HIV & Hepatitus C Issues in Redfern Waterloo - Dr Paul Haber

This is an extract of a presentation made by Dr Paul Haber, Medical Director, Drug Health Services on behalf of Sydney and South West Sydney Local Health District to a community meeting on 30 October at Redfern Health Centre. Dr Haber states that the level of Hepatitus C is 10% higher in Redfern/Waterloo on average than either the national or state figures. His presentation also shows that Redfern/Waterloo has almost twice the HIV prevalance of NSW and more than twice the national prevalence. Dr Haber states that people living in Redfern/Waterloo accounted for 30% of all treatment/interventions provided by DHS within Sydney LHD. The file is 486KB PDF.

Dr Haber Redfern community NSP presentation 2012.pdf — PDF document, 486 kB (498470 bytes)