The National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE)

The National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (initially referred to as the National Indigenous Development Centre) operates from the Former Redfern Public School site which was purchased by the Federal Government's Indigenous Land Corporation. The facility is operated by the YMCA in partnership with the ILC.
Young People Urged to Raise their Voices
Nominations Now Open For Youth Advisory Committee. The National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) has launched a call for nominations for the NCIE Youth Advisory Committee (YAC). Seven positions are available to young people in Sydney aged between 12-18 who demonstrate passion and enthusiasm on youth issues affecting the local community reports this media release from Larissa Best at Hill & Knowlton for NCIE.
NCIE Board, Newsletter and Website
The National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) released its first newsletter on 18 May 2009 which revealed the details of the new website The newsletter "I on Excellence" did not provide any of the expected details on the name change / change project focus to one of "excellence" and what the implications of this are for the local users. The newsletter gives no information about the NCIE Board but we have now received a belated media release on the new board which show Sol Bellear as the only local appointment with no local women's appointee. The newsletter is quite large and can not be searched or copied from so we have not put it on the REDWatch website - when it goes on the NCIE site we will link to it. The Board details are below:
ROEBUCK Plains, a cattle station purchased amid controversy by the Indigenous Land Corporation before becoming a $30million jewel in the Kimberley pastoral industry, is to be handed back to Aboriginal traditional owners reports Stuart Rintoul in the Australian of 19 May 2009. [REDWatch Note – While this article does not directly relate to Redfern Waterloo our decision to post this article is because it raises concerns about how the ILC works and consults with another Aboriginal Community which has also been a concern raised in Redfern Waterloo.]
I ON EXCELLENCE – NCIE Newsletter 1 – May 2009
This is the text of the first National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) newsletter which was distributed in May 2009. The distributed PDF was not searchable or possible to copy from so we have made this text version from an OCR of the newsletter. It should be noted that the text of the pdf newsletter differs from the text in the news stories of the same name on the news section of
NCIE - Staff Structure - May 2009
This diagram shows the staff structure proposed for the NCIE in May 2009. The diagram is taken from the position Description for the Indigenous Employment & Training Coordinator and is included here to provide an indication of the organisational structure and the kinds of jobs provided by the centre. You can express interest in jobs at the NCIE at File is 282Kb PDF.
The NCIE Indigenous Employment & Training Coordinator Job Poster - Closes 27 May 2009
This Indigenous Employment & Training Coordinator is a key position within the NCIE. The person selected will be responsible for implementing the Indigenous Employment and Training Plan. For further details contact the NCIE. File is 713Kb PDF.
Linda Burney Announces the NCIE Indigenous Youth Advisory Committee
The Hon. Linda Burney, NSW Minister for Community Services and Minister for Women, officially announced the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence’s Youth Advisory Committee in Redfern on 29 September, 2009 reports this media release from the National Centre for Indigenous Excelloence.