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You are here: Home / UrbanGrowth, SMDA & RWA Plans & Activities / Government, UG, SMDA & RWA Statements / 2005 / RWA Web Launch Statements - 07.10.2005

RWA Web Launch Statements - 07.10.2005

On Friday 7th October 2005 the RWA launched its long awaited website. The site included much new information. We have included here the statements made when the website was launched. Websites change over time so we have included the statments made when the web site was launched as part of the historical record of statements made by thge RWA. As the website changes we will also try to include changes in the statements section as they are made.
RWA Home Page
This was the content of the initial Home Page of the RWA Website on 7 October 2005
RWA Redfern Waterloo Plan - Stage One
This was the content of the initial Redfern Waterloo Plan - Stage One Page of the RWA Website on 7 October 2005
RWA - Who are We?
This was the content of the initial Who are we? Page in the About Us section of the RWA Website on 7 October 2005
RWA Board & Staff
This was the content of the initial Board & Staff Page in the About Us section of the RWA Website on 7 October 2005
File RWA Organisational Structure
This was the content of the initial Organisational Structure Page in the About Us section of the RWA Website on 7 October 2005
RWA Contact
This was the content of the initial Contact Page in the About Us section of the RWA Website on 7 October 2005
RWA Redfern Waterloo Plan Urban Renewal
This was the content of the initial Redfern Waterloo Plan Urban Renewal Page on the RWA Website on 7 October 2005
RWA Employment & Enterprise
This was the content of the initial Employment & Enterprise Page on the RWA Website on 7 October 2005
RWA Community Consultation
This was the content of the initial Human Services Page on the RWA Website on 7 October 2005
RWA Human Services
This was the content of the initial Human Services Page on the RWA Website on 7 October 2005
RWA Frequently Asked Questions
This was the content of the initial FAQ Page on the RWA Website on 7 October 2005
RWA Development Applications - Role of the RWA
This was the content of the initial Development Applications - Role of the RWA Page on the RWA Website on 7 October 2005
RWA Development & Leasing Opportunities and Tenders
This was the content of the initial Development Opportunities, Leasing Opportunities and Tenders Pages on the RWA Website on 7 October 2005
Publications and Links
The following doucuments and links were present on the RWA Website on 7 October 2005