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Fact Sheet 1 - Summary of Built Environment Plan (Stage One)

This is the text of Fact Sheet 1 released on 30 August 2006 by the RWA.

The Redfern-Waterloo Built Environment Plan (Stage One) is a component of the Redfern-Waterloo Plan, along with the Human Services Plan and the Employment and Enterprise Plan.

The Built Environment Plan (Stage One) encourages an employment and investment based revitalisation of the area by providing a planning framework for the following Redfern-Waterloo sites as identified in State Environmental Planning Policy (Major Projects) 2005:

  • Australian Technology Park
  • North Eveleigh
  • South Eveleigh Railyards
  • Eveleigh Street Precinct (including the Block)
  • Redfern Railway Station/ Gibbons Street/Regent Street Precinct
  • Former Rachel Forster Hospital
  • Former local Court House and Redfern Police Station
  • Former Redfern Public School

Most of these sites, which total around 35 hectares, are State Government owned and are located near the Redfern Railway Station and Redfern Town Centre.

The Built Environment Plan proposes a consistent set of controls relating to urban design, land use zoning and the carrying out of future development of Redfern-Waterloo sites. It also identifies strategies for associated transport and traffic management, heritage protection, open space and public domain improvements, infrastructure provision, pedestrian and cycle access and guidelines for the achievement of safe and sustainable communities.

The Plan will be complemented by more detailed guidelines contained within Development Control Plans and/or Concept Plans to be determined following consultation with the community.

It is estimated that the Plan will generate about 400,000 m2 of employment generating land which translates to around 18,000 jobs. About 2,000 new dwellings could also be developed.

A State Environmental Planning Policy will provide the statutory basis for the implementation of the environmental planning aspects of the Plan.

The key principle of the Plan involves the creation of a Town Centre with an economic and civic heart focussed around Redfern Railway Station and pedestrian and cycleway links to business hubs at the Australian Technology Park, North Eveleigh, Redfern and Regent Streets.

Copies of the Plan are available from the Redfern-Waterloo Authority website at www.redfernwaterloo.com.au  or by phoning 02 9202 9100.

Strategic Sites

North Eveleigh

A ‘Mixed Use’ zoning applies to this site to encourage business, cultural, residential and recreational activities and uses. A maximum floor space ratio of 2:1 is proposed for the eastern and western sections of the site and a maximum floor space ratio of 1:1 is proposed for the central section. In order to encourage job creation, the residential floor space ratio on the eastern section will be limited to a maximum of 1:1. The maximum residential floor space ratio for the central section will be limited to 0.5:1. Heights will vary from 4 storeys in the vicinity of heritage buildings and existing residential development, up to 10 storeys adjacent to the railway line. There is potential for the development of a landmark building up to 16 storeys to the west of the Railway Station.

Eveleigh Street Site (including the ‘Block’)

A ‘Mixed Use’ zoning will apply to encourage business, cultural, community, residential and recreational uses and activities. The maximum floor space ratio for the northern section of the site will be 3:1 reflecting the large industrial lots, existing character of the area and proximity to Cleveland Street. To encourage employment uses, the maximum residential floor space has been limited to 1:1. A maximum height limit of 5 storeys will apply.Height limits on land adjacent to the railway line will be increased to 5 storeys.

Employment uses and business activities will be encouraged on this site by increasing the maximum floor space ratio to 2:1 and limiting the maximum residential floor space ratio to 1:1.

Land currently zoned ‘Local Recreation - Open Space’ will be zoned ‘Mixed Uses’. The maximum floor space ratio will be increased to 2:1 with a maximum residential floor space ratio of 1:1. A maximum 5 storey height limit will apply to this land.

The maximum floor space ratio for land bounded by Eveleigh Street, Vine

Street, Louis Street and Lawson Street has been increased from 1:1 to 1.5:1 to encourage business, cultural, community and retail activity. The maximum height has increased from 6 metres (2 storeys) to 3 storeys. To encourage employment and business uses, the residential floor space ratio will be set at 0.75:1.

Australian Technology Park

This site will be zoned ‘Business Park’ and a maximum floor space ratio of 2:1 will apply. Residential development is not permitted at the ATP. Height limits have been proposed for each section of the site in accordance with urban design principles. The vision is for this site to be reinforced as a world class technology, communications and business centre.

Redfern Street/Gibbons Street/Regent Street

The Built Environment Plan proposes that this site evolves into a thriving Town Centre with a focus on employment generating activities including office, retail, entertainment, education and other business uses. A high level of activity and a vibrant public domain is envisaged. A maximum floor space ratio of 7:1 will apply to this site. The maximum height limit proposed is 18 storeys with podiums between 2 and 5 storeys along the street. Connections and linkages to and through the Town Centre will be strengthened. Good architecture, safety and security will be integral to the future development of this site.

Rachel Forster Hospital

This site will be zoned ‘Residential-Medium Density’. A maximum floor space ratio of 2:1 will apply to the site and a maximum height of 6 storeys. The items of local heritage on the site will be listed as Heritage Items in the State Environmental Planning Policy.

Redfern Public School

The vision for this site is for the development of a community, recreational and educational centre. The proposed zoning is Special Uses (Community). A maximum floor space ratio of 2:1 will apply to the site as will a maximum height limit of 4 storeys. The items of local heritage on the site will be listed as Heritage Items in the State Environmental Planning Policy.

Former Court House and Police Station

The Court House and Police Station will be zoned Business Zone – Local Centre and will have a maximum floor space ratio of 1.3:1. The maximum height is 6 storeys for the former Police Station. The Court House will be listed as a heritage item in the SEPP.

Other Strategies

Urban Design

Urban design analysis has provided the basis for height controls and shaped the desired future character of each site. The Plan proposes general urban design guidelines which are supplemented by design concepts for each site, outlined in Section 4 of the Plan.


The transport strategy outlines key initiatives including:

  • the redevelopment of Redfern Railway Station
  • improved connections to bus services
  • management of traffic from new development
  • improved traffic operations on Regent and Gibbons Street
  • improved connection between ATP and North Eveleigh
  • encouraging safe and easy cycling.

Open Space

See separate Fact Sheet on Open Space.


See separate Fact Sheet on Heritage issues.


Consultation with major service providers has indicated that capacity of essential services may be augmented to meet the increase in demand.

A Contributions Plan for the provision of public facilities and amenities is being developed for public exhibition.

The original fact sheet in PDF form can be downloaded Fact Sheet 1 (pdf~28kb).