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Eveleigh Street Precinct

Currently private land bounded by Cleveland, Abercrombie, Vine, Louis, Lawson and the railway line. This area was initially divided in the Draft into northly and southly portions by the RWA. The Final BEP further divided the southern section east and west at Eveleigh Street. In the north heights increase from 3-4 storeys to 3-5 storeys while FSR increase from 1.5:1 to 3:1 for mixed and decreases to 1:1 for purely residential. In the South East along the railway line FSR increases from 1:1 to 2:1 with 1:1 allowed for residential. In the South Western area, which includes the Block, maximum heights increase from 2-3 storeys to 3 storeys while FSR increases from 1:1 to 1.5:1 for mixed development but are reduced to 0.75:1 for purely residential developments like to proposed Pemulwuy project. Zoned as Business – Mixed Use.
RWA Draft Built Environment Plan - Eveleigh Street
This section contains the Land Use and Design Concepts for the Eveleigh Street Strategic Site provided in the RWA Redfern Waterloo Built Environment Plan (Stage One) in August 2006 and the Draft of February 2006.
Aboriginal Housing Company Concept Plans
The AHC are the major landowner in the Eveleigh Street area and they have their own plans for what they would like to do on the Block. This involves not just housing but a range of commercial and cultural facilities and a civic space called Red Square. Details on some of these plans can be found here.
Pemulwuy Project Modifications 2010-2012
In mid January 2012 the the Aboriginal Housing Company's Environmental Assessments (EAs) for the Pemulwuy Mixed Use Development in Redfern went on public exhibition. Here you can see some of the documents associated with this proposal and some of the background to the AHC's modifications to the original approved Concept Plan.
Urbanest Student Housing - 157-163 Cleveland St
This site has had a number of proposals floated for it. Most recently Urbanest has submitted to the Department of Planning & Infrastructure in late 2011 a plan for student accommodation. This follows some discussions with the community in 2011. Earlier proposals for this site are also in this section.
Pemulwuy Project 2017 Modifications
In January 2017 the Aboriginal Housing Company received the requirements from the Department of planning for amending their approval to increase the maximum height of the student housing component of the Pemulwuy Project from a maximum 6 stories to a maximum 16 stories to make the project self funding. Here you will find details relating to that application and its community engagement.
Image Col James
Colin James - A legand