Former Rachel Forster Hospital
This site was zoned as medium density residential with maximum heights of 3 to 6 storeys and a FSR of 2:1 by the RWA under BEP1. The medical centre fronting Albert St was moved to a new medical centre in the Old Court House Building and Former Police station. A Concept Plan was developed by the RWA and Approved by the Department of Planning. Following this the site was sold for redevelopment as housing and a public park. The developer is currently preparing documents for a Project Approval. This will then be publicly exhibited for comment.
- RWA Built Environment Plan - Former Rachel Forster Hospital
- This section contains the Land Use and Design Concepts for this RWA Strategic Site provided in the RWA Redfern Waterloo Built Environment Plan (Stage One) in August 2006 and the Draft of February 2006.
- Approved RWA Concept Plan for Rachel Forster Hospital - Major Project Application MP 07_0029
- Here you can access details about the RWA Approved Major Project Plan for Rachel Forster Hospital MP 07_0029. The proposal was approved by the Minister for Planning on 9 October 2007 following exhibition until 24 August 2007. With changes on the RWA and Department of Planning websites some links no longer work and need to be updated.
- Project Application for Former Rachel Forster Hospital - MP 09 _0068 Residential and Public Open Space Development
- This is the basis for the current Kaymet Application for the Former Rachel Forster Hospital - MP 09 _0068 Residential and Public Open Space. Please note that the Preliminary Application and the Director General's Requirements were issued in 2009. REDWatch will add some documents to this site for the pre-exhibition consultation. The formal exhibition documents will also be subsequently added to the Department of Planning Website link.
- Rachel Forster Hospital Exhibition - Until 22 March 2013
- Plans for the development of the former Rachel Forster Hospital Site went on exhibition from 20 February until 22 March 2013. Here you will find details of the exhibition.
- Rachel Forster – DA changes on exhibition until 6 March 2017
- The Rachel Forster site developer, Kaymet Pty Ltd, is seeking to modify its concept plan and major project approval for the 134 – 144 Pitt Street, Redfern site. Below are the details of the major changes and links to where to make a submission before 6th March 2017.
- Rachel Forster IPC Hearing - 24 April Apr 24, 2018 from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM — Club Redfern 159 Redfern Street, Redfern NSW 2016 ,
- The Department pf Planning have finalised their Assessment report for the proposed development of the former Rachel Forster Hospital site and passed their recommendations to the Independent Planning Commission for a final determination. A public hearing will be held at 2pm Tuesday 24 April to hear speakers about the development. Those wishing to speak need to register by 2 pm Friday 20 April 2018. The department is recommending that the application for the inclusion of affordable housing be allowed alog with increased heights for buildings b & C with some improved heritage conservation.