Quick Waterloo Traffic Study!
Equipment was installed on 22nd evening with traffic flow monitored throughout the day and the cameras will be taken down Tuesday evening. A map of the locations of where the equipment will monitoring was supplied.
Concerns have been raised with REDWatch about this study only being conducted for 24 hours and not assessing both weekday and weekend traffic especially on arterial roads.
The study is being undertaken before the scope of studies has been released for community comment.
In an initial response from REDWatch the following issues have been raised:
- The camera locations seem well suited to motor vehicle movements but do not seem to be placed to indicate pedestrian movements within and across the estate. Missing Cope and Philip for example where people head towards Redfern station.
- Any traffic assessment will need to take into account the final proposals for making Euston / McEvoy the major connection between WestConnex and Anzac Parade.
- REDWatch has consistently asked UrbanGrowth and Council for a traffic study modelling traffic across the broader South Sydney area taking into account the cumulative effect of proposed development. UrbanGrowth promised such a study for their Urban Transformation Study but it was one of the reports that was never undertaken / released.
- One of the issues in the last Master Plan was the question of if currently closed streets should be opened up to through traffic. Such a decision would have major impacts on options for walkability within the master plan area.
- One of the questions coming out of the last REDWatch meeting was the question of how much land area should be given over to road space compared to other public uses.