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North Eveleigh Precinct

Currently disused railway land between Wilson St and the railway line with the old Carriage Workshop being renovated as a Contemporary Performing Arts facility in the middle of the site. On the western end the RWA propose a predominantly residential development with mixed business and residential closer to Redfern station. FSR for the east and western ends is to be 2:1 with the central section 1:1. Heights to be from 4 to 10 storeys with 16 storey iconic building towards Redfern Station. Similar height frontages to existing buildings along Wilson St are made possible by using the existing cutting on railway land. Improved linkages to ATP. Zoned as Business Zone - Mixed Use and Special Purposes – Infrastructure.
Planning Across all of the North Eveleigh site
Currently disused railway land between Wilson St and the railway line with the old Carriage Workshop renovated as a Contemporary Performing Arts facility in the middle of the site. This site has had many studies done across the entire site and this section contains that material. Within this site there are sub precincts for The Paint Shop, Carriageworks and the Clothing Store Precincts and where planning relates specifically to these precincts we have included this work under the different precincts. There are also issues relating specifically to the Chief Mechanical Engineers building and to the proposed connection across the rail line at Carriageworks that we have also given their own sections on the website.
Chief Mechanical Engineers Building
The Chief Mechanical Engineers Building sits on Wilson Street as a part of the former Eveleigh Railway Workshops. Under Urbangrowth NSW the exterior underwent heritage restoration. In 2022 Transport for NSW announced that they had called for Registration of Interest for organisations interested in the occupation of the CME's building. This section of the website deals with the CME building which is on the state heritage register.
North Eveleigh Paint Shop Precinct
This is the precinct between Carriageworks and Redfern Station that was rezoned in 2003.
Build a Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge
A connection between North Eveleigh and South Eveleigh was mooted by the RWA in 2006 and funds collected towards it but no bridge has eventuated. REDWatch tried to to get one of the two bridges the RWA wanted built into the new Redfern Station Southern Concourse. REDWatch with ARAG and FOE have also been pushing for a bridge connecting Carriageworks to South Eveleigh near the Large Erecting Shop. Even though TAHE are commercialising both sides of the line they have declined to provide a bridge reconnecting the two sides of the former Eveleigh Railway Workshops. THis section is about the Bridge.
Carriageworks Precinct
Carriageworks was developed prior to the RWA being established but was expanded subsequently. The conversion of the Blacksmith's Shop into Eveleigh Markets is included in this precinct.
North Eveleigh Clothing Store Precinct
This is the part of North Eveleigh to the Newtown side of Carriageworks. I contains the affordable housing Platform Apartments. In 2024 the balance of the site is being transferred to Homes NSW.