Approved RWA Concept Plan for Rachel Forster Hospital - Major Project Application MP 07_0029
Here you can access details about the RWA Approved Major Project Plan for Rachel Forster Hospital MP 07_0029. The proposal was approved by the Minister for Planning on 9 October 2007 following exhibition until 24 August 2007. With changes on the RWA and Department of Planning websites some links no longer work and need to be updated.
- Former Rachel Forster Hospital - Adaptive reuse and residential development Documents
- This is the link to the Department of Planning and Infrastructure 's Major Project Listing with all the documents for the RWA's Former Rachel Forster Hospital - Adaptive reuse and residential development Major Project Application.
- The Planning Minister Frank Sartor announced the approval of a concept plan for the $70 million residential redevelopment of the former Rachel Forster Hospital at Redfern on 11th October 2007. A copy of the text of media statement of the announcement can be found at the link below.
- Major Project Application - Rachel Forster Hospital MP 07_0029
- The RWA's Major Project Application for the Former Rachel Forster Hospital in Redfern was approved by the Minister for Planning on 9 October 2007 following exhibition until 24 August 2007. The details of the Department of Planning listing is given below.