Housing NSW Masterplan takes Shape
Separate reports for Redfern and Waterloo include an “Ideas for Improvement” summary and map which shows what Housing NSW believe the community wants. The reports are available to view at the Factory Community Centre or on the REDWatch website and will be available at later workshops.
Housing NSW’s February focus is on Building design with a bus trip for people who want to learn more followed by a Workshop on March 10 at Redfern oval. In March Housing NSW is also organising walks through Redfern and Waterloo to explore ideas for the final Community Design Workshops with the urban planners in late March. To book contact Martin Clark on 92683443.
It is worrying that no exhibition of a Draft Preliminary Masterplan and its background studies is planned before it is finalised in June 2012 for reporting to the Federal funders. Housing NSW is only saying that the Preliminary Masterplan will be presented to the community in the second half of 2012. An exhibition of the Draft document is essential before it is used as the basis for future decision making.
Source: South Sydney Herald February 2012 www.southsydneyherald.com.au