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Waterloo Estate Social Sustainability Assessment

A Social Sustainability Assessment is one of the key studies for the Waterloo Estate under the Waterloo State Significant Precinct Study requirements. Here we have bought together information about the study requirements and about GHD the consultancy doing the work. In 2012 GHD did some scoping work of Redfern and Waterloo Public Housing Estates for the Sydney Metropolitan Development Corporation (SMDA).

The Social Sustainability Assessment is only required for the Waterloo Estate and not for the Waterloo Quarter under the State Significant Precinct Study Requirements however Land and Housing Corporation and UrbanGrowth NSW have advised organisations that the studies will be conducted across the entire precinct.

GHD is the Consultant for the Waterloo Estate Social Sustainability Assessment

According to the LAHC Waterloo Consultants Table the consultant for Social Sustainability is GHD. According to the Waterloo Requirements Table they will also feed into aspects of Study 2 on Urban Design, Study 7 on State and Regional Infrastructure and on Study 8 on Local Infrastructure and Contributions

GHD have earlier undertaken a Social Impact Scoping and Assessment in early 3012 for the Sydney Metropolitan Development Authority (SMDA). The SMDA’s successor UrbanGrowth NSW’s Central to Eveleigh finally released the consultation report in November 2014 as the Report for Social Impact Scoping and Assessment Consultation Outcomes Report May 2012. In 2014 UrbanGrowth advised the study was being updated by GHD as part of the UrbanGrowth Central to Eveleigh “Social Sustainability Due Diligence Study” and GHD again talked to local service providers. The UrbanGrowth study was released as the Social Infrastructure and Social Issues Study and this gives the best insight into what has been done previously. This study however covers the broader Central to Eveleigh Study area and is not specific to the public housing estates as the unreleased 2012 study would have been.

REDWatch is of the view that all previous consultants reports should be released as crucial background information for the community. Government agencies argue that the earlier studies are dated and were never acted upon and would confuse people in the current consultations. REDWatch remains of the view that earlier reports must be released so the community has the opportunity to see what has been heard earlier and what has been missed out that needs to be picked up this time.

The Waterloo State Significant Precinct (SSP) Social Sustainability Assessment Study Requirements

Below we have set out the SSP Requirements as well as the Summaries from LAHC for this study – this is set out in the Study Requirements Nominated State Significant Precinct – Waterloo May 2017.

23. Social Sustainability Assessment

23.1. The purpose of the Social Sustainability Assessment is to guide the implementation and scope of the project to promote positive social outcomes through design and management recommendations and strategies.

23.2. The Social Sustainability Assessment (SSA) should address:

a) existing social characteristics, issues and trends for the Estate and adjoining neighbourhoods

b) capacity for community participation in the planning process

c) the contribution of the project to improved social sustainability

d) the Waterloo Precinct Plan, including the social aspects of project staging and delivery, urban design, provision of open space and community facilities, state social infrastructure and services, the availability of local social and community services, and other key issues, and

e) consider the proposed project within the local area and its broader context especially in respect of densities and community connectedness.

23.3. Demonstrate how the vision and relevant principles in the City’s social sustainability policy - A City for All: Towards a Socially Just and Resilient Sydney, and the objectives of the NSW Government’s Future Directions for Social Housing in NSW will be realised.

23.4. Prepare a comprehensive profile of the existing community, neighbouring communities, and the likely future community.

23.5. Prepare an in-depth social needs analysis for the existing, neighbouring and future communities, including the use of primary research, with at least the following groups:

  • Key population groups including (but not limited to); (i) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (with separate groups of women, men, young people and older people) (ii) older people (iii) young people (iv) children and families (v) key groups of CALD residents (with separate groups for the main language groups) vi) primary school children.\
  • Separate groups with users and providers of: i) community services, e.g. home care, community transport, ii) key medical and mental health services, iii) key legal services, iv) tenant representative groups and other local service providers and government agencies such as Education and Justice.

