Key Actions to Reduce the rate of HIV and Hepatitus C Infections

The Following Summary of Key Actions were circulated at the Sydney Local Health District Community Meeting on 29 January 2013 at the Redfern Health Centre.

How do we reduce the rate of HIV and Hepatitis C infections? - Summary of key actions

  • Make safe and clean injecting equipment available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Locate an Automatic Dispensing Machine near the staffed Needle Syringe Program outlet at Redfern Community Health Centre.  CCTV and lighting will cover the area. Staff will check and restock the machine daily. Information about safe disposal and drug and alcohol services will be promoted on the machine.
  • Seek to expand the availability of Automatic Dispensing Machines within the region. A machine has been installed at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. There are about 150 machines across NSW. Other machines are at Marrickville, Concord and Surry Hills. 
  • Promote easy and effective waste management by co-locating a Sharps Waste Disposal Bin with the Automatic Dispensing Machine and working with City of Sydney Council and NSW Housing to install more community waste disposal bins and conduct more checking and cleaning of public areas, specifically to collect sharps. The fitpacks dispensed by the machine contain a safe waste disposal box.
  • Promote needle clean up hotline numbers.
  • Work with local pharmacies and non-government agencies to provide additional locations where equipment can be accessed and used equipment can be safely disposed.
  • Reduce public injecting by the use of lighting, CCTV and health promotion activities. Provide information about the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre. Promote services for drug treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Increase collaboration between government and non-government human services to reduce drug use. A new regular Human Services Group will meet monthly under the leadership of NSW Health and NSW Police.
  • Establish a committee of local people and agency representatives to monitor the implementation and evaluation of the operational and waste management plans. This committee will report publically within 12 months.
  • Seek to expand the availability of staff at the Needle and Syringe Program at Redfern Community Health Centre.
  • Provide a community first point-of-contact for health related issues. Staff member has now been appointed.

Source:  Circulated to Sydney Local Health District Community Meeting on 29 January 2013 at the Redfern Health Centre.