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You are here: Home / Government Sites Plans & Activities / Built Environment Plan Phase 1 - The State Significant Sites / Former Rachel Forster Hospital / Approved RWA Concept Plan for Rachel Forster Hospital - Major Project Application MP 07_0029

Approved RWA Concept Plan for Rachel Forster Hospital - Major Project Application MP 07_0029

Here you can access details about the RWA Approved Major Project Plan for Rachel Forster Hospital MP 07_0029. The proposal was approved by the Minister for Planning on 9 October 2007 following exhibition until 24 August 2007. With changes on the RWA and Department of Planning websites some links no longer work and need to be updated.
Former Rachel Forster Hospital - Adaptive reuse and residential development Documents
This is the link to the Department of Planning and Infrastructure 's Major Project Listing with all the documents for the RWA's Former Rachel Forster Hospital - Adaptive reuse and residential development Major Project Application.
The Planning Minister Frank Sartor announced the approval of a concept plan for the $70 million residential redevelopment of the former Rachel Forster Hospital at Redfern on 11th October 2007. A copy of the text of media statement of the announcement can be found at the link below.
Major Project Application - Rachel Forster Hospital MP 07_0029
The RWA's Major Project Application for the Former Rachel Forster Hospital in Redfern was approved by the Minister for Planning on 9 October 2007 following exhibition until 24 August 2007. The details of the Department of Planning listing is given below.