Development Control Plans

The RWA is establishing Development Contribution and Control plans to cover works on the RWA State Significant areas. Here we have collected material relating to these plans and their development.
Draft Redfern-Waterloo AuthorityContributions Plan 2006
RWA Proposed Public Works
The following list of proposed public works is taken from the Draft Redfern-Waterloo Authority Contributions Plan 2006 (pages 14-16) on exhibition until 8th December 2006.
City of Sydney Submission on RWA Draft Development Contributions Plan
This is a copy of the City of Sydney Council submission on the RWA’s Draft Development Contributions Plan. File is PDF 58 Kb. Source: City of Sydney submission on RWA Development Contributions Plan:
Draft Redfern Waterloo Authority Affordable Housing Contributions Plan 2006
PDF 360 Kb
City of Sydney Submission on the RWA Affordable Housing Contributions Plan 2006
This is a copy of the City of Sydney's Submission as presented to Council Committee. PDF 2.2 MB.
NCOSS Submission on RWA Draft Affordable Housing Contributions Plan
This is a copy of the NCOSS Submission as presented to Council Committee. PDF 20 KB.
REDWatch Submission on Draft RWA Affordable Housing Contributions Plan 2006
This is the text of the REDWatch submission of 12 February 2007 on the RWA Affordable Housing Contributions Plan 2006.
Greens Submission on RWA Affordable Housing Contributions Plan
This is a copy of the Greens response to the RWA Affordable Housing Contributions Plan 2006. Word 70 Kb.
REDWatch Submission on RWA Draft Redfern-Waterloo Authority Contributions Plan 2006
This is the text of the REDWatch Submission of 8th December 2006 on the RWA Draft Redfern-Waterloo Authority Contributions Plan 2006.
Modified Affordable Housing Planning Agreement - RWA & Frasers Broadway
This is the agreement between the RWA and Frasers on Affordable Housing signed 28 November 2008. It provides for payment in 5 installments starting in June 2009. Each of the first four installments are for $6m with an adjusting installment dependendt of the final FSR. Interest is charged on any late payment at 2% above the Bank Bill Rate. nFile is 667Kb Scan PDF.
REDWatch Submission on Redfern Waterloo Draft Affordable Rental Housing Strategy 2011 – 2030
REDWatch made the submission below on 24 May 2012 to the SMDA on their Draft Redfern Waterloo Draft Affordable Rental Housing Strategy 2011 – 2030.
Draft Redfern Waterloo Draft Affordable Rental Housing Strategy 2011 – 2030
The SMDA placed their Draft Redfern Waterloo Draft Affordable Rental Housing Strategy 2011 – 2030 on exhibition until 24 May 2012. A copy of the draft exhibited is provided below. File is 798 KB PDF