly exhibited as the DA to build the development and should conform to the Concept DA.

On 3 December 2018 in a media release entitled Community invited to have their say about building above new Metro Waterloo Station, Transport for NSW announced that following a competitive tender process, Sydney Metro has shortlisted two groups to deliver the new Waterloo Station and the Metro Quarter. The two groups shortlisted are:

  • Waterloo MQ Pty LTD (Aqualand)
  • John Holland Property Developments and John Holland Pty Ltd.

UrbanGrowth information sessions on Metro SSP

The Department of Planning and Environment has said that UrbanGrowth NSW must continue to consult with the community and provide information about the proposed new controls during the exhibition period. Sydney Metro is also involved in this process. Visit the UrbanGrowth NSW website for details of information sessions. Tenants will be letterboxed about these sessions. Currently the following information sessions are planned:


  • Saturday 1 December 2018 10am–1pm - Alexandria Town Hall, 73 Garden Street, Alexandria
  • Tuesday 4 December 2018 4-7pm - Alexandria Town Hall, 73 Garden Street, Alexandria
  • Friday 18 January 2019 1pm - 4pm - Redfern Town Hall, 73 Pitt Street Redfern
  • Thursday 6 December, 10am – 1pm, Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre.
  • Thursday 17 January, 10am – 1pm, Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre.
  • Wednesday 12 December, 11am – 1pm, Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre
  • Wednesday 19 December, 11am – 1pm, Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre
  • Bilingual Russian and Chinese workers will be at all of the above events other than for the drop-in sessions on 12th and 19th December.
  • Russian outreach briefing – 2-3pm, Tuesday 4 December (Solander Community Room).
  • Chinese outreach briefing - 11.30am - 12.30pm Thursday 13 December Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre.
  • REDWatch will have a presentation on Thursday 6 December from 6-7pm at The Factory before its end of year party.

Submissions must be made directly to the Department of Planning and Environment so comments made to UrbanGrowth or Sydney Metro staff at information sessions don’t count as input into the exhibition.

Warning - Sydney Metro is running an online survey in English, Russian and Chinese about Waterloo Metro which is "in addition to making a formal submission". Filling this not very useful survey in does not constitute a submission to the exhibition - you can see the survey here.

Availability of printed copies of SSP and DA documents

As is usual for State exhibitions within the City of Sydney, documents for these two exhibitions can be viewed at:

  • City of Sydney: Town Hall House 456 Kent Street Sydney
  • Green Square Library: 355 Botany Road Zetland (the nearest council centre)
Copies of the Full SSP documents can also be inspected at:
  • Waterloo Library, 770 Elizabeth Street Waterloo
  • Counterpoint Community Services, The Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street Waterloo
  • Waterloo Neighbourhood Centre, (opposite the IGA) 95 Wellington Street, Waterloo
  • REDWatch also has a copy of the documents for after hours use
Copies of the Waterloo Metro Quarter State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study report without the attachments will also be available for agencies arround Waterloo Estate.

Implications of exhibitions for Waterloo Estate SSP consultation

In many cases, the SSP study requirements for the Metro Site and the Waterloo Estate were identical; you can see REDWatch’s SSP comparison here. As baseline work on both SSPs was almost identical and was undertaken by the same consultants, there should be few differences between much of the baseline material exhibited for the Metro Quarter and what has not yet been released for the Waterloo Estate. As the Waterloo Estate exhibition is lagging behind the Metro Quarter, material released for the Metro Quarter can also help inform the discussion regarding Waterloo Estate.

Issues such as the potential economic impact of salt and peppering public and private residents are dealt with in the reports. On salt and peppering market sounding in the Market Study by Colliers found that developers say salt and peppering private and public tenants can decrease property values by 5-20%. Colliers expect the impact to be at the lower end in Waterloo.

The SSP studies that are likely to be relevant in some way to the Waterloo Estate are Attachments 3 to 27 from the Draft Waterloo Metro Quarter State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study documents below. Please note that the Social Sustainability report is only required for the Waterloo Estate so is not available.

Local knowledge and specialist input requested on study adequacy

The proposed planning controls and master plans for the Metro Quarter and Waterloo Estate are based on a combination of specialist studies and local information obtained by the consultants preparing the reports. But is it accurate and the best that can be achieved for our community?

The people who live in the area have the best local knowledge so if you spot something that is not correct then let us know. An area where local knowledge is key is around community facilities and your everyday lived experience in Waterloo. Other aspects of reports are based on the specialist knowledge or opinion of the consultants. We know that there are people who live in the area who have expertise from their day job and that there are academics and people with specialist knowledge who care about the outcome of the area which is home to so many public housing communities. We would like to see people use their skills and experience to test the adequacy of the studies – not, as the project control group has done against the study requirements, but against best practice using their local and specialist expertise.

This is the kind of information that needs to be fed into submissions, but we know for a range of reasons some people might not be comfortable doing that themselves. We would like to see this information pooled and shared and made available to the community for their submissions. If you are able to assist with comments on any of the studies please contact REDWatch at or contact any of the Groundswell Redfern Waterloo Agencies, WPHAG, ARAG or other community groups that you are comfortable dealing with.

Draft Waterloo Metro Quarter State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study documents

Below are the direct links to the Draft Waterloo Metro Quarter State Significant Precinct (SSP) Study documents that can be found on the DPE Plans and Policies website. [REDWatch has sorted the list into order to make finding documents easier].


Michael Aaronson has produced some consolidated reports from the Attachments. In cases where an attachment is split into a number of parts he has consolidated the report. He has also produced a single large combined SSP attachment (All Studies) that might be useful if you want to search all the SSP documents. You can download these combined reports from his Studies folder

Please Note: There is no Social Sustainability Report in The Waterloo Metro studies - Social Sustainability is only a required study for the Waterloo Estate SSP.

Waterloo Metro Quarter Over Station Development Concept Development Application Documents

The key document is the four part Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) document below, which details the proposal and summarises Study finding in the Appendices below.


Note: Sydney Metro have these documents also on their site with the Appendices consolidated:

  • Waterloo over station development – Concept State Significant Application Download
  •  Waterloo over station development - Environmental Impact Statement - Appendices A to O Download

  •  Waterloo over station development - Environmental Impact Statement - Appendices P to CC Download


Key Links

We know this is a lot of information and that not many people will tackle the thousands of pages in this exhibition. Hopefully by setting it out with a little bit of an explanation it will help you find what is of interest to you.

Geoffrey Turnbull REDWatch Co-Spokesperson 22 November 2018

Last Update: 6 December 2018