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What makes a great neighbourhood?

Mark Sheppard, the lead designer for the Redfern Waterloo Masterplan project, suggests that residents think about what makes a great neighbourhood and the different ways this could be achieved — see the table below.
Features of a great neighbourhood Ways to achieve a great neighbourhood
 Convenient shops & services Locate shops & services close to where people live
Create new links between housing & shops / services
 Good community facilities Cater for different needs
Provide places where people can meet, access support

services & take part in group activities

 Local parks & recreation & meeting places Formalise open spaces
Match recreation & leisure opportunities to community needs
 Getting around is easy Build / upgrade streets, footpaths & bikeways so that people
can get around easily & safely
Put in additional connections to shops, services, parks &

public transport

 Social, affordable & private housing Offer higher quality housing & more housing choice
Build new types of housing to attract different people

Ensure more liveable housing by grouping housing better &

improving entry areas

 Business, employment & art spaces
(especially along Cope & Elizabeth Streets)
Create space for new local businesses
Provide better premises for existing businesses