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Waterloo Public Housing Newsletters

With parts of the Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) acting in the place of Council and assessing the proposal a decision was made that Land and Housing Corporation, Department of Communities and Justice and DPIE would produce a joint Waterloo Newsletter. Here are copies of those newsletters.
File Waterloo Agencies Newsletter September 2021
This newsletter was produced for Waterloo public housing tenants by the Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC), Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) as a joint Waterloo Newsletter in September 2021.
File Waterloo Government Agencies Newsletter December 2021
This newsletter was produced for Waterloo public housing tenants by the Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC), Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) as a joint Waterloo Newsletter in December 2021.