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You are here: Home / UrbanGrowth, SMDA & RWA Plans & Activities / Government, UG, SMDA & RWA Statements / 2006 / RWA Built Environment Plan Fact Sheets

RWA Built Environment Plan Fact Sheets

The RWA issued 8 Fact Sheets in support of the release of the Redfern-Waterloo Built Environment Plan (Stage One) on 30 August 2006.
Fact Sheet 1 - Summary of Built Environment Plan (Stage One) 
This is the text of Fact Sheet 1 released on 30 August 2006 by the RWA.
Fact Sheet 2 - $300 Million in New Infrastructure 
This is the text of Fact Sheet 2 released on 30 August 2006 by the RWA.
Fact Sheet 3 - New $10M Community Health Centre 
This is the text of Fact Sheet 3 released on 30 August 2006 by the RWA.
Fact Sheet 4 - $16 Million Initiative on Aboriginal Affordable Housing 
This is the text of Fact Sheet 4 released on 30 August 2006 by the RWA.
Fact Sheet 5 - Heritage Restoration and Adaptive Reuse 
This is the text of Fact Sheet 5 released on 30 August 2006 by the RWA.
Fact Sheet 6 - Enhanced Open Space and Public Domain 
This is the text of Fact Sheet 6 released on 30 August 2006 by the RWA.
Fact Sheet 7 - $6 million Bridge between Australian Technology Park and North Eveleigh 
This is the text of Fact Sheet 7 released on 30 August 2006 by the RWA.
Fact Sheet 8 - Community Consultation on the Draft Built Environment Plan 
This is the text of Fact Sheet 8 released on 30 August 2006 by the RWA.
The Files can also be downloaded in PDF form from the RWA website at:

Fact Sheet 1 Summary of Built Environment Plan (Stage One) (pdf~28kb)
Fact Sheet 2 $300 million in new Infrastructure (pdf~17kb)
Fact Sheet 3
Community Health Centre (pdf~13kb)
Fact Sheet 4 $16 million initiative on Aboriginal Affordable Housing (pdf~17kb)
Fact Sheet 5 Heritage Restoration and Adaptive Reuse (pdf~15kb)
Fact Sheet 6 Enhanced Open Space and Public Domain (pdf~15kb)
Fact Sheet 7 $6 million Bridge between Australian Technology Park and North Eveleigh (pdf~13kb)
Fact Sheet 8 Community Consultation on the Draft Built Environment Plan (pdf~12kb)