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Developer looks for Changes on Rachel Forster Site

An increase of 9 residential units and 9 car spaces are included in the plans prepared by the new owner of the former Rachael Forster site reports REDWatch's Geoff Turnbull.

Kaymet P/L who purchased the Rachel Forster site have lodged a Preliminary Environment Assessment for their Project Application for the former Rachael Forster site. While the The Preliminary EA says Kaymet’s proposal is consistent with the Concept Plan approved by the Department of Planning Director in that it retains the approved ‘H’ configuration Keymet is proposing some changes to the approved concept.

The revised proposal includes:

  • FSR of 1.99:1 coming in with a gross floor area of 13,787.51 sqm which is just below the maximum permitted.
  • An increase of 9 residential units (from 150 to 159) and 9 extra car spaces (from 161 to 170)
  • 3m height increase on building 1 and slight reductions on other buildings
  • Alterations in Building 3 to improve solar access

The Preliminary EA has been produced to obtain the Director General’s Requirements for the Project Application. The Documents submitted to the Department of Planning and the DGR’s can be found at - Former Rachel Forster Hospital: MP 09_0068 Residential and Public Open Space Development. Please note that the Preliminary EA is not searchable – We have reproduced the Executive Summary below for easy access.

2. Executive Summary

2.1 Concept Plan Approval

SJB Planning submitted the Concept Plan Application on behalf of the Redfern Waterloo Authority on 28 June 2007.

The Department of Planning assessed the Major Project in October 2007.

The Department of Planning gave determination to the Concept Plan for the Major Project on October 2007.

ABC Planning is now seeking Director General Requirements on behalf of Kaymet P/L for the Project Application.

2.2 Consistency with Concept Approval 2.2.1 Building Layout

The Project Application seeks approval for the general siting of the buildings, as they were proposed in the approved Concept Plan. The Project Application proposes to retain the approved 'H' configuration of the existing former hospital buildings.

2.3 Variations from Concept Approval 2.3.1 Floor Space Ratio

The Project Application seeks approval for the a FSR control of 1.99:1. Based on the site area of 6,923 sqm, this equates to a gross floor area of 13,787.51 sqm. Similar to the approved Concept Plan, the project application is proposing the same design.

2.3.2 Building Height

The Project Application seeks approval for alternate building height to those approved under the Concept Plan. Building One maintains the existing approved height for the majority of the building with only the ends of the building rising three metres above to an RL 58.10. Buildings Two, Three and Four are proposed to be less than the approved existing height for the Concept Approval. The following heights will apply to each of the buildings excluding any plant equipment on the roof:




Building 1

RL 55.10

RL 58.10

Building 2

RL 45.05

RL 44.20

Building 3

RL 45.05

RL 44.95

Building 4

RL 45.05

RL 43.50

2.3.3 Building Three

Building three has been altered from the original Concept Plan to allow for the lower apartments on the corner of Pitt and Albert Street to receive adequate solar access and natural light into liveable rooms. There is no increase to the overall height of the buildings despite the apartments being elevated.

2.3.4 Car Parking

The Project Application seeks approval for a total of 170 car spaces. This is an increase of 9 spaces from the approved Concept Plan Application (161 spaces approved). The lower basement parking area will contain a total of 63 car spots. The upper basement parking area will contain a total of 107 car spots.

2.3.5 Development Yield

The Project Application seeks approval for a total of 159 residential units. This is an increase of 9 residential units from the approved Concept Plan Application (150 spaces approved). Building One, located on the southern boundary, will contain 67 residential units. Building Two, located on the eastern boundary, will contain 22 residential units. Building Three, located on the northern boundary, will contain 46 residential units. Building Four, located on the western boundary, will contain 24 residential units.

2.4 Streetscape

Urbis has been appointed to provide urban design advice for the site. They will assist Architecture and Building Works in providing a design suitable for the streetscape. Previous visual impact assessments have been prepared for the site. These will be revised and incorporated into the Project Application assessing the proposed development and providing recommendations regarding building siting, envelope controls and heights.

2.5 Amenity

As a result of the Project Application, there is considered to be no unreasonable overshadowing, privacy or view loss to any of the surrounding dwellings. Amenity of the proposed apartment dwellings has been improved considerably than the previous Concept Plan. In particular, building three (northern building along Albert Street frontage) has been altered to allow for the lower apartments on the corner of Pitt and Albert Street to receive adequate solar access into the rooms. There is no increase to the overall height of the building three despite the apartments being elevated.

2.6 Traffic and Parking

TTPA has been appointed to undertake a traffic and parking statement for the site. The revised design will be consistent with the approved traffic and parking plans.

2.7 Landscaping

Isthmus has been appointed to undertake landscaping works for the site. A revised design will be prepared in collaboration with the approved Concept Plan. This revised design will be very similar to the approved landscaping plans and will include a dedication to Council fronting Pitt Street. 

Source: Preliminary EA 134-144 Pitt St, Redfern.pdf (PDF 3.8 MB)