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You are here: Home / Government Sites Plans & Activities / Built Environment Plan Phase 1 - The State Significant Sites / Former Rachel Forster Hospital / Rachel Forster – DA changes on exhibition until 6 March 2017

Rachel Forster – DA changes on exhibition until 6 March 2017

The Rachel Forster site developer, Kaymet Pty Ltd, is seeking to modify its concept plan and major project approval for the 134 – 144 Pitt Street, Redfern site. Below are the details of the major changes and links to where to make a submission before 6th March 2017.

According to the documents on exhibition Kaymet Pty Ltd is seeking approval for the following key changes:

  • increase the total maximum floor space ratio from 2:1 to 2.31:1;
  • increase the total maximum gross floor area from 13,846m2 to 15,972.4m2, which includes 4,790m² to be affordable rental housing;
  • increase the number of units from 158 to 218;
  • introduce non-residential uses to the Pitt Street frontage;
  • increase the height of Buildings B and C from 4 storeys to 6 storeys;
  • modify the building appearance and facade design; and
  • increase car parking from 138 to 171 spaces.

At community consultations last year community people were told the developer planned for the development to be managed as rental housing rather than units being sold.

The increase in units and floor space is being driven by a move to include affordable housing in the development which it is currently precluded from doing as the development is on land that contains a heritage item as identified by the Redfern Waterloo Authority and previously recognised by South Sydney Local Environment Plan. Currently in the words of the application, “the existence of an item of environmental heritage on site precludes application of the incentives otherwise afforded to private developers for the provision of infill affordable housing via application of the SEPP”. It is seeking to increase the size of the development through applying the Affordable Housing SEPP provisions even though it is a heritage site.

The affordable housing proposed for the site is not in perpetuity, it is proposed to be the same as the affordable Housing SEPP which provides a developer greater floor space if it provides affordable housing for 10 years managed by a registered affordable housing provider.

You can read the documents and make a submission on the Department of Planning website at either Modification to Adaptive reuse and residential development or Modification to 09_0068 Residential and Public Open Space Development before March 6 2017.

If you want to read about the historical significance of the Rachel Hospital site have a read of the proponent’s Heritage Impact Statement & Interpretation Strategy.pdf (5.775 MB).