23.6. Prepare a Social Sustainability Report that:

  • is undertaken by a competent and suitably qualified social science professional who uses rigorous social planning methodologies
  • includes effective, timely and transparent public involvement, including the input of different social groups
  • fully assesses the social aspects of the project process and staging, as well as the proposed final project outcomes
  • fully describes the needs of the existing, neighbouring and likely future communities, and how those needs will be addressed through the project to promote positive social outcomes
  • fully describes the changes anticipated as a result of the project
  • identifies, where possible, examples of similar scenarios and social sustainability measures for comparison, paying particular attention to vulnerable and key population groups including minority groups, and different age, income and cultural groups
  • identifies direct and indirect, long term and short term social sustainability measures to promote positive social outcomes as a consequence of the project, addressing people’s way of life, social connections, safety, access to health and welfare services, access to employment and education opportunities, health and culture including measures to provide for the needs of minority groups, different age, income and cultural groups and future generations
  • identifies the relative equity of the project and associated social sustainability measures, including how the opportunities will be accessible to different sections of the community
  • considers social sustainability over time
  • includes qualitative and quantitative needs analysis
  • includes a mechanism for the future review of community needs, and
  • makes clear recommendations for opportunities to maximise positive social outcomes for existing, neighbouring and likely future communities through the project. Recommendations should refer to how the project will address the needs of existing, neighbouring, and likely future communities and include measures that are tangible, timely and effective, and within the ability of the Applicant/s (alone or in partnership) to deliver.

23.7. Measures require effective and costed implementation mechanisms and responsibilities which are agreed with key partners and documented in a site-specific Social Sustainability Plan to guide future stages of the project.

23.8. The City of Sydney, Department of Education and Department of Family and Community Services should be closely consulted in preparation of the Social Sustainability Report.

23.9.  Ensure that the historical connections and importance of the Waterloo area to our First Nations people and means to support them and reflect them in the design of the project, the services and employment opportunities provided and that Waterloo continues to be a welcoming and culturally inclusive place.

LAHC Summary of SSP Requirements

According to Waterloo Study Requirements Summary

23. Social Sustainability Assessment

  • Profile of the existing community, neighbouring communities and the likely future community.
  • In-depth social needs analysis for the existing, neighbouring and future communities including Aboriginal People (with separate groups of women, men, young people and older people), older people, young people, children and families, key cultural groups (with separate groups for the main language groups), primary school children, key service providers and tenant representative groups.
  • Needs of the existing, neighbouring and likely future communities, and changes anticipated as a result of the Precinct Proposal.

LAHC Summary of Scope:

According to the Waterloo Summary of Studies

Social Sustainability

The Social Sustainability Study will include a review of existing policies, and the community services needs of the existing and likely future communities at five year intervals to 2036. It will include consideration of the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, different age groups; key resident language groups, key providers of community services and relevant government agencies.

The Study will assess the services needs of the future community, including lower income households, higher density private residents and people without a car. It will identify the type, role, size, condition and usage of all existing community facilities, and assess the adequacy of these facilities to service existing and future communities. The Strategy will consider potential innovations and emerging best practice in the delivery of community services.

The Strategy will identify measures to support high quality of life, social connections, safety, employment and education opportunities, health and culture, including measures to provide for the needs of minority groups, different age, income and cultural groups and future generations.

It will consider all aspects of community and social services, including health, education and emergency services and programs available to assist social housing tenants.

Other Studies related to Waterloo Estate Social Sustainability Assessment

All of the studies undertaken as part of the SPP process including the study on the Social Sustainability Assessment flow from the official planning requirements for rezoning Waterloo Estate and Waterloo Metro Quarter. It does not cover the non-built environment aspects of particular concern to REDWatch. The LAHC summaries refer to an additional study outside the requirements on Place Making which they refer to as Study 28. In a meeting with LAHC and UG, LAHC also referred to a process to put together a Human Services Plan. LAHC also said that at the broader Communities Plus level they are putting together a study on Social Mix. We have asked for further information on these studies and for the opportunity to make input on them.

Feedback requested on Studies

With the release of the study requirements LAHC and UG are seeking community feedback about the study requirements – a Feedback Form has been provided on the Communities Plus website. REDWatch encourages community members and those with expertise in any of the study areas including the Social Sustainability Assessment to look at the requirements and to raise any issues that should be added to ensure that all aspects of concern are covered in the studies. Feedback on studies should include suggestions for issues which need to be looked at by LAHC in addition to the built environment studies.