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REDWatch Roundtable on Human Services - Thursday 3rd May 6pm

REDWatch Roundtable on Human Services - Thursday 3rd May 6pm at the Factory Community Centre – this is an opportunity for local residents to raise their comments about what needs to change in the human services system. A flyer to promote this event is attached.

Event details


May 03, 2018
from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM


Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street, Waterloo

Contact Name

Contact Phone

(02) 8004 1490

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REDWatch wants to hear from service users, public tenants and residents  about what they think needs to be fixed in the human services system. This meeting REDWatch has invited some service users to provide some brief inputs on their experience of the human services system to set the scene. This will then be followed by a discussion facilitated by Lyn Lormer from the Local Community Services Association (LCSA). Lyn has been trained in the “Harwood Collective Impact” process, which has been used in a number of communities and she will use some of her skills to help us identify what needs to happen to address human service issues in our area. Grant Lavender from The Factory will be at the meeting to provide support to Counterpoint CS service users participating.

I encourage you to come along, bring your stories and ideas about what could be changed to make the system better. The REDWatch meeting is at 6pm, Thursday 3rd May 2018 at the Factory Community Centre, 67 Raglan Street, Waterloo – this is an opportunity for local residents to raise their comments about what needs to change in the human services system. REDWatch will collate the issues raised and feed them into the human service discussions.

So what are human services?

Inner Sydney Voice in its latest magazine describe them as:

Human Services are those which provide a service to society, particularly in times of crisis. Human Services are designed to help people navigate through crisis or chronic situations where the person feels they need external help and guidance to move forward with their life and rediscover their self-sufficiency. Sometimes the situation the person needs help with is external, such as the loss of a job or income, the need for food or housing or for help getting out of a dangerous situation, such as family violence. For other people the difficulty is an internal challenge such as depression, a physical ailment, disability, or other mental or physical health crisis. [Adapted from humanserviceedu.org